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the concept of HELL in psytrance


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Posted : Mar 31, 2007 01:57
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keep music evil!!
Dennis the menace
DevilsDennis Sparris McHilton

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Posted : Mar 31, 2007 01:58

On 2007-03-28 16:32, coSmiIic r080t0n3 wrote:

On 2007-03-28 14:09, mouka wrote:
Yeah me too Peter and also woman showing off a nippels:

hey dat chick got some nice tities ... i would'nt mind all cd covers like dat i would spend more time at psyshop dan isra .... we want more tities

gimmi a break dude, nice titties?
IsraTrance Junior Member

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Posted : Mar 31, 2007 02:15

On 2007-03-31 01:19, Mike A wrote:

Even if we personally dislike this music, it doesn't mean it doesn't have a right to exist.

Boom amigo. Well said
Inactive User

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Posted : Mar 31, 2007 08:56
this has gone into yet another dark vs happy war .. lol
anyway , my view remains unchanged , the concept of `hell` in psytrance is a retarded one .. tho nothing wrong with very hard mind bending music , i quiet enjoy it too

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Posted : Mar 31, 2007 09:26
perception is a weird thing or i may call it phenomenon , what appears to be hell may be the artists representation of the visions he or she has seen or it represents the other side of the coin .......................... album cover art maynot directly relate to whats inside so why so much fuss about it ............... psychedelics is in each kind of art may it be dark or clear or obscured art ..............

some times we have too much time i guess and yeah thats good at least we speak our chest out

peace n light            To focus sometimes you need to spin hard on your soul's axis..... just don't ask how and what it means ;)
IsraTrance Full Member

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Posted : Mar 31, 2007 13:27
probably influenced from black metal           u can find "Anything U Want" using the search...
IsraTrance Full Member

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Posted : Mar 31, 2007 15:29
chill out people we dont worship no one we dont kill animals and we dont drink blood lol
we only like to have fun and trance deeply through time and space :-P with a joyfullspirit good crazy vibez and insane behaviour:)))
don't get the message wrong we don't support we stand against all the horrors in the world!!!the commercial scene doesnt though
the infinity project - noises from the darkness
peace and love
do u dig?
IsraTrance Full Member

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Posted : Apr 1, 2007 04:37

On 2007-03-31 01:58, Dennis the menace wrote:

On 2007-03-28 16:32, coSmiIic r080t0n3 wrote:

On 2007-03-28 14:09, mouka wrote:
Yeah me too Peter and also woman showing off a nippels:

hey dat chick got some nice tities ... i would'nt mind all cd covers like dat i would spend more time at psyshop dan isra .... we want more tities

gimmi a break dude, nice titties?

Yup. I have to agree with him on that one.           "Subconscious unravels at the point of death, and all time it has known erupts into a moment. As death extinguishes us, so we become it."

[Esoteric: Subconscious Dissolution Into The Continuum]
Sound Surgeon
Crater / Mish-kah

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Posted : Apr 1, 2007 16:50
They may have death and satan names, but nothing so gothic and dark in the music itself, therefore its a gimmick without anything inside of it. Only tracknames and group names, nothing more.
IsraTrance Junior Member

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Posted : Apr 2, 2007 04:14
Even bubble gum pop trance culture is part of this world (just the other side of the same coin, right?) But does that mean we should put it unders the same category as psy trance?

The point is not whether the dark music has a right to exist or not, because anybody can listen to whichever music they want. The point is whether we should insist on putting it all under the same psychedelic trance category.

Because perhaps its better if things got divided once and for all, then the devil worshipping trancers can be away from the mushroom faery loving pixies. Yeah just like the house music scene is different from the trance scene. Or is there a reason why we need to insist on having everyone dancing in the same room when there are significant contradicting groups?

And personally I don't think death, skulls and blood are necessarely dark, that is just maybe a mainstream perception. However the dark metal scene seems to like some of those motifs precisely because they actually think they are dark.

And I agree that a bit of darkness here and there can somtimes bring an edge to psy music and art making it all seem more underground and far out, yeah just as long as underneath there is a positive vibration going on. I personally think psychedelic is about the truth, about connecting with the naked vibe beyond all the BS, about opening new doors to groovy dimensions that go beyond culture, about awakening deeper far out connections with others and with everything around us, about finding the real psychedelic grooves that vibrate with out most deeper and free feelings, about celebrating through art and music that connects with our true selfs.

And frankly the death metal scene does not seems to be very concerned about all that.
IsraTrance Junior Member

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Posted : Apr 2, 2007 04:49
^^And I forgot to add, even though the death metal scene may not be psychedelic it doesn't mean you can't use the concept of darkness to make something psychedelic that challanges mainstream ideas and destroyes taboos and superficial perceptions of what the truth is supposed to be. Just as long as you are reaching your far out sincere truth and throwing the deep good vibes in then even if you have a devil in your cover it will connect with the psy vibe and feel alright.

You don't have to flash the word love to give love. What is more important is the face you have underneath.
IsraTrance Junior Member

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Posted : Apr 2, 2007 06:14

On 2007-04-02 04:14, Aluxe wrote:
Even bubble gum pop trance culture is part of this world (just the other side of the same coin, right?) But does that mean we should put it unders the same category as psy trance?

The point is not whether the dark music has a right to exist or not, because anybody can listen to whichever music they want. The point is whether we should insist on putting it all under the same psychedelic trance category.

Because perhaps its better if things got divided once and for all, then the devil worshipping trancers can be away from the mushroom faery loving pixies. Yeah just like the house music scene is different from the trance scene. Or is there a reason why we need to insist on having everyone dancing in the same room when there are significant contradicting groups?

And personally I don't think death, skulls and blood are necessarely dark, that is just maybe a mainstream perception. However the dark metal scene seems to like some of those motifs precisely because they actually think they are dark.

And I agree that a bit of darkness here and there can somtimes bring an edge to psy music and art making it all seem more underground and far out, yeah just as long as underneath there is a positive vibration going on. I personally think psychedelic is about the truth, about connecting with the naked vibe beyond all the BS, about opening new doors to groovy dimensions that go beyond culture, about awakening deeper far out connections with others and with everything around us, about finding the real psychedelic grooves that vibrate with out most deeper and free feelings, about celebrating through art and music that connects with our true selfs.

And frankly the death metal scene does not seems to be very concerned about all that.

Period. End of discussion
coSmiIic r080t0n3
IsraTrance Full Member

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Posted : Apr 2, 2007 09:38

On 2007-03-31 01:58, Dennis the menace wrote:

On 2007-03-28 16:32, coSmiIic r080t0n3 wrote:

On 2007-03-28 14:09, mouka wrote:
Yeah me too Peter and also woman showing off a nippels:

hey dat chick got some nice tities ... i would'nt mind all cd covers like dat i would spend more time at psyshop dan isra .... we want more tities

gimmi a break dude, nice titties?

u say u seen better on cd covers ... hey hey plz share ....           - - - - - - - -
It's time to move on to the next step in the psychedelic revolution. We've reached a certain point, but we're not moving any more.
Ken Kesey

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Posted : Apr 2, 2007 19:31

On 2007-03-30 05:05, full_on wrote:
Aha! Funnily enough Exposure Productions' releases (Wizzy Noise albums, which are good IMO) present both woman and a terrorist on the cover... I always wanted to ask DETOX why he did that (if you follow his posts I think you’ll find this a little paradoxal), but I guess he’ll say it was the artist’s choice.

Dear FULL ON like i have mentioned in the past both Wizzy Noise covers were the personal selection of the artists and while i liked the first cover with the saboteur/terrorist on it (which suited the name of the album) i very much disliked the second cover with the woman on it and while i expressed my negative opinion to both Wizzy Noise and my partner Ethan at Harmonia Records (with whom i released together the Wizzy Noise albums) they all liked the idea of that cover so i had to accept their opinion since i didnt want to create a problem out of nothing.Afterwards i was proven right for not liking this cover since the majority of people also didnt like it but ok nothing could be done then except learn things from our mistakes.

In any case though the covers on my label are different on every release and are not stuck on any concept or marketing trick like most dark psy labels are today using CONSTANTLY zombies and the devil and satan symbols and dead people and other gothic elements on their covers.I might in the future use something gothic or dark also in one of my cd releases but nothing extreme and nothing that its going to get repeated all the time mainly used as a marketing trick.

Hope you get my point concerning the covers issue.


On 2007-03-30 05:05, full_on wrote:
I respect DETOX very much because he has the guts to speak his opinions even if they go against everyone or can make he look bad in the eyes of people who just read an isolated post (which happens every other day).
However, even when I agree that quality-wise most darkpsy (or psy above 150 bpm) has an "under average quality" (not to say it is really CRAP), IMO DETOX's crusade against the DARK/EVIL/CRAP psy will not change anything, because it’s a fight against a two powerful opponents: the market tendencies and the will of the new artists to release their music as fast as possible (even if through Spliff Music ). Of course many people can learn from his words, including him.

Ofcourse nothing will change just by my words and i am well aware of that i am just stating my humble opinion here and there is no effort to create a crusade against the so called Dark Psy or any other kind of music.I am just complaining about some things the way i see them and i understand them just like everyone else more or less is doing in this forum concerning various issues.I am no trance saviour,just another listener with his own opinion.


On 2007-03-30 05:05, full_on wrote:
What I don’t understand is why some people (specially artists) feel attacked by this kind of opinion (which is as personal and disposable as any other), and reply like if he was the antichrist that’s missing on the cover of their albums, when the best answer would be (quoting him) a 155+ bpm track (or album) packed “with melodies inside, deep atmospheres and some fx in the background with a dance oriented feeling and stuff like that”, and of course in top notch quality.

Like my mother uses to say quiet often THE TRUTH HURTS


On 2007-03-30 23:27, zmandan wrote:
I believe people like DETOX should shut their mouths and continue running their labels etc. No offense to you dude but sadly you come across as a cranky whiny b*itch. Please continue doing what you love - running your label ; instead of constantly putting down other sub genres........Please keep your opinion to yourself from now onwards mr. detox, nobody wants to hear this cranky cranky. Peace amigo, have a good day.

Dear ZMANDAN i thought that forums like this one existed so that people could express their opinion freely in as a polite way as possible.
If artists just focused on making music,label managers focused just on running their labels and dj's focused just on updating their collections then i guess this would be a very very boring place to be dont you think?
After all i am expressing my opinion here not as a label manager but just as a listener,i never ever mentioned my label or label status anywhere some other people did.
So everyone is free to express his opinion freely and politely and keep also in mind that you might dont want to hear this cranky cranky as you named it but some people aggree with me in public and in private and ofcourse some others disaggree with me,nothing wrong in a debate in my humble opinion.           Toodaloo Motherfuckers!!!!!
IsraTrance Junior Member

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Posted : Apr 2, 2007 19:54
Okay peace mate
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