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1st Vuuv 1991

IsraTrance Junior Member

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Posted : May 31, 2011 15:09

On 2011-05-30 23:48, Upavas wrote:
I know, I keep getting older and older...

we all do. i rather meant that you are worth admiration.

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Posted : May 31, 2011 19:49
Thanx guys I must admit I did the track in like 2 hours so I guess I could work more on the details. But then again it might turn into something more complex and different? I don't know


On 2011-05-31 03:53, Upavas wrote:
How did you get the baseline that oldschool Filteria?

I used a synth from the 70's (the Arp 2600 with plenty of Springreverb on it). Everything in this track is just midi (old analogue synths) plugged into a mixer and recorded with livetweaking straight to 2-track (no compressors, just the mixer eq). This makes the music "breath" more, even if there are quite a few layers.

But instead of turning this into a another hardware vs. software thread I can give some advice that I think might help to achieve sound like this with software.

Basslines in the older days are "less defined" so feel free to add delays and reverbs to get a more "smered" bassline. Also less defined in the mids than todays full on/dark basslines. So turn abit down on the mids or atleast turn down the cutoff abit. Just easy compression on the bassline. And most important: In the older music (atleast in my ears) the bassline is a teamplayer in the track and shouldn't be extreamly dominant (like in full on or Dark). The same goes for the kick..

Hope this helpes somehow

Take care / Jannis
Beat Agency
IsraTrance Full Member

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Posted : May 31, 2011 19:59
To make things really sound like old-school (as the tunes sound on this video) you need to work with the 909 drum kit. I'll make a tune inspired by the old days and let's compare

Who will make the tune getting closest to the old sound from the video? Any one up for a small friendly competition? 
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Posted : May 31, 2011 19:59

On 2011-05-30 19:10, Filteria wrote:
Fantastic music!!!! And fantastic vibes After watching it, I jumped directly in the studio and started with some early 90s stuff..

Here is a track that I made yesterday with heavy inspiration from the music from that clip:

Hope it sounds nice and old

Take care / Jannis

That's super nice of you Jannis to make that. Dare I ask if we can have a dl link for it too? Certainly brings back happy memories of a time gone by.

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Posted : May 31, 2011 20:01

On 2011-05-31 19:59, Beat Agency wrote:
To make things really sound like old-school (as the tunes sound on this video) you need to work with the 909 drum kit. I'll make a tune inspired by the old days and let's compare

Who will make the tune getting closest to the old sound from the video? Any one up for a small friendly competition?

Do you ever give up

Go for it - I'd love to hear it
Beat Agency
IsraTrance Full Member

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Posted : May 31, 2011 20:03

On 2011-05-31 20:01, Benji27 wrote:

On 2011-05-31 19:59, Beat Agency wrote:
To make things really sound like old-school (as the tunes sound on this video) you need to work with the 909 drum kit. I'll make a tune inspired by the old days and let's compare

Who will make the tune getting closest to the old sound from the video? Any one up for a small friendly competition?

Do you ever give up

Go for it - I'd love to hear it

Give up what?

I just thought it could be fun to see who of all the artists lurking around this forum would come closest. Nothing wrong in a small friendly fun competition.

Heck I am not saying I would "win" this little fun game as it's actually quite difficult to reproduce a true old-school sound.

But fact is 9/10 tune at that time used the 909 kit which was a huge part defining the sound at that time

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Posted : May 31, 2011 20:10
of course

I didn't mean 'do you ever give up' in a derogatory sense, more of an 'awe' sense that you still have it in you - old man you

Come on then, show us what you got. May as well drag Colin into this too. Lets see what all you old boys have left in you


btw, my money's on Colin, but I'm biased as he fancies my father-in-law apparently
IsraTrance Full Member

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Posted : May 31, 2011 20:22

On 2011-05-31 19:59, Beat Agency wrote:
To make things really sound like old-school (as the tunes sound on this video) you need to work with the 909 drum kit. I'll make a tune inspired by the old days and let's compare

Who will make the tune getting closest to the old sound from the video? Any one up for a small friendly competition?

exaclty what i was thinking, the drums often sound like TR patterns , in lot of tunes its a big part of the sound.

i m gonna give it a try too ! should be fun but not easy.. just lisent to the intro of the ldc track i posted the page before ,just the bass the pads and the hats it sound 90..
IsraTrance Full Member

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Posted : May 31, 2011 20:27

On 2011-05-31 19:59, Benji27 wrote:

That's super nice of you Jannis to make that. Dare I ask if we can have a dl link for it too? Certainly brings back happy memories of a time gone by.


+1 a download link would be cool

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Posted : Jun 1, 2011 02:09
Working on an old school track, thank you Filteria for the bass and kick tips.

I bet it does nit happen too often that someone would ask for an oldschool bassline help... Hehehe.

I reckon a contest would be interesting. Prerequisite : no kids under 40.

Ok, no one under 30??? might not be too many people if 40.

          Upavas - Here And Now (Sangoma Rec.) new EP out Oct.29th, get it here:
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Posted : Jun 1, 2011 03:33
It's funny how this thread popped up just as an old crew here in Melbourne are putting on a gig next week playin only old school sounds.

I was lucky enough to make friends when I lived interstate here with a dude who had the 809, 909 & 2 x 303s (one has the devilfish enhancements). He'd run alot of it thru guitar fx pedals, got some amazing sounds!

I'd go over and for hours we'd just have so much fun tweaking everything, but it made me realize how much work must've gone into the very early techno, house, acid n' trance tunes.

He did a gig at a small outdoor gathering at sunrise, just all his gear running through a mixing deck, no computer except a laptop recording the sounds.

Was awesome, I tripped so mug being just straight!!
          I hate you, you hate me, we are all so hap hap happy!
IsraTrance Junior Member

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Posted : Jun 1, 2011 11:03

On 2011-05-31 19:59, Beat Agency wrote:
To make things really sound like old-school (as the tunes sound on this video) you need to work with the 909 drum kit. I'll make a tune inspired by the old days and let's compare

Who will make the tune getting closest to the old sound from the video? Any one up for a small friendly competition?

i wanna listen that tune!the Idea sounds Healthy!           DJ of Sourcecode
A&R from Horns and Hoofs Entertainment
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Posted : Jun 1, 2011 11:18
Very healthy indeed

How about Jannis, Kris or Colin or anyone for that matter lay out a basic track for everyone else to remix to their hearts content.

Start spreading the love and get this very tiny community working together as it should and have some fun along the way. Life's too short for petty squabbles. Getting pro-active is the solution.

Superb initiative

IsraTrance Full Member

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Posted : Jun 1, 2011 12:21
listened the ldc track on my monitors to start a tune... it s very hard to catch that sound wihtout using the tools of that era..funny how it s mixed very differently , all sounds are very band limited to create a lot of separation and it s not as bright as today...when i think it s made in 91 with probably very limited setup i think this/these guys were brillant producers...also the synths sounded better than in 95% of today psytrance or i should say more to my taste.
IsraTrance Full Member

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Posted : Jun 1, 2011 17:49
love the track janis actually loved your lower/mid tempo track on sundrops as well... cant wait to see you again in ozora

this contest thing sounds like its on... i'd love to hear more of these sounds!
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