what have hindu gods have 2 do with psytrance?
IsraTrance Junior Member
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Posted : Aug 12, 2005 04:53
next party i'm on, i'll be with a shirt that will have printed a ganesh wearing an iron maiden shirt |
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Posted : Aug 12, 2005 13:59
I just take what I need for my own ends... which is very practial but perhaps exactly for that reason maybe I do mock it for my own self gain.
| Very interesting. I was more on the lines of commericialisation for self gain such as money etc. I wasn't really looking at it this way - but that sure is an eye opener. Well, all i can say is not everyone follows religion selflessly and I dont blame anyone for that. I guess we are in that time of age where being selfless is just plain dangerous, but I guess its no harm, as long as it makes you a better person. I think thats what most religions really are about.
Not exactly that Hindusim doesnt have Gods in human form... but your on the right track I think. I think that there is this incredible sucking vacuum in Euro-American culture that was created when the pagan relgions were destroyed and Christianity took over. You see Christianity does not do a lot to address the primordial forces of the universe. It is more about moral/ethical teachings, salvation etc. It is not about the mechanics of the universe.
Hindu, Bhuddist, Central/South American traditions offer some really fascinating perspectives about humanities relationship to the cosmos, as do the now defunct religious orders of Ancient Greece, British Isles, Germany and elsewhere in Europe. Just read the Greek myths and see how the tales of the Gods are like metaphors for the personalities of the forces of nature (e.g Persophne in her light aspect of spring and summer and her dark aspect as the Bride of Hades in fall and winter). That kind of thing reminds me of, say, Kali in her creative and destructive aspects.
So my point with all this is there something that Europeans once had but have lost, and many of us want it back. Its like there is a hole in our souls that we can only fill by learning from other cultures that still keep that part of their sprit alive. Maybe someday Euro-America will come out with a cool new mystical tradition to make up for all the borrowing we're doing now in this weird little transition phase from the Christian era to whatever-the-fuck this thing thats been building since the industrial revoution is going to become.
Lets hope it turns out OK
| Yeah I do see where you're coming from. I guess alot of people who actually are aware where they come from would probably be interested in the 'super human gods' and try to find out their connection with them. Anyway - I guess we just have to live with whats going on and lead our own lives. Change is a non existent word these days.
IsraTrance Full Member
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Posted : Aug 12, 2005 20:52
On 2005-06-08 18:52, Psycosmo wrote:
Aren't we Euro-Amerikanz nice folks? We'll take your land, then we'll make u our slaves, then we'll take the enslaved you and force you to help us steal the resources from your land, and then, finally, when u got nothing else left, we'll take your spirituality just for kicks and put it on display at an all night drug party! Sweet, huh?
i see you've conveniently included amerkanz in this picture . americans had nothing to do with the colonisation of india .
  missing plug-in |
IsraTrance Junior Member
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Posted : Aug 12, 2005 22:20
On 2005-08-12 20:52, =((exotic>>>=== wrote:
On 2005-06-08 18:52, Psycosmo wrote:
Aren't we Euro-Amerikanz nice folks? We'll take your land, then we'll make u our slaves, then we'll take the enslaved you and force you to help us steal the resources from your land, and then, finally, when u got nothing else left, we'll take your spirituality just for kicks and put it on display at an all night drug party! Sweet, huh?
i see you've conveniently included amerkanz in this picture . americans had nothing to do with the colonisation of india .
Yes, I know Exotic, I passed 8th Grade, you dont have to remind me that it was England and Portugal colonizing India, not the USA.
My reference to Americans was broader, in that Americans do the same thing with Native American religions as we are talking about here with Indian religions.
IsraTrance Full Member
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Posted : Aug 13, 2005 11:01
| My reference to Americans was broader, in that Americans do the same thing with Native American religions as we are talking about here with Indian religions |
can you give me small example if you don't mind.. i don't have much of an idea regarding native americans and their religion .
  missing plug-in |
IsraTrance Full Member
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Posted : Aug 13, 2005 15:36
On 2005-08-11 16:38, other_reality wrote:
Gopendra, I see your point. But, some things are misunderstood. Patterns in tracks are not directly inspired by principles of the hindu trinity.
...maybe you misunderstud what I wrote so check here the post that @sorceress wrote on that topic about patterns and loops inspirired from hindu holy trinity and see what I mean...
After the End,a new Begining startS.. |
IsraTrance Junior Member
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Posted : Aug 15, 2005 04:04
On 2005-08-13 11:01, =((exotic>>>=== wrote:
| My reference to Americans was broader, in that Americans do the same thing with Native American religions as we are talking about here with Indian religions |
can you give me small example if you don't mind.. i don't have much of an idea regarding native americans and their religion .
Ayahuasca, Peyote, Psilocybin mushrooms.
I think sometimes psytrance art/artists seem to be taking their experiences with these substances and assuming too much about the cultures that use the drugs. What would people from these cultures say if they overheard me in a moment of hippy-im-a-white-indian new age thinking. Would they understand where we were coming from with it? be offended? Laugh?
Or consider the Maya Calender.
I think a lot of people dont consider the possibility that our interpretations of their beliefs are incorret and our attempts at incorporating more of these ideas into modern society are completly barking up the wrong tree with the popular psy-newage ideas about any surviving prophecies mean.
Or even the use of the words like "relgion" or "worship". Some embrace these terms and insist on the being used (ie recognizing native american beleifs as relgion and worship). Others resent their beliefs being called a "religion" and consider that word an imposition of European/Christian culture.
The word "shaman" offends some as well. For example there are those who believe that one should use that native word instead of this categorizing academic imposition of a word.
The points of view are diverse, you cant talk about it at all without offending people as it is a really, really sensitive subject, and I feel that people arent as aware bout that as they could or should be.
The Green Channel
IsraTrance Junior Member
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Posted : Aug 15, 2005 20:50
My soul was set free by Ayahuasca. One day i'll go to South-America and be the apprentice of a Shaman. Then i'll start a church here in Denmark, i feel as if i have already learned a lot from the Indians of the Amazone.
  "Love is a way of life"
(Gaia, Love, Nature, Shamanism (, Terence McKenna) |
IsraTrance Junior Member
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Posted : Aug 15, 2005 22:05
Yeah no doubt, its not people like you Im referring to.
It samples like in 1200 mics "Ayahuasca" that treat Ayahuasca and Salvia as if they are recreational drugs with a bit of abracadabra style mystery thrown in. Dont you feel like that kind of thing is an insult to whatever deep, transformative experiences you have had?
The Green Channel
IsraTrance Junior Member
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Posted : Aug 15, 2005 23:04
On 2005-08-15 22:05, Psycosmo wrote:
Yeah no doubt, its not people like you Im referring to.
It samples like in 1200 mics "Ayahuasca" that treat Ayahuasca and Salvia as if they are recreational drugs with a bit of abracadabra style mystery thrown in. Dont you feel like that kind of thing is an insult to whatever deep, transformative experiences you have had?
Actually yes, i hate 1200 mics music, but like anything in the world it's hard to judge other people. 1200 mics is like pop-music with psy-themes. However Psycosmo i think you go a little bit too far, our scene would be in exstacy, if people would stop using exstasy, speed, coke and all the other recreational drugs that our scene consumes. I think it's rather hard to treat Ayahuasca as a recreational drug it's simply to shamnic. , love my brother...
  "Love is a way of life"
(Gaia, Love, Nature, Shamanism (, Terence McKenna) |
IsraTrance Full Member
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Posted : Aug 16, 2005 00:54
I just remember and maybe a tad OT, but there is a tradition in Spain (Where I come from) that pointing an elephant statue to your door will protect you. I wonder where that came from. |
Energy Loop
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Posted : Aug 16, 2005 21:30
Yellow Warrior
IsraTrance Junior Member
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Posted : Aug 17, 2005 15:19
On 2005-08-16 00:54, offthenutboom wrote:
I just remember and maybe a tad OT, but there is a tradition in Spain (Where I come from) that pointing an elephant statue to your door will protect you. I wonder where that came from.
and in this part of the world, in India, we have a Lord Ganesha (the god with an elephant head) statue in front of our houses to protect us.
  Rather than feeling that you're about to have the rug pulled from under you, let me teach you how to dance on a flying carpet |
IsraTrance Junior Member
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Posted : Aug 17, 2005 20:51
On 2005-08-13 11:01, =((exotic>>>=== wrote:
| My reference to Americans was broader, in that Americans do the same thing with Native American religions as we are talking about here with Indian religions |
can you give me small example if you don't mind.. i don't have much of an idea regarding native americans and their religion .
Its not so much a religion but a way of life that was taken from them. And to explain how this happened... I would be here all day. The icons or spirit guides that are present in the culture are there to keep you on the path of the creator. If loving and caring for mother earth were a religion the Hopi would own that as their religion.
Another thing should be said, although we are connected in some way to these cultures in some cases like my own I can only identify with the Hopi from the outside as an American, and I carry a Hopi term or word as a stage name (Kiva). But I am in no way a true Hopi. I am an American with Hopi roots. My Great grandfather was a Hopi, so that makes my blood Hopi. And I think that others who like to associate with cultures that empower them or make them feel connected in some way is not a bad thing. As long as it is sacred to you and you respect it.
@ exotic, this book would make a great example for you: "Me and Mine" The Life Story of Helen Sekaquaptewa- she was there when the culture started to fade do to the intrusion of the government and the establishment of the Bureau of Indian Affairs.
Also, if anyone is interested in the Hopi creation story ( a beautiful and magical story) and or the Hopi prophecies, a good book to read written by Thomas E. Mails called the "Hopi Survival Kit" will explain everything about the Hopi way and other interesting facts of their culture.
Teqhua Ikachi! |
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Posted : Aug 19, 2005 13:52
for me..all this gods(that are many, many, many)are merely symbols that makes us remind where the trance scene began.
the mix of the culture has been in goa, because, every hippie thought, in the 60's, that goa was the greatest place to be( and it is endeed)this passion for goa started first by the paradisiac place, and then because of the religion, that(for me) is very turned to our selves..meditation, is always present..and the 3rd eye is achieved by meditating..i don't know the stories of the gods..i know all of them meditate..and reached a conclusion.that's what i do on a party.maybe people don't use the wordswith the right meaning, but isn't our 2work" to find meaning on our words?on our actions?
well, i love india..i love goa.the best place i've ever went..and the most beautiful thing i saw there was that everyone is smiling at us..everyone "see" us..for me it's all a matter of is the is what connect us to one another.seeing shiva, or ganesha it's a matter of believing in something higher..because..we achieve that state of conciouness by our selves..they(gods) don't..they are just the way to it, they are the inspiration for many trips..and psychedelic expiriences. of course materialism was away from the hippie scene (based on the hindu religion), but nowadays we have to pay good for a nice party... |