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dj skills and software ?

IsraTrance Junior Member

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Posted : Jun 12, 2007 00:41
what people thing about usng traktor take out the dj skills ? ........i now ableton is diferent but ... any can mix with traktor no?
IsraTrance Full Member

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Posted : Jun 12, 2007 01:25
There is so much more to DJing than merely getting the beats matched. Traktor can help with some of the technical stuff, but there is no replacement for skill and experience. Since the barrier to entering into DJing is much lower nowadays, quality has also suffered. Many laptop DJs using Traktor or other tools never develop the basic skills required to perceive and harmonize track structure; they merely rely on the software to take care of most things, and I speculate they remain completely unaware of their shortcomings in many instances. No piece of software is going to give someone an ear for pitch or a deeper understanding of a truly brilliant mix--that can only be had in time with a great deal of practise and plenty of experience playing out in a variety of contexts (indoor, outdoor, big rig, small system, etc). So, sure, perhaps anyone can mix with Traktor, but only those who work hard at it will be any good.
IsraTrance Full Member

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Posted : Jun 13, 2007 07:23

On 2007-06-12 00:41, sukia wrote:
what people thing about usng traktor take out the dj skills ? ........i now ableton is diferent but ... any can mix with traktor no?

Sure traktor makes life easier in places, but you still need skill to mix well. Like Basilisk said, beatmatching is only a small part of djing...

I think some people are just freaking out about new technology and perceiving it as a threat....... deep down they know it is the future

Its like saying I dont want powersteering, ABS and seatbelts in my car because it takes the "skill out of driving"........
Or never using a calculator because it takes "da skillz outta maths".

What skills exactly are we talking about anyway within psytrance djing? Its not like psytrance dj need elite turntabelist skills anyway---and common beatmatching is not that hard right

As long as Wav files are used (or at least 320kbs or flac) I couldnt care less.... its like years ago would say "olol you use cds, your not a proper dj......." And in 30 years someone will say "olol you use quantum-pc mixing technology ........your not a proper dj......"

Wait 5 years this will be standard

IsraTrance Junior Member

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Posted : Jun 13, 2007 09:03
yes inow technology is changing but i saw peole can not beatmach for years so they turn into traktor and they can do it ......i use cds i like ableton and think is diferent..than traktor ....
Inactive User

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Posted : Jun 13, 2007 10:03
ableton is meant more for live sets and music creation that for djing .

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Posted : Jun 13, 2007 10:41

On 2007-06-13 10:03, mk47 wrote:
ableton is meant more for live sets and music creation that for djing .

Regardless what it's meant for it's the best software for DJ'ing IMO.           (``·.¸(``·.¸(``·.¸¸.·`´)¸.·`´)¸.·`´)
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IsraTrance Full Member

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Posted : Jun 13, 2007 11:40
A professional dj needs to be versatile and should be able to mix with whatever the organizer provides. If they only know how to control Traktor and have no clue about using cdjs they will not last long Moreover they will be given a hard time by their peers for taking the easy way...

An experienced dj may find they can be more creative with traktor because they have more time to focus on the details of the mix. No need to look through cd cases, find cue points etc, more time to be creative.

On the other hand traktor is also great for hobby djs who want to play around, make mixes for friends or play small private parties without the need to invest into too much equipment. I think this is positive.
However if one wants to improve beyond this they should be aware that it takes alot of practice and time to know the music well and develop a feeling for it, and that if they ever want to play in front of more people (big speakers) their huge mp3 collection will not cut it Traktor does not remove the need to buy music...

Imo the most important dj skill is senistivity towards music, rhythm and atmosphere. This goes hand in hand with the need for EXCElLENT knowledge of the own music collection, and this also does not come over night. If someone has this skill, has developed confidence in their own style and uses ONLY music in very high quality format they should not have any bad feelings about using traktor if it makes them and their audience happy....afterall the result counts!


Started Topics :  418
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Posted : Jun 13, 2007 17:01
A good mix is a good mix - regardless of the equipment used! To me, all that counts is the music coming out of the speakers...

I'm pretty sure we'll have to move towards purely digital DJ-sets at some point, and I have to say that the thought of carrying my entire collection on a laptop or some compact digital medium, arriving at the party, plugging in my equipment and start playing out of the box with no hassle is pretty intriguing. Heck, at some point we'll probably be able to plug on to an online service directly at the location, and stream/play the set directly from some bad-ass server - no need to bring vinyl's, cd's or any equipment from home

I have high expectations for the future.          DJ pr0fane (Iboga Records) | Multiphase | |
Dennis the menace
DevilsDennis Sparris McHilton

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Posted : Jun 13, 2007 17:55
and where did all the fun go? goin thru cases, finding cuepoints, beatmatching etc etc.... Its a big part of the dj thing that will go wasted.

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Posted : Jun 13, 2007 18:48

On 2007-06-13 17:55, Dennis the menace wrote:
and where did all the fun go? goin thru cases, finding cuepoints, beatmatching etc etc.... Its a big part of the dj thing that will go wasted.

How is finding cuepoints fun?

I agree about the charm of beatmatching on a pair of dodgy old CDJ's, and the charm of browsing through 300 CD's to find the next couple of tracks - but I'm pretty sure the future contains new, interesting and creative aspects of DJ'ing, that'll make it fun in the future as well.
          DJ pr0fane (Iboga Records) | Multiphase | |
DJ Buju
IsraTrance Full Member

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Posted : Jun 13, 2007 18:52
Anyone remember the word VINYL ?
Guess not...

Whatever the digital world is bringing upon us people still spin on good old 1200's and a box full of records.

Obviously in the psy scene it's different but still good to see some of the labels releasing some vinyl here and there..

IsraTrance Junior Member

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Posted : Jun 14, 2007 00:18

On 2007-06-13 17:55, Dennis the menace wrote:
and where did all the fun go? goin thru cases, finding cuepoints, beatmatching etc etc.... Its a big part of the dj thing that will go wasted.

yes thats my point .....mixing in cds but vinyl y start with and is the best fealing ....
not pusing a mouse on the sync botton thats sucks ....
Allegoric - Psynce
IsraTrance Full Member

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Posted : Jun 14, 2007 02:56

On 2007-06-13 10:41, Spindrift wrote:

On 2007-06-13 10:03, mk47 wrote:
ableton is meant more for live sets and music creation that for djing .

Regardless what it's meant for it's the best software for DJ'ing IMO.

it's true that live was was a djing software when it just came out but it's no longer another djing softie....
have a look on the following links which says that Ableton live is Best DAW {Digital audio workstation like protools,nuendo,cubase etc}

           Truth will always guard our souls......
Inactive User

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Posted : Jun 14, 2007 10:12
i think spindrift would know a little about ..

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Posted : Jun 14, 2007 10:25

On 2007-06-13 17:55, Dennis the menace wrote:
and where did all the fun go? goin thru cases, finding cuepoints, beatmatching etc etc.... Its a big part of the dj thing that will go wasted.

LOL...good one


On 2007-06-14 02:56, Allegoric - Psynce
it's true that live was was a djing software when it just came out but it's no longer another djing softie....
have a look on the following links which says that Ableton live is Best DAW {Digital audio workstation like protools,nuendo,cubase etc}

Damned, I'm wrong says it's a DAW so it must be impossible to DJ with

As far as I know Live was never made for DJ'ing but for performing electronic music live, hence the name.
But people who was capable of thinking by them self and not only looking what it says you should use it for on the box figured out it is an excellent DJ tool.

Today it's getting more and more popular as a DAW as well as a DJ'ing software.
Sasha and Carl Cox is a couple of examples of DJ's who uses the current version for DJ'ing.
For some info on how to use it as a DJ software:
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