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Son Kite on playing live in trance

Dj R2
IsraTrance Junior Member
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Posted : Apr 26, 2010 08:45
Well all I can say is that...

Artist are also bit responsible of the gear they use...
In the sense that dealing with crazy people, organizer,, etc etc etc... in the middle of a party can be very difficult...

I have always dealt with that too,, ussualy we dont even have a nice table to put our stuff..

So my point is that artists , we should have like a travel gear,,,

In these days with a Access Snow and a good controller you can have a good set of equipment, instead of dealing with big keyboards and all that...

I've been trow that, and its very stressful to prepare for the gig, so many cables , so many stuff... its very hard and hopefully you have take something already for your mind xD

Dont get me wrong, I totally agree that organizers have at least to give a good table ,,, or if you talked with them and they told you that they had everything ,,, well that really sucks!!!!!!

But my point here is : small gear while traveling.

rest assured that you will avoid loooots of issues and lots of stress

IsraTrance Team

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Posted : Apr 26, 2010 09:24

On 2010-04-24 21:03, Beat Agency wrote:

I do not agree at all. It all start with the organizer and the artists. They are the ones who have to bring the real thing to people. It's not peoples responsibility to tell them what to do!

I agree.

One of the reasons I thought this was worth reading again, is so people can see the amount of dedication and seriousness in which an act like Son Kite/Minilogue treat their music making and performing. There is no surprise they are where they are.

I'm afraid they are a real minority.           ---------------------------------------------
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IsraTrance Full Member

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Posted : Apr 26, 2010 10:02

when is the new son kite album????

If it nevers get realesed i doubt i will have a chance to see them live           "The dedication to repetition — the search for nirvana in a single held tone or an endlessly cycling rhythm — is one of electronic music's noblest gestures."
IsraTrance Junior Member

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Posted : Apr 26, 2010 15:04

On 2010-04-26 10:02, Login wrote:

when is the new son kite album????

If it nevers get realesed i doubt i will have a chance to see them live

perhaps they released the son kite album on singles under the project minilogue since their new sound is almost similar with minilogue as Marcus said.. I saw them live at Ozora 2009 and in Greece about 2 months ago performing as Son Kite and presenting some unreleased material, some minilogue fresh tunes and some classics remixed in minilogue sound.. I must say that these 2 performances were a big trip to other worlds.. espesually at Ozora, no words to describe.. everyone was in state of hypnosis under the hot sun! magic moments!

IsraTrance Junior Member

Started Topics :  43
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Posted : Apr 26, 2010 18:48
espesually at Ozora, no words to describe.. everyone was in state of hypnosis under the hot sun! magic moments!

I couldn't agree more...that's exactly how it made me feel! and indeed it did sound a lot more like Minilogue           DJ Dovla | Interchill Records, Flow Records
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