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Psytrance and Drug Use.


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Posted : Jun 27, 2012 14:45

On 2012-06-27 12:21, Adigroovy wrote:


and for sure there is other side of the coin, there is a big difference on what they tell you in school or at the church or on fox news (morality, good and bad) then the conclusion one can make when discovers other side of the things or other point of view through some psycoactive substance....

What on earth do you think you have learnt that you could not have with out drugs?

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Posts :  27
Posted : Jun 27, 2012 14:47

On 2012-06-21 05:36, jmp wrote:
I have seen drug abuse in its fullest. A large majority of of people i was close with 4-5 yrs ago have had their lives dominated by addictions.
I have consumed most chemicals. I have never developed dependency to anything other than alcohol.
"Drug" is a blanket term that trys to show all illegal chemicals in a negative light. I have great faith in the powers of certain substances and believe they deserve a space in the psytrance culture. I have tried to express my opinion while still showing that i have encountered the EVIL "Drugs ". Personal Freedom. Make you're own choices, respectively!

When using the word EVIL, i meant it sarcastically.
IsraTrance Junior Member

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Posted : Jun 27, 2012 16:18
LSD, Mushrooms & DMT have changed the psychedelic music. This music exsists because of that...Well okay fullon would probably still be there since its non-psychedelic
IsraTrance Junior Member

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Posted : Jun 27, 2012 20:33

On 2012-06-27 14:45, treetrunks wrote:

On 2012-06-27 12:21, Adigroovy wrote:

What on earth do you think you have learnt that you could not have with out drugs?

well as said before it´s very personal, in my case some substances helped me in my life getting over traumas and look my self into the mirror and be in peace with yourslf if u know what i mean, i don´t say it is necesary just it can be positive as well negative... it all depends of the purpose, and mind of one..           to use your head you have to go out of your mind

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Posts :  32
Posted : Jun 27, 2012 21:15

On 2012-06-27 14:45, treetrunks wrote:

What on earth do you think you have learnt that you could not have with out drugs?

Have you ever done any drugs?

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Posts :  56
Posted : Jun 27, 2012 21:28

On 2012-06-27 20:33, Adigroovy wrote:

On 2012-06-27 14:45, treetrunks wrote:

On 2012-06-27 12:21, Adigroovy wrote:

What on earth do you think you have learnt that you could not have with out drugs?

well as said before it´s very personal, in my case some substances helped me in my life getting over traumas and look my self into the mirror and be in peace with yourslf if u know what i mean, i don´t say it is necesary just it can be positive as well negative... it all depends of the purpose, and mind of one..

I think the danger is when one becomes dependent or feels that turning to drugs will offer insight. There are, of course, other ways, drug free.

In modern society we tend to take the quick and easy path, regardless of future consequences.
IsraTrance Junior Member

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Posted : Jun 28, 2012 14:54
since thousends of years we are using the substabnces the nature offers us and for different reasons, just todays as they told you that some plants are evil while 150 years ago was sacred... so that moder society you are talking about ....
and btw there is always other way ....           to use your head you have to go out of your mind

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Posts :  56
Posted : Jun 28, 2012 18:45

On 2012-06-28 14:54, Adigroovy wrote:
since thousends of years we are using the substabnces the nature offers us and for different reasons

apparently, I doubt either of us was around then.
IsraTrance Junior Member

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Posts :  1647
Posted : Jun 29, 2012 10:18
wooow man, do I have to be there to know that ancient greeks existed, do we have to be there to know that dino's existed, do we have to be there to know that Alexander the great existed, do we have to be there to know that ayahuasca is been used 2000 years ago as nowdays also..... ok man I leave it here and wish you luck in your research ....           to use your head you have to go out of your mind

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Posts :  32
Posted : Jun 29, 2012 17:03
I think this is getting very silly with regards to the whole 'you weren't around then so you wouldn't know' argument. It's pretty much been proven that people have been taking 'drugs' for as long as there have been humans. Even bees and pigs are known to enjoy and seek out the effects of alcohol very much.

People take drugs because they shift your mind into places unattainable while sober. While there is a lot to be said for meditation and clarity of thought (That CAN'T be achieved on drugs), there is indeed an entire universe in your mind waiting to be explored WITH drugs; that's why people take them. If those mind states could be achieved without drugs, people would be saving their money.

Whether the experience is real or not, it's what you take away from the experience that matters the most. If you treat drugs like an excuse to get fucked up and escape reality - that is what they will offer you, if you use drugs as a tool of exploration and self-learning, low and behold; you will discover something about yourself.

Maybe it sounds like 'hippie nonsense' to some people, but when you actually take LSD or MDMA or DMT et al you will understand their sentiments a lot better. Drugs have changed my entire perspective for the better, boosted my ability for creative thought and generally have led to some amazingly fun times I will never, ever forget.

I can go on about this more if you want, but I don't want to get too tl;dr

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Posts :  56
Posted : Jun 29, 2012 19:46

On 2012-06-29 17:03, Psycatdelic wrote:
I think this is getting very silly with regards to the whole 'you weren't around then so you wouldn't know' argument. It's pretty much been proven that people have been taking 'drugs' for as long as there have been humans. Even bees and pigs are known to enjoy and seek out the effects of alcohol very much.

Man has been able to kill for many years, perhaps from the very beginning, and even with bare hands. I won't be doing this though.

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Posts :  56
Posted : Jun 29, 2012 19:48

On 2012-06-29 17:03, Psycatdelic wrote:

People take drugs because they shift your mind into places unattainable while sober. While there is a lot to be said for meditation and clarity of thought (That CAN'T be achieved on drugs), there is indeed an entire universe in your mind waiting to be explored WITH drugs; that's why people take them. If those mind states could be achieved without drugs, people would be saving their money.

Great, I will go and score some Heroin.

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Posts :  56
Posted : Jun 29, 2012 19:58

On 2012-06-29 17:03, Psycatdelic wrote:
Maybe it sounds like 'hippie nonsense' to some people, but when you actually take LSD or MDMA or DMT et al you will understand their sentiments a lot better. Drugs have changed my entire perspective for the better, boosted my ability for creative thought and generally have led to some amazingly fun times I will never, ever forget.

It's very interesting that you mention MDMA in this. This is perhaps the drug I have the most experience with. I have been able to achieve the same state of mind, naturally, enjoying all of the benefits, and none of the side effects. Obviously I can't agree with your blanket statement.
IsraTrance Junior Member

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Posts :  125
Posted : Jun 30, 2012 08:01

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Posted : Jul 1, 2012 01:08

On 2012-06-27 21:15, Psycatdelic wrote:

On 2012-06-27 14:45, treetrunks wrote:

What on earth do you think you have learnt that you could not have with out drugs?

Have you ever done any drugs?

DMT, Mescaline, LSD, Mushrooms, MDMA, Crack, Cocaine, Speed, marijuana, GHB, ephedrine, salvia divinorum and heroin.
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