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Neo Goa/Neo Psy

IsraTrance Full Member

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Posted : Jun 7, 2013 04:41:23
So how come none of this sonic movement ever gets discussed on here? There's plenty of great stuff being released, even some amazing unreleased or vinyl only stuff from the 90's getting remastered and reissued!

Enough of the complaining about dark, prog, hi bpms or Shpongle!

I gotta say that while some doesn't tickle me at all (I struggle with any Filteria other than his Daze Of Our Lives album) but stuff like E-Mantra, Artifact303, Afgin, Goasia, Mindsphere etc. is just really great music!

Then of course there is the Zion 604, Goa and DAT Records keeping the old vibe alive with amazing reissues of 90's released, rare, unreleased and vinyl only works.

I cannot express how in love I am musically with Zion 604!! Cheap prices, amazing music and quality remastering. Hearing Cosmosis - "Howling At The Moon" remastered this way just is mind zappingly psychedellicly amazing! I played my old Pulse 5 version the remastered on my new Dynaudio hifi speakers and the new remastered just blew my mind. I had to restrain myself from wanting to go drop a tab for the first time in 10 years lol.

Then of course there are smaller labels like Cronomi, Hado etc. and Altar Records put out amazing downtempo Goa & psybient.

When I sit in front of Ableton after pumping out Afgins album on Suntrip I'm so inspired to actually complete a track and come up with some nice melodies for sure.

Big thanks to all behind this Goa revival and neo Goa scene, it must be hard to survive but you do an amazing job and inspire for sure me to finally get in to making Goa/psy music after years of house/techno/drum n bass work.           Cuntus Maximus.
IsraTrance Full Member

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Posted : Jun 7, 2013 07:13
definetly! Love it. Just not many that do it this way.. The same feels about Filteria, have heard it but didn't liked it too much. My favourites are Afgin, Artha and Mindsphere. Goaasia has also some golden tunes.
Love it when the focus is not that much on 'hardness' but more on mystic and magic in music .. if it does sense or not.. for me it does. It's a joy for ears, mind and heart how far and expanding can be some melodies and whole melodic arrangments. Also some of that oriental flavours sounds so nicelcy enlightened.Pure enjoyment

IsraTrance Full Member

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Posted : Jun 7, 2013 08:30
Not much but yeah I reckon this means stronger quality control!

Some links:

          Cuntus Maximus.

Started Topics :  9
Posts :  81
Posted : Jun 7, 2013 09:45
great thread. man. i love this stuff. really wish there were more parties that had this kind of music. we had a goa party in los angeles a couple months back but it was directed to the old school goa.

this track brings chills down my spine.

IsraTrance Full Member

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Posted : Jun 7, 2013 10:52
i kinda left the neo goa sounds behind about 2 years ago as it felt to me that too many artists are aiming for the same sound, it all focused too much to my taste towards nitzhonot which is way over the top for me, but definitely love afgin, artha (to me he sounds like hallucinogen incarnate), goasia,e-mantra (listen to his downtempo stuff, really amazing) - havent heard anything new from that side in a while, would be happy for recommendations

i can tell you that the man behind zion604 (shidapu) almost single handedly revived the goa scene in israel, his sets always throwing me back to when i was a kid i can tell you from personal experience that the zio604 guys are doing it full heartedly and an amazing job at it as well goa is definitely alive and kicking... especially here
Nomad Moon
IsraTrance Full Member

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Posted : Jun 7, 2013 13:46
I'm very into that New Goa stuff, contrary to Goaren i can even take some nitzhonot, really dig Goasia and Antares, Artifakt303, some guys at Neogoa, Nova Fractal, Trinodia, Pharaom are good stuff also.
Its kind of return to the roots with the new productions aproach, and the dance floor goes really wild, something i havent seen in ages, more community dancing instead of inner travel           Tudo que é melhor e mais superior em mim saúda tudo que é melhor e mais alto em si
Martian Arts

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Posted : Jun 7, 2013 14:26
Can't stand Nitzho, not in the late 90s, not today. I do like touches of goa in tunes though. I also like the old proper goa tunes, although the "neo goa" style has left me cold...not enough acid and twist in it for my taste.
Nomad Moon
IsraTrance Full Member

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Posted : Jun 7, 2013 14:30
Funny happened to me at a friends partie, playing some Goa tunes, some people asked where was the bass line hehe.
its funny u say that Nectarios, the higher kites where in the clouds
The results where one monitor and a speaker burned lol
          Tudo que é melhor e mais superior em mim saúda tudo que é melhor e mais alto em si
IsraTrance Full Member

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Posted : Jun 7, 2013 15:05
lol a couple of weekends back a bloke at a big commercial trance club rang me at midnight to ask if I could fill in for the regular dj from 4-6am. He offered me $400 so I said sure. I grabbed what I thought was the USB of all my commercial trance instead finding out all I had were the 4 release from Zion 604.

I just did a set of their stuff, mostly like 18-22 year old crowd, and by god did the dance floor go crazy in such a good way! Never had so many people say how great my set was before, and asking where to get such amazing music. None of them had ever heard of Goa or Psy trance. Howling At The Moon also went down a treat. Was so much fun for $400 lo. Best night in a long time.

Only downer was I got home at 6am and neither wife nor baby were going to let me sleep lol.           Cuntus Maximus.
Colin OOOD
OOOD/Voice of Cod

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Posted : Jun 7, 2013 15:16
I really enjoy references to the Goa days in newer material, and there is much in the Neo-Goa scene I enjoy, but as has been mentioned, there is not always as much variety in music produced under this banner as there could be. IMO it has sometimes been the case that too many New-School producers seem to think that Astral Projection was the only act making music back then, and so copy that sound to the exclusion of all others, when in fact the church of Goa was incredibly broad. It's funny also to hear productions that sound like the last 20 years of technological progress never happened, as if Goa's forward-looking futuristic ethos didn't shape the sound of the time IN SPITE OF, not because of, the limited technology and experience of those making it back in the day.

But yeah. Artha.
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Nomad Moon
IsraTrance Full Member

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Posted : Jun 7, 2013 15:27

On 2013-06-07 15:05, OzMike wrote:
lol a couple of weekends back a bloke at a big commercial trance club rang me at midnight to ask if I could fill in for the regular dj from 4-6am. He offered me $400 so I said sure. I grabbed what I thought was the USB of all my commercial trance instead finding out all I had were the 4 release from Zion 604.

I just did a set of their stuff, mostly like 18-22 year old crowd, and by god did the dance floor go crazy in such a good way! Never had so many people say how great my set was before, and asking where to get such amazing music. None of them had ever heard of Goa or Psy trance. Howling At The Moon also went down a treat. Was so much fun for $400 lo. Best night in a long time.

Only downer was I got home at 6am and neither wife nor baby were going to let me sleep lol.

Except from the par of not sleeping that must have been fun!!!
And u just dont get this from standard psy:

Not saying i dont like the other genres, that i love also, but give me my hiperspaced peak experience palease

          Tudo que é melhor e mais superior em mim saúda tudo que é melhor e mais alto em si
dick hardman
IsraTrance Junior Member

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Posted : Jun 7, 2013 19:57
Great story OzMike. I'd love to see that Goa infection happening more often. People don't know what they're missing. And I completely know the feeling of coming home from a gig just when the wife and baby are rousing (in my case 3 kids). Forces that second wind.

There are Suomi artists like Mussa Kussa calling their tracks Goa when they put elements in the tracks and I'm loving that stuff.
IsraTrance Full Member

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Posted : Jun 7, 2013 20:29

On 2013-06-07 15:05, OzMike wrote:
lol a couple of weekends back a bloke at a big commercial trance club rang me at midnight to ask if I could fill in for the regular dj from 4-6am. He offered me $400 so I said sure. I grabbed what I thought was the USB of all my commercial trance instead finding out all I had were the 4 release from Zion 604.

I just did a set of their stuff, mostly like 18-22 year old crowd, and by god did the dance floor go crazy in such a good way! Never had so many people say how great my set was before, and asking where to get such amazing music. None of them had ever heard of Goa or Psy trance. Howling At The Moon also went down a treat. Was so much fun for $400 lo. Best night in a long time.

Only downer was I got home at 6am and neither wife nor baby were going to let me sleep lol.

$400 for a DJ slot...that's more than the budget for the last 2 indoor parties I threw LOL

must be nice to live in a place with a large/active dance community!
           If you want to make an apple pie from must first invent the universe
IsraTrance Full Member

Started Topics :  80
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Posted : Jun 7, 2013 20:57

great journey the mighty intro almost 2min ftw what an uplift..

Some of them neo goa sounds amateurish but personaly I don't care.. I always prefer good spirited music even if it lacks of ctystalclear production/mastering skills over greatly produced and polished but almost contentless music.

IsraTrance Full Member

Started Topics :  148
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Posted : Jun 8, 2013 00:17

On 2013-06-07 20:29, willsanquil wrote:

On 2013-06-07 15:05, OzMike wrote:
lol a couple of weekends back a bloke at a big commercial trance club rang me at midnight to ask if I could fill in for the regular dj from 4-6am. He offered me $400 so I said sure. I grabbed what I thought was the USB of all my commercial trance instead finding out all I had were the 4 release from Zion 604.

I just did a set of their stuff, mostly like 18-22 year old crowd, and by god did the dance floor go crazy in such a good way! Never had so many people say how great my set was before, and asking where to get such amazing music. None of them had ever heard of Goa or Psy trance. Howling At The Moon also went down a treat. Was so much fun for $400 lo. Best night in a long time.

Only downer was I got home at 6am and neither wife nor baby were going to let me sleep lol.

$400 for a DJ slot...that's more than the budget for the last 2 indoor parties I threw LOL

must be nice to live in a place with a large/active dance community!

A mate of mine from early school years runs it. It's commercial trance, they've had Tiesto & Armiin Van Burren guy play there so yeah they have a lot of cash behind them. I used to be a regular there in late 90's but I kinda moved out of playing commercial trance when it got all housey with bad vocals. But hey when he asks me to fill in and offers me enough for a few extra modules for my modular synth I can't say no lol.           Cuntus Maximus.
Trance Forum » » Forum  Trance - Neo Goa/Neo Psy

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