Neo Goa/Neo Psy
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Posted : Mar 15, 2018 18:45
On 2018-03-15 00:22, Jede wrote:
^heard it & DL it a few days ago actually. Its good and I like it! Self-released? Why not on a label, would you like to share some words? A big sharp acid drop yes to the new kid on the block btw, Morphic Resonance. WOW.
Hey Jede, Thank you for listening!
I have tried to get my music to labels in the past. Sent out demos and never even got a response. Not even a proper "you suck" just nothing.
I have given up on finding a label or an agency. I tried. I really did. The only label who was interested in my music and appreciated it is Ektoplazm. This album will drop there also soon.
My last Album was voted "album of the year" on Ektoplazm and has gotten good reviews even from the infamous Daemion at PsyReviews. Yet, no label wanted the music.
So this time I didn't even try, because this album is even less mainstream than the last one. Also a lot more musical, emotional and personal. And less mainstream, more music, more emotion and personality is pretty much the perfect recipe for failure in the psychedelic trance scene nowadays.
But it's the only thing that interests me doing.
Classical Mushroom would totally flop if it was released today. I believe.
So, I hope to get it to the few people who appreciate this kind of music on my own and via ektoplazm. Helping me to share is highly appreciated.
  Most of my music for you to download at: |
IsraTrance Full Member
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Posted : Mar 16, 2018 20:10
I see. Well keep it real and best of luck, your doing a very nice job. The "not bothering to reply your mail", is Really unimpressive. Usually a coward move.
  Tommy The Bat 4:06 "Please, tell them. That I am God."
".. -Hmmmh?" (ahhaha, good one) 42 ~ Love is the Answer |
IsraTrance Full Member
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Posted : Mar 17, 2018 19:41
Language barriers and way of expressing one self can create unfortunate misunderstandings, so I'll reply again to my above post to clear out any confusion.
What i wrote was that I really am not a fan of people that do not manage to send a mail-reply, no matter the answer ("your music is not for us"). I've been doing big and small events for 8 years, and have gotten loads of mails with varies offers and questions..
mails from artists/DJs offering to come and play, and psyfamily people offering to come and decorate, do yoga and whatnot. I have answered ALL the mails received throughout the years and never gotten in trouble from people not accepting a (polite) negative answer. So I feel with you on your complaint.
Only reason for not bothering to answer i guess are when folks/organizers/labels have too many bad experiences with people not handling a "No thank you" and becomes angry and offended by the rejection. But again, 8 years of answering mails, I've never encountered a angry person because of a negative reply. They have all become happy to receive an answer at all.. Which i think is important to notice. As you wrote, a "no thank you your music suck" can be less offending then no answer at all.
I think we many are very eager to see how Ektoplazm V.2 will revolutionize our scene again. The original Ektoplazm, was by far a Very positive influence on the psytrance scene. Loads of changa-vibes and feeling of true plur, and of course psychedelic respect, curiosity and understanding. A really nice light-point in the history of Psytrance imho.
Peace, Love, Understanding/Unity, and Respect,
  Tommy The Bat 4:06 "Please, tell them. That I am God."
".. -Hmmmh?" (ahhaha, good one) 42 ~ Love is the Answer |
IsraTrance Full Member
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Posted : Mar 17, 2018 21:56
It should go without saying, but to avoid misunderstandings, so this is not directed at anyone specific; One have to when sending out demos or whatever and not using the jungle telegraph or irl traveller network, have patience and of course take into consideration that the label (or whom for what reason your contacting) have missed your mail for whatever reason (send a friendly reminder, move on----), or that maybe the mail-address is not ,,operative" anymore... Perhaps they get Tons of mails and have missed the plot (don't care can't care?). Personally I've lately sent a demo-mail to fewer then a handful labels. Sharing is caring: TIP and Geomagnetic.TV where the only ones that did not answer (yet - no rush anyway:). From Cronomi rec. I got a good reply, and a very cool one from JOOF Mantra. Oh and Inpsyde did not reply yet either but i recon their out of service anyway.
Back to the topic with some psy/goatrance that's not Neo- but more oldiesoundi Goa love (the Neo- track comes last in this post);
Ingenuity Box
- koxboxy maybe?
Love & Magic
- x-dreamy trance some say ..
Space Out, and In
-I'd LOVE some feedback on this, and as a DJ and Music lover I would really appreciate 2know if it sounds like some other track. The more original it is, the better! But we're all "doomed" to be inspired especially if you've been listening to GoaPsy-trance since the mid 90-s. MATERIAL MUSIC IS AN ANALOG-equipment/synthesizers, intruments ARTIST and a LIVE PREFORMANCE FIRST AND FOREMOST. He's just never really tried to release his works before. Adjust your volume level and enjoy the ride >
The artist ahs about like you know so many channels, like 30-40? And its all old and dusty files made of studiotime sessions, so the Mastering process is a harrrd task.. About impossible?
On 2013-06-07 04:41:23, OzMike wrote:
So how come none of this sonic movement ever gets discussed on here? There's plenty of great stuff being released, even some amazing unreleased or vinyl only stuff from the 90's getting remastered and reissued!
Enough of the complaining about dark, prog, hi bpms or Shpongle!
I gotta say that while some doesn't tickle me at all (I struggle with any Filteria other than his Daze Of Our Lives album) but stuff like E-Mantra, Artifact303, Afgin, Goasia, Mindsphere etc. is just really great music!
Then of course there is the Zion 604, Goa and DAT Records keeping the old vibe alive with amazing reissues of 90's released, rare, unreleased and vinyl only works.
I cannot express how in love I am musically with Zion 604!! Cheap prices, amazing music and quality remastering. Hearing Cosmosis - "Howling At The Moon" remastered this way just is mind zappingly psychedellicly amazing! I played my old Pulse 5 version the remastered on my new Dynaudio hifi speakers and the new remastered just blew my mind. I had to restrain myself from wanting to go drop a tab for the first time in 10 years lol.
Then of course there are smaller labels like Cronomi, Hado etc. and Altar Records put out amazing downtempo Goa & psybient.
When I sit in front of Ableton after pumping out Afgins album on Suntrip I'm so inspired to actually complete a track and come up with some nice melodies for sure.
Big thanks to all behind this Goa revival and neo Goa scene, it must be hard to survive but you do an amazing job and inspire for sure me to finally get in to making Goa/psy music after years of house/techno/drum n bass work.
Yes the major return of Goa was a long missed one in the psytrance scene Many Labels did a fantastic job here, undoubtedly also the alterboy of Goatrance, Anoebis. And the impressiveness of Zion604 .. Then for sure DAT and many others stepped in or up. Psytrance is very much about fusion, and there is a lot of nice fusions around like SubconsciousMinds new album, which is very warm and good. And I appreciate the Kudos given to varies artists of love and inspiration. The sound kinda reminded me of Gubbology's latest album so check it out. Some artists just blows ones mind when its heard live. In my case latest, Blue Planet Corporation amazed me with their genuine psychedelic touch/understanding / taste. I know how good Gubbology is in live experience so with that I'd love to hear SCM one day as well - in the free nature!
(( All PSY is GOA, but fair enough, not all Psytrance is Goatrance ))
Even the Infected Mushroom/Shiva Shidapu fans got their long lusted Goa-return with the Psychedelic Hell album by MR. IM are also initially like all creators inspired by someones sound.. Classical Mushroom. Wow. I felt in later years that some of the genius of Erez was (or also duvdev?) that he loved Crop Circles, X-Dream, + many more Goatrance acts, and he says a lot Hallucinogen (how did he do that sound?!).. < That his mind filled in the music heard while he listened to and created music that was not there in the music he loved to listen (in the space of the music there is quantum/possibilities) .. Like the title says, Missed Symphony. I have no idea if the track Missed Symphony sounds like another Goa artist/track or not.
I think and guess it could very well have been something like that? Infected Mushroom have influences, and inspiration but also loads of originality. Filling gaps
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  Tommy The Bat 4:06 "Please, tell them. That I am God."
".. -Hmmmh?" (ahhaha, good one) 42 ~ Love is the Answer |
IsraTrance Full Member
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Posted : Apr 16, 2018 12:02
Anyway, they all answered, even TIP (a message from Raja himself). TIP is in a changeover period.
Much love to Geo- btw. WOW!!
  Tommy The Bat 4:06 "Please, tell them. That I am God."
".. -Hmmmh?" (ahhaha, good one) 42 ~ Love is the Answer |