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Neo Goa/Neo Psy

IsraTrance Full Member

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Posted : Jun 16, 2013 05:49

On 2013-06-15 19:35, Carbuncle wrote:
I would also add E-Mantra with his album Arcana too

I really enjoy Arcana as well, didn't find Pathfinder to be that great though. Actually just finished listening to Suntrip's entire catalog after 3 weeks yesterday. Must say there are some gem's but also lots of filler.

I'm a bit disappointed in a lot of ways that with so much affordable modular hardware now that there aren't too many heading down the more experimental line like what Xenomorph, Sandman, Tim Schuldt (and side projects) and Lotus Omega were doing.

Suntrip just releases pretty much the same sound every time although the latest Blacklight Moments compilation offers a bit of variety.

I guess that hopefully when my modular is finished and I get to know it I can put out some more experimental stuff and there might be a crowd for it.

BTW E-Manta's chillout stuff on Altar Records is IMO better than any of his Suntrip stuff.           Cuntus Maximus.
IsraTrance Full Member

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Posted : Jun 16, 2013 15:40
im with you mike... e-mantra's downtempo stuff is absolutely brilliant, while his "neo goa" stuff is exactly in the lines of that so so too melodic too soundalike stuff...
IsraTrance Full Member

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Posted : Jun 17, 2013 01:33
Psy-H Project is a great alternative to Suntrip sound.           Cuntus Maximus.
IsraTrance Full Member

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Posted : Jun 17, 2013 22:34
Huge collection of modern goa trance sounds and psychedelic ambient can be found here:

for free and legal download

IsraTrance Full Member

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Posted : Jun 26, 2013 06:34

IsraTrance Full Member

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Posted : Jul 8, 2013 16:16

IsraTrance Full Member

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Posted : Jul 9, 2013 13:55

On 2013-06-07 15:16, Colin OOOD wrote:
I really enjoy references to the Goa days in newer material, and there is much in the Neo-Goa scene I enjoy, but as has been mentioned, there is not always as much variety in music produced under this banner as there could be. IMO it has sometimes been the case that too many New-School producers seem to think that Astral Projection was the only act making music back then, and so copy that sound to the exclusion of all others, when in fact the church of Goa was incredibly broad. It's funny also to hear productions that sound like the last 20 years of technological progress never happened, as if Goa's forward-looking futuristic ethos didn't shape the sound of the time IN SPITE OF, not because of, the limited technology and experience of those making it back in the day.

But yeah. Artha.

agrree with you colin except to the production s too subjective.. it s like in rock ,reggea many enjoy more the sound production of the 70s/80s to newer stuff.. exactly the same with goa trance to me.

most newer goa i have heard let me cold too for same reason mentioned in the thread but first thing that really annoy me is the production that sound fake
IsraTrance Full Member

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Posted : Jul 9, 2013 15:02
          Cuntus Maximus.
IsraTrance Full Member

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Posted : Jul 11, 2013 14:21

Great track! Love the first melody that ends up in that acid line.Nice! 
Colin OOOD
OOOD/Voice of Cod

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Posted : Jul 11, 2013 19:25

On 2013-07-09 13:55, PoM wrote:

On 2013-06-07 15:16, Colin OOOD wrote:
I really enjoy references to the Goa days in newer material, and there is much in the Neo-Goa scene I enjoy, but as has been mentioned, there is not always as much variety in music produced under this banner as there could be. IMO it has sometimes been the case that too many New-School producers seem to think that Astral Projection was the only act making music back then, and so copy that sound to the exclusion of all others, when in fact the church of Goa was incredibly broad. It's funny also to hear productions that sound like the last 20 years of technological progress never happened, as if Goa's forward-looking futuristic ethos didn't shape the sound of the time IN SPITE OF, not because of, the limited technology and experience of those making it back in the day.

But yeah. Artha.

agrree with you colin except to the production s too subjective.. it s like in rock ,reggea many enjoy more the sound production of the 70s/80s to newer stuff.. exactly the same with goa trance to me.

most newer goa i have heard let me cold too for same reason mentioned in the thread but first thing that really annoy me is the production that sound fake

If it's 'too subjective' for you then maybe we should look at the production styles of producers currently active in the scene who have been making goa/psy since the old days, such as Dick Trevor, Cosmosis, Laughing Buddha, Tristan, and other obvious artists . If the people who invented it thought there was still value in the old sound, there would be more tracks being made today by at least some of these artists that has the sound of oldschool trance. There isn't, not in a single case. By all means find value where you will - even in noisy, farting, questionable productions by relatively inexperienced mid/early-'90s musicians attempting to make futuristic dance music - but remember that value is invented by you, not by those who created the music.           Mastering - ::
OOOD 5th album 'You Think You Are' - :: ::
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IsraTrance Full Member

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Posted : Jul 11, 2013 19:36
I do wonder why some artists have changed their productions so much over the years..

for instance when I was talking to Dick Trevor after a party a couple years ago he said that all his analog was in boxes and hadn't been touched for years..he prefers now to use all digital tools...and why?

'because its easier'

'don't have to worry about the damn things going out of tune'

'but they do have *that* sound, yeah....'

It was a mixture of 'oh shit, this guys actually talking to me about synths?!?!' and 'oh...this guy had all the fun shit in the world that I dream of and its just sitting in a box because he prefers to use Trillian now'            If you want to make an apple pie from must first invent the universe
dick hardman
IsraTrance Junior Member

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Posted : Jul 11, 2013 22:10

On 2013-07-11 19:25, Colin OOOD wrote:

On 2013-07-09 13:55, PoM wrote:

On 2013-06-07 15:16, Colin OOOD wrote:
I really enjoy references to the Goa days in newer material, and there is much in the Neo-Goa scene I enjoy, but as has been mentioned, there is not always as much variety in music produced under this banner as there could be. IMO it has sometimes been the case that too many New-School producers seem to think that Astral Projection was the only act making music back then, and so copy that sound to the exclusion of all others, when in fact the church of Goa was incredibly broad. It's funny also to hear productions that sound like the last 20 years of technological progress never happened, as if Goa's forward-looking futuristic ethos didn't shape the sound of the time IN SPITE OF, not because of, the limited technology and experience of those making it back in the day.

But yeah. Artha.

agrree with you colin except to the production s too subjective.. it s like in rock ,reggea many enjoy more the sound production of the 70s/80s to newer stuff.. exactly the same with goa trance to me.

most newer goa i have heard let me cold too for same reason mentioned in the thread but first thing that really annoy me is the production that sound fake

If it's 'too subjective' for you then maybe we should look at the production styles of producers currently active in the scene who have been making goa/psy since the old days, such as Dick Trevor, Cosmosis, Laughing Buddha, Tristan, and other obvious artists . If the people who invented it thought there was still value in the old sound, there would be more tracks being made today by at least some of these artists that has the sound of oldschool trance. There isn't, not in a single case. By all means find value where you will - even in noisy, farting, questionable productions by relatively inexperienced mid/early-'90s musicians attempting to make futuristic dance music - but remember that value is invented by you, not by those who created the music.

This is a good discussion. Production quality going hand in hand with the style of music. It was the same for me with punk rock in the early days. A band would start out raw, with a raw, garage recording sound on their first 7" then next year release a full album from a studio and it would sound well produced and the songs tighter but it lost everything I loved about the first release. It's progress sure, but there's something about that early sound that represents to me if I may, an original inspiration. A fresh, uninhibited expression, grabbing whatever equipment you have and letting that creativity out.

It's impossible to say how or why a certain person makes great music, but the tools he uses should be just that. Tools. Whether they're shitty or state of the art they shouldn't get in the way of inspired expression.
Give me inspired music over high production any day. And as a musician myself, I care about the music I'm making than my shitty guitar. That buzzing string actually makes it sound pretty cool.
Colin OOOD
OOOD/Voice of Cod

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Posted : Jul 11, 2013 22:46
Can you imagine what it would be like to have, say, Eat Static drop a full-power set with today's sound quality at a goa trance party back in the 90s? People would die. Do you think he (or any producer working back then) would not have given their left tit to be able to sound like that at the time? I certainly would have.           Mastering - ::
OOOD 5th album 'You Think You Are' - :: ::
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dick hardman
IsraTrance Junior Member

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Posted : Jul 12, 2013 00:10
Absolutely, that would have blown minds. For sure we could go on all night talking about what ifs in music, travelling back to however long ago and raise countless questions about what would have been created. or not been created! That would be fun

Back then, did you ever complain (for lack of a better word, sorry) that you weren't able to create a certain sound that you heard in your head due to hardware limitations?

IsraTrance Full Member

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Posted : Jul 12, 2013 01:02
I cry bullshit Colin as I've spoken to quite a few old Goa producers online who say they want to make their their music the old way but labels want fast releases and digital eps, and to get gigs you need to sound shit like modern prog psy which is the worst electronic music ever along with full on. Be honest. Those genres are musically crap.

BTW if what you say true why do DAT, Zion604 & Anjuna Music sell out so quickly? Why does Suntrip sell on par with many others? Why is Joti Sidhu completely reigniting the Psychaos project using the old techniques? Why are you the bothering to master so many reissues? Surely if your pessimistic theory were true there'd be no point in your work yes?

IMO Tristan was crap and still is. The others IMO sound like lazy old men who should move on to other music but are cashing in the easy way on a scene they already dried out. So they should stop making crap music & piss off.           Cuntus Maximus.
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