Neo Goa/Neo Psy
IsraTrance Full Member
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Posted : Jun 8, 2013 00:50
IsraTrance Full Member
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Posted : Jun 8, 2013 02:26
Yeah in the 90's there was no strict genre. I used to do banging minimal techno & acid sets. I was like 17-22 years old playing to the same age. Cash wasn't as good ($50-100) but free drinks, girls girls girls & lots of other benefits. They'd do psy/Goa nights back then. I dj'd when Infected Mushroom were touring Classical Mushroom etc. It was fun.
I'm hoping I might convince him to introduce a Goa/Psy room once a week (it's a 3 level venue). He's not site it's sell even after my set though lol.
  Cuntus Maximus. |
IsraTrance Full Member
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Posted : Jun 8, 2013 12:17
oz - howling at the moon as such an intense track i doubt playing it anywhere anytime no matter to what crowd will draw the same reactions
and nomad - damn right what a proper goa set does to a dancefloor is on a different level than pretty much most of the other kinds of music - not to say better, but just different, i mean to me, the way i dance and express myself on goa is very different than when i stomp to psy... its from my mind down to the stomach and eventually feet, while psy is mostly concentrated on my feet |
Mushroom Hunters
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Posted : Jun 8, 2013 15:38
it didn't work for me so much, i still prefer the old tunes
Martian Arts
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Posted : Jun 8, 2013 18:54
Nomad Moon
IsraTrance Full Member
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Posted : Jun 8, 2013 19:01
Its a very good track, but when comparing to Goa is too slow (not talking bpm here as u know) and not uplifting enough, its progressive compared to Goa
  Tudo que é melhor e mais superior em mim saúda tudo que é melhor e mais alto em si |
Martian Arts
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Posted : Jun 8, 2013 19:07
Lots of "progressive" (for lack of a better word) goa that I used to listen to back in the day, but yeah I hear what you are saying.
*Very* few tracks with lots of melodies I used to like. I was more into the more "slow" style from the likes of Man With No Name, X-Dream...etc.
For example, I was never into IM and AP and anything Israeli (except Cosma, he was brilliant), the myriads of melodies and Nintzo like vibe was never my cup of tea.
Having said all that, I am currently bootlegging an old favorite classic goa track of mine, which is at 148. |
IsraTrance Full Member
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Posted : Jun 9, 2013 17:33
nectarios - i actually like the track a lot i do get nomad's point, its more a of a prog track (again, not in terms of bpm's, but progression throughout the track and the general ambiance) - the definition of modern sound with goa touches pretty much suits it well
i absolutely despise nitzho, it took melodies and turned them into childish realms - i mean a good melody can be amazing and get you to states... but nitzho is just way over the top for me.
besides i've always wondered - except for being produced circa 93-98 - what do you consider goa trance? thats pretty much the only description i myself can find, cuz i mean, do you classify hallucinogen as goa trance? so where are the melodies? (except for lsd and maybe shamanix) |
Martian Arts
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Posted : Jun 9, 2013 17:55
Goa Trance for me is anything that has the eastern like vibe with the acid (not necessarily 303 acidlines) quirks and twists.
It is the sound that everything sprung out from.
It does not have to have loads of melodies, although a lot of tunes from the mid 90s, did.
X-Dream - We Created Our Own Hapiness album is a prime example, of a healthy balance of melodies, drive and atmosphere.
Besides a few tracks I was never really into Hallucinogen. But the few tracks he did (as Hallucinogen...LSD, Snarling Black Mabel), I thought where absolutely amazing.
It was all Goa Trance back then, the sub-genres had not sprung yet and people just referred to it, as such.
Its all subjective really. Lots of people loved the old IM and AP tunes, lots of people loved Nitzo back then, it just happened that I was into different things.
P.S. cheers for kind words and yes I do agree that there is a strong progressive element in that track I just uploaded...just not the cliche sound that people call prog...none of the "10 reasons why psy trance is shit" are present anyway |
IsraTrance Full Member
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Posted : Jun 9, 2013 20:56
heh i was just going to ask if our own happiness fits your description of goa i think the 2nd room is very similar to it in that way that it combines melody with the drive and atmosphere, its just a "happier" track - its probably my first pick to start a morning set
and about your track - i'd actually like to hear a set of yours if you have one lying somewhere on sound/mixcloud - im intrigued and havent heard any new trance tracks for almost 2 years (with the exception of parties/festivals)... |
Martian Arts
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Posted : Jun 9, 2013 21:25
IsraTrance Full Member
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Posted : Jun 10, 2013 01:27
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Posted : Jun 15, 2013 16:45
Mushroom Hunters
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Posted : Jun 15, 2013 19:31
yep psychedanic indeed, i gotta say that these 3 artist + RA are my favorite of so called "neo" goa trance.. reminds me a lot of the old tunes + super quality sound.. wish to have more of these producers. I'm sick of the goa scene nowdays.
Mushroom Hunters
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Posted : Jun 15, 2013 19:35
I would also add E-Mantra with his album Arcana too