ARTISTS, i want to ask you something !!!
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Posted : Jul 31, 2004 11:19
Are u a real artist or want to be ?
If you are an artist, then why don't you use imagination to make some art of your own style !
Stop copy other full on big names, it getting old and boring and even cheap !
Do you use your imagination at all, or just listening to other artists ?
  if you have psyvideos and you want to exchange, contact me !
BoOoOoM ShanKar ! |
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Posted : Jul 31, 2004 12:04
you speaking some verry funny english for an american, mary.
but good point. |
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Posted : Jul 31, 2004 13:11
I don't understand the point?
If you don't like the music don't listen to it. If we are making music we make what we want to do.
So if you want some special music for you just start making it, instead of critizising other people.
Such a s**t (makes me bit angry).
And think about other styles, almost all rock music is played with guitar, bass guitar and drums.
So do they all copy each other?
Orchestras using the same set of instruments for hundret of years now, so it is should be no problem when sounds of artist sound a bit the same or?
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Posted : Jul 31, 2004 13:42
i can give you 20 names of artists who wanna be astrix.
they try to get the same mix he do, the same ideas and the same feeling he paint with his melodies.
I won't be surprise if some of them even steal his bass drum.
Come on !
be creative, this is the artist meaning, don't ya fink so?
wot's the point ?
I'm a painter, i use my imagination to create unique tricks while i paint, this is my ID on my works.
Every artists should have his own unique ID.
if they don't have any original identification marks in their own music, they are worth nothing.!
  if you have psyvideos and you want to exchange, contact me !
BoOoOoM ShanKar ! |
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Posted : Jul 31, 2004 13:48
Is someone forcing you to listen this artists, or why you complain about it?
And please tell me this 20 artists, i would like to know who you mean.
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IsraTrance Junior Member
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Posted : Jul 31, 2004 13:49
Mari, you'r totally right!!
but most of the artist copies from Infected Mushroom, everyone trying to make infected mushroom music, but nothing will help them, only infected mushroom knows how to infect and make infected!!!
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Posted : Jul 31, 2004 13:59
Astrix's music doesn't have much layers in it, this is why this is so boring when people trying to copy him.
Only bass bassdrum and the style of melodies.
Nothing really!
this is a shame that artists copy him !
I like astrix because he do it the best!
but the others, come on , get a life !
EYB, I won't name the artists, because this is selfish somehow... (because they are in this forum also and this will hurt them probably)
anyway, I'm sure people know what i'm talking about.
  if you have psyvideos and you want to exchange, contact me !
BoOoOoM ShanKar ! |
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Posted : Jul 31, 2004 14:00
On 2004-07-31 13:49, eXxor wrote:
Mari, you'r totally right!!
but most of the artist copies from Infected Mushroom, everyone trying to make infected mushroom music, but nothing will help them, only infected mushroom knows how to infect and make infected!!!
Whats on guys? Who are this artists you mean?
That is such a nonsense.  Signature |
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Posted : Jul 31, 2004 14:02
do you fink this is ok to names the artists while they part of this forum ?!
  if you have psyvideos and you want to exchange, contact me !
BoOoOoM ShanKar ! |
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Posted : Jul 31, 2004 14:18
I think it is okay.
If you really think they are just copying, then post them.
Why not?
So they can say if they do or do not.
BTW i hope you don't complain these artists while you pirated their music insteat of buying it.
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IsraTrance Full Member
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Posted : Jul 31, 2004 15:48
it's difficult to be creative, and it's creativity is mostly something natural.
u can't expect all artists to enhance their creativity.
  u can find "Anything U Want" using the search... |
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Posted : Jul 31, 2004 16:03
Good point hod!
but if their creativity s#cks, then what's the point.
i can't see myself paint something that other painter did already.
it doesn't have any soul or meaning whatever...
  if you have psyvideos and you want to exchange, contact me !
BoOoOoM ShanKar ! |
IsraTrance Full Member
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Posted : Jul 31, 2004 16:08
There are different ways to focus on improving your music. Only a few try to take the path of creativity, but that's been the way in painting too, how many people invented impressionism and how many just thought that style was cool and also did it?
The vast majority of artists have NOT been groundbreakers in any way, in all genres from sculpting to techno. It's the really good ones that are remembered though. That's why no one is going to remember Astrix wannabes unless they start doing their own thing - but those guys can cash in on trends all they like. Mozart died a poor man, but who listens to some overrated (at that time) composers that died rich? Only those who want to appreciate Mozart even more.
Luckily nowadays genius is appreciated in the music industry - not as much as aiming for the taste of the many in most cases, but there are exceptions. |
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Posted : Jul 31, 2004 16:13
i think shes got a point there.
for me i get alot of inspiration to listen to other artist and i would love to be able to copy X-dreams sound, BUT would not copy it and then release. I'd copy it to learn how they get such fat sound setup.
But many releases of full-on style is kind copies of copies and many are good but still boring cause you just heard that in the previous track played.
But then again i think it's the same with tech/progg trance track aswell these days cause there are so many ppl producing it.
she got a good point when it comes to being creative and do something else then the mainstream but as Hod Gavriel said it's sometimes hard be just that, creative.
Copying other acts could also be seen as a tribute cause apparently they have influenced the ppl to create such music cause they adore it, but then again it dosent always lead to progress in the music genre.
So i think i would had posted this id rather name it: Artist help the music evolve and try something new...
im just ranting but hey it's just my oppinion!
Ps got a splitting headache it might not be the best i've written...LOL
  For the TT beliver:
Le S4B0T3UR - Ground Effect (UNRELEASED)
Le S4B0T3UR - HooverKraft (V/A Night Vision compiled by Oscuro)
Le S4B0T3UR - Coroded (UNRELEASED)
Le S4B0T3UR - SumoRider (UNRELEASED)
booking@de-c |
Insane Behavior
Insane Behavior
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Posted : Jul 31, 2004 16:30
On 2004-07-31 11:19, Mari.Morgan wrote:
Are u a real artist or want to be ?
If you are an artist, then why don't you use imagination to make some art of your own style !
Stop copy other full on big names, it getting old and boring and even cheap !
Do you use your imagination at all, or just listening to other artists ?
| u obviously do not listen to enought music, since u catergorise all artists as copycats...
But i know what u mean if we talk commercial blah blah music...but still, not point in the thread u post, dosent sound like u have heard what the world have to offer,...
¤ Bobo |