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The Mother of all BASSLINES thread

Dot Kite
IsraTrance Junior Member

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Posted : Apr 29, 2005 15:15

On 2005-03-25 02:44, Carbon Based Lifeforms wrote:
- Novation Basstation
- Roland TB-303
- Access Virus
- Elektron Sidstation

(and not necessarily in that order)

Basstation is a wierd synth and we use it for bassarpeggiomelodic thingies, quite recognizeable on a lot of or tracks.

TB-303 is, no matter what other ppl thinks, the best basslinemachine. We use it all the time, if only for a extra "bwau" hehe

Virus could be altered with any similar synth like Vanguard or albino, but theres something about it....

Sidstation is a unique sound great for deep and dangerous basslines. Also good for drum n bass.

I totaly agree with you....
Novation Basstation was one of the best synths....You can here it mostly in the early "goa" tracks....

Best Regards
IsraTrance Junior Member

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Posted : Apr 30, 2005 03:00
so what is a good apreggio plugin either then the one provided by cubaseSX2?

I am looking for one with presets, but perhaps taht i can also create my own...

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Posted : Apr 30, 2005 16:01
cakewalk z3ta +

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Posted : Apr 30, 2005 19:45
Bassline is pretty optimal bassliner.
billy ambulance
IsraTrance Junior Member

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Posted : May 5, 2005 10:20
ppl its only bass.
you can make it with every synth!
try A1, minimoog, atmosphere etc..
IsraTrance Junior Member

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Posted : May 7, 2005 02:19
I have one doubt, What do I use on my bass channel, LOGIC, some Compressor, Some envelop, other thing? Or nothing?? I´m having extremaly dificults in this aspect... Could any body give me some light here...

Thanks...           trie not to thinck racionaly right now...

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Posted : May 8, 2005 05:50

On 2005-05-07 02:19, schuenck wrote:
I have one doubt, What do I use on my bass channel, LOGIC, some Compressor, Some envelop, other thing? Or nothing?? I´m having extremaly dificults in this aspect... Could any body give me some light here...


There are no rules in my opionion it depends on your bass sound if your sound is good enough then you might not need anything at all, usually abit of eq and compression does the trick, but theres no set settings for those either depends on the synth/sound.
In my opionion there is only one rule that i stick to when copressing/eqing and thats dont over do it. If you over compress you will lose the dynamics of the sound.

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Posted : May 19, 2005 15:14
I usualy use Microwave XT for chillout bass, but surprisingly there some chunk of meats there that could be applied to full-on/proggy
founder http://www.blacksheephybrid
tom tailor

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Posted : May 21, 2005 00:43
really write bassline in Synapse Synts: Hydra, Scorpion, Junglist!!! Very nice synthz =)

IsraTrance Junior Member

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Posted : May 24, 2005 08:46
Rinkadink bassline synth plz?
IsraTrance Junior Member

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Posted : May 24, 2005 12:51

On 2005-05-24 08:46, thail wrote:
Rinkadink bassline synth plz?

he does it with his head           roll a joint or STFU :)
IsraTrance Junior Member

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Posted : May 27, 2005 16:49
why did this thread change in a summing up of vst-plugins again? U guys, did u notice how many different synths have been suggested here? Don't u see that u are actually proving a point made here several times...

almost every synth in existance can be used for basslines, and the fact that so many synths are mentioned here should prove that...

So just stop it... It's useless information.... I'd delete this post and every post that only suggests a synth instead of giving usefull information about making basslines...

i'm sorry if i insulted people now, but i'm sick of this kind of posts, they don't help anybody. And now we have a 10 page thread that can be boiled down to 3 pages of usefull information and 7 pages of bullshit.

and rinkadink very probably uses his access virus for his basslines (educated guess).
IsraTrance Junior Member

Started Topics :  23
Posts :  203
Posted : May 30, 2005 18:03

On 2005-05-27 16:49, FREGLE wrote:
why did this thread change in a summing up of vst-plugins again? U guys, did u notice how many different synths have been suggested here? Don't u see that u are actually proving a point made here several times...

almost every synth in existance can be used for basslines, and the fact that so many synths are mentioned here should prove that...

So just stop it... It's useless information.... I'd delete this post and every post that only suggests a synth instead of giving usefull information about making basslines...

i'm sorry if i insulted people now, but i'm sick of this kind of posts, they don't help anybody. And now we have a 10 page thread that can be boiled down to 3 pages of usefull information and 7 pages of bullshit.

and rinkadink very probably uses his access virus for his basslines (educated guess).

rinkadink uses vb1 saw it live last month

Started Topics :  4
Posts :  40
Posted : Jun 4, 2005 12:10
Vb1's sounds good but I got a problem. when I lay the notes out with a rolling bassline I find it sounds really messy. When I use other plugins it sounds fine so I must be using an uncracked version or something. I have to resort to exporting each note and then use the audio files and thats super frustrating. Can someone please give advice?

Started Topics :  313
Posts :  8648
Posted : Jun 4, 2005 13:06
Make it shorter. Usually helps           Everyone in the world is doing something without me
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