Surprise dj
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Posted : Jul 4, 2003 03:16
Parties take place for the people and not for the artists to show their musical tastes.Its good for them to play what they know that people expect them to play.
Goblim do you think that if all artists would play what they really want they would play anywhere at all?Most of the artists dont listen at all trance music in their houses you know.
Before booking an artist for any of Trance Alliance events i make clear to them what our parties is all about and what we expect him to play,usually everybody aggrees.Some artists even ask me beforehand what i would like them to play.This is professionalism and not commersionalism
I dont like telling people what to play but at least if i book a full on artist i expect him to play either full on music or at least something that will sound like full on and that people will enjoy.
I wouldnt like for example to book GMS and have them playing psy-tech music cause it wouldnt be nice for the people and the promoters also.
  Toodaloo Motherfuckers!!!!! |
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Posted : Jul 4, 2003 04:42
RaverGirl is right and DETOX said it before me.
playing what the crowd expects you to play is not commercialism. it's the music that gave you this crowd. unless you're just a dj with a variety in music choices and not a dj and known musician at the same time...
listening all kinds from Anti is something expected but listening fluffy progressive from a GMS set is definetely not
  in search for an answer... |
IsraTrance Senior Member
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Posted : Jul 4, 2003 13:26
1. On 2003-07-04 03:16, DETOX wrote:
Parties take place for the people and not for the artists to show their musical tastes.Its good for them to play what they know that people expect them to play.
2. Goblim do you think that if all artists would play what they really want they would play anywhere at all?Most of the artists dont listen at all trance music in their houses you know.
1. IMO good parties is where crowd come to listen to special taste of the dj. i think its better to play unexpected. surpsizes is fun !!
2. here u right detox. becoze some of org think like u (mainly big party org) i dont realy find gigs at this kind of parties. BUT i prefer small ones, where i free to play whatever i want. and thats what i do. just woke up after i gived trance-house-techno express set and seems it was fun for the sexy babes all around were there.
  Believe your soul ! |
IsraTrance Senior Member
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Posted : Jul 4, 2003 13:32
On 2003-07-04 03:16, DETOX wrote:
Before booking an artist for any of Trance Alliance events i make clear to them what our parties is all about and what we expect him to play...This is professionalism and not commersionalism
realy ?? and its art eh ??
  Believe your soul ! |
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Posted : Jul 4, 2003 13:41
I guess it's anyway impossible to satisfy everybody.
I personally like to have surprises if they are well done and in the right moment. But of course if I see the ligne up of a party I expect them, at least partly to deliver a few known tunes.
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Posted : Jul 4, 2003 14:39
well part of the q from candy was that after u buy the cd a listen and like the treck's and go to a party to listen to the music u know and like , u get somthing ell' u know or dont ..from the time the treck was maid to the time it come's out to the stor's it take's ..loooonnggg time...some time can take a year some cases..when an artist come's to play in a party, usealy he has something new in his arms, some new direction, a change in the music, ..i think this is good..some time if it's realy like that, when u listen to a set like that u hear the future
cheer's |
IsraTrance Full Member
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Posted : Jul 4, 2003 15:28
well... as for the artists, u can book`em for live act or dj set.
as a live act, u`ll get 100% what u expect for, but when u book him/them as a dj set... make sure that u`ll give him free hand on the choices.
about all this "professionalism and not commersionalism" thing...
it seems like ppl are way too busy in beeing "pro`s" and on the way they forgot that these kind of parties and this music is first of all about fun
and imho... its sad
let the art beeing done, dont put it in a little limited square. expect the unexpected
about oli`s set @ yuli & yossi`s party, i dont remember the Xact hour he played (tho i think he got 1h of nice light)... but i enjoyed myself ALOT!!
my 2 cents
  if you want to be rich, u`ve got to be a bitch! |
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Posted : Jul 4, 2003 15:37
my theory: it seems that oli plays progressive and fluff stuff, so lets look at it from the dj's point of view. dj is a job. much ppl do it to gain money. perhaps its the only purpose of oli too, i dont know. so for much dj's djing at the party is not to have a good party with the crowd and have a good time in general, so they come up, play, take money, go home. a dj like this doesnt look at the time he plays, perhaps he is also really ignorant what the fuck the other guys play at the party. so he doesnt care the time, just plays the stuff he likes to play, maybe even dont have one look at the crowd, does his job, does what he gains money for and maybe doesnt give a flying fuck on the crowd/organizer.
just theoretical, i dunno how oli plays. but it looks like he's one of those djs that are only booked because of their name, not because of their skillz.
i have to say, i like when dj show their diverse styles and talents, but only if its good in time.
  Anakoluth A Pebble in Your Eardrum's Shoe since 2001! |
IsraTrance Full Member
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Posted : Jul 4, 2003 15:40
dont think so...
oli`s mixing skills are amazing
  if you want to be rich, u`ve got to be a bitch! |
IsraTrance Senior Member
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Posted : Jul 4, 2003 15:59
On 2003-07-04 03:16, DETOX wrote:
Most of the artists dont listen at all trance music in their houses you know.
i think there is a huge difference between party music and home listening.
  Believe your soul ! |
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Posted : Jul 4, 2003 17:53
Zombi people indeed come to parties to hear the individual taste of the dj BUT when a dj performs on a psychedelic party then he is expected to play psychedelic music and not techno or house music for example.If i book Alien Project or Bansi from GMS i expect them to play full on and not techno for example,if i needed a techno dj i wouldnt book them but DJ Rush instead.
Zombi big parties are much different than small ones just like festivals are different than private events.In private events things are much more different than a party of 1000 people for example,you cannot just go up there and mix house and trance and techno because the audience is very big and might not be ready or even capable to get into your flow and accept all these kinds of music at once,dont forget that not everyone is an expert listener.Plus all this the dj MUST satisfy everyone in a party and not just the 'old mature listeners'.
Before talking about art i have to make clear to you that art is something that cannot be defined by any means just like music cannot also be defined in any way.Art can be everything in this world from the drawing of a 3 years old child to the painting of Pablo Picasso.The same applies to music.Just like rodram said its almost impossible to satisfy everyone but at least you have to try and satisfy the most people possible.
We are doing trance parties and we want trance dj's if we wanted house or techno dj's we would book the appropriate artists and would advertise to the appropriate audience.
Finnally as you said there is a huge difference in home listening and party music and thats why i insist that artists have to play party music at parties and not what they listen to their homes.
If i was a dj i would play full on psychedelic music for the people and not Depeche Mode that i listen to when i am in my house.I expect everyone to act like this.
Hope i answered everything
  Toodaloo Motherfuckers!!!!! |
IsraTrance Senior Member
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Posted : Jul 4, 2003 18:01
yes, u right.
i only feel that full on not realy psychedelic. and from whole range of not-so-psychedelic music im for sure never will choose full on as my fav.
and if u think techno and even house cant be psychedelic u r wrong.  Believe your soul ! |
IsraTrance Senior Member
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Posted : Jul 4, 2003 18:09
On 2003-07-04 17:53, DETOX wrote:
Zombi big parties are much different than small ones just like festivals are different than private events.
what do u say...  Believe your soul ! |
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Posted : Jul 4, 2003 22:25
Well yes full on is not so psychedelic as goa trance used to be at least but its the new trend of ourdays and most people consider it as the psychedelic of 2002-2003.
House can be psychedelic but i am not so sure about techno
You should send me a demo mixed cd then
  Toodaloo Motherfuckers!!!!! |
IsraTrance Full Member
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Posted : Jul 4, 2003 23:52
Yes Danny, this si exactly why I gave Oli as an example.
His music is hard night progressive. He came here, gave a very fluffy set. So I told myself "ok, the guy changed into a new music direction".
But now he releases a compilation on ZMA where he goes back to dark progressive tracks.
So he changed direction? I don't think so.
On 2003-07-04 14:39, IntelabeaM wrote: u know or dont ..from the time the treck was maid to the time it come's out to the stor's it take's ..loooonnggg time...some time can take a year some cases..when an artist come's to play in a party, usealy he has something new in his arms, some new direction, a change in the music, ..
And Yossi, I come to parties for fun.
I come because I know a certain artist that I adore his music is going to play. But then I get something else. Not even close to his tracks.
It's not about being pro. It's about misleading the crowd.
An artist should respect the crowd and the organizers who brought him because they thought they knew (from the artist's releases) what music style he creates and play.
  Majority is never right!
"Without music, life is meaningless."
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