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Son Kite on playing live in trance


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Posted : Oct 24, 2006 06:31
ableton live 6.0
Justin Chaos
IsraTrance Full Member

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Posted : Oct 24, 2006 15:38

On 2006-09-09 13:38, Magox wrote:
so much negativity..........just go and have fun......wether its "live" or just mixed......

This is the kind of attitude I utterly hate the ''Who cares it's just music'' kind of one.
Thank God for those who cares, and God bless all our negativity as well
          My fake plants died, because I did not pretend to water them.
IsraTrance Full Member

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Posted : Oct 24, 2006 18:31
I just want to add, Sonkite is a freaking awsome act..
so much feeling in their music... such a great flow!
so much innovation...

i hope they will keep deliver from their souls

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Posted : Oct 24, 2006 21:57
Hi GUys !
full respect on the live set- some questions=
i guess im aware of your live violin playing
-which is special and unique to SOn Kite.
but im wondering just how you can play live psychedelic trance.
to my knowledge there is no such thing.

1)playback of multiple audio files- perhaps processing with fx live on lead for example?

2)playback of midi files from a computer triggering synths... and i dont just mean one little part midi but the whole song midi to gear... old skool live pa...

3)hiring lots of amazing musicians who can each play a noodly part on an instrument- actually playing every single lead or fx.
no sequencers- arpeggiators, etc...

? so how do you do it live?

please understand i do not wish to be critical of your process- im simply pointing out that if #2 was the modus operandi- the lack of proper equipment as requested was one of the big reasons why people switched to all laptop playback like #1 or even just a stereo mix... anyway live pa starts to mean only that the artist is playing all his/her tracks only...

in defense of the studio artist- hyping the lie of "live" trance make it that people ask for "live" sets and producers of music say yes.
they play the music they made- thats something- they MADE that music- give them some credit. if its good then its good- if its not then its not.
i would say the "live" moniker belongs with live music like bands make.
electronic music producers are making studio projects. the detail and complexity of the editing could never be recreated "live" with only a Nord Lead and some FX...
gone are the days of straight midi parts playing straigh synth parts in hardware into a mixer- today we EDIT and PROCESS and chop things up in audio and re-arrange them and make new composite things out of them... a far cry from the days of FullMidi live PA a la techno... hell- even Ritchie Hawtin uses vinyl= premade records- probably his- but mixed with his 909 through fx to make a "live" pa... my friend Josh Praxis hauls his whole studio out for a live techno PA- including the theramin duck- however its playback of a sort also- the sequences are already made- the tracks are a string of sequences already made....

and personally i would rather hear good music than someone who can't play guitar or sing very well trying to slap that on top of the trance...

on a side note- i agree with you that the soulclipse was one of the poorly organized festivals from the artist perspective...


On 2006-07-12 11:51, Bom*shankar wrote:
Just got the Son Kite newsletter.

Here's a quote:

"We mostly try to talk about the good side of things, especially in the newsletters, but this spring have been packed with negative tour experiences and we feel that we have to share some of that with you. If you get bored just skip reading!

When we get a booking we always send a technical rider/contract to the organizer that he/she have to confirm/sign. In the technical rider you get all the information about what we need to be able to make our performance and since we bring around 100 kilo equipment ourselves the organizer don't need to arrange much. Just to make sure that we will get everything we need our manager always calls three times to the organizer to make sure that they have arranged everything we need. Important to add is that we don't ask for things just for fun: EVERY thing we ask for is used in our live set and if we don't get it we can't perform. To us this sounds very easy and logic, doesn't it?

Here comes a short story/example of how it can be when you're touring and end up with an unprofessional organizer. This story is from the Souleclipse festival in Turkey, they made all the mistakes an organizer can do! Please note that they are not the only ones doing mistakes but this was just hilarious!!!

We took the flight from Sweden to Turkey 6.30 in the morning (just to make sure that we got to the festival in good time) and arrived at the festival in turkey late afternoon and there where nobody to pick us up at the airport. got picked up a few hours later (because some juicy champignons were going to get picked up), arrived at the festival area around 01.00. We where supposed to play around 8.00 in the morning so there was a lot of time to prepare the liveset. We thought!! Went to the stage and tried to find someone in charge. We couldn't find anyone so we had to do all the stage management by our self, until our dear friend and angel Sally Dollally came and saved us. (Without her help there wouldn't have been a live set from us). From 01.00 to 08.00 the three of us were working our asses of just to get hold of the equipment we need to be able to play, but after scanning the festival site for hours we couldn't get the stuff we needed and had to find out new ways with the things they had (12 hours before that the organizer made a personal promise that he had ALL the equipment in front of him and that he personally would show it to us when we arrived (we never saw him!!!))
So finally we have enough equipment to play with, but where? Before our gig was four "live acts" in a row, all just using a laptop playing a stereofile! When someone is playing you can't connect four meters of equipment (on a two meter table) since you then would have to disconnect the stuff he's playing with (even thou it's just a computer thru a 48 channel mixer and even thou it would sound exactly the same if he just pressed play on the cd player). This is the reason why you ALWAYS should have one dj in between two liveacts. To be able to play we had to build a new table behind the other one and do you think we got any help (except from Sally of course)? Anyway we managed to get everything ready 3 minutes before our timeslot, this means 7 hours of non stop stage-managing, stage building and equipment hunting, all well wrapped in frustration and irritation! How much motivation do you think we had to play? How much energy to do you think we had for smiling, improvising and to get into the music?
Different people are responsible for different things, also when you're making a party. The only thing an artist should be responsible for is performing, at his/her absolute best, the party organization should work at its best to create the best circumstance for the artists to perform and for the audience to enjoy the performance that is the point with having a concert or a music festival. People that love our music paid a lot of money to see us in Turkey and because of a shit organization we couldnˇ¦t do a good job, we are very sorry for this but we hope that people understand the reason. As I said before this organization is absolutely not the only one that don't know what a technical rider is, at least half the time we play we have to make weird solution to be able to play. If you're an organizer you should know your work and take it serious since you have a responsibility towards artists and most of all; your customers.

BUT we believe that the problem is much more complex than this and there is an explanation why organizers don't pay so much attention to our technical rider. There are hundreds of live acts in the trance scene, playing all around the world and earning good money and you could probably count the ones actually playing live on one hand! Playback live set in the trance scene is as accepted as djs playing with cd players, people even get surprised when you actually play live! how sick isn't that??? If you get booked and paid for playing live you should play live, if you don't have the equipment or the knowledge to be able to play you shouldn't accept the booking! If you're interested to play live, develop your way to play and let the world know when you're ready. We totally disrespect all the fake artists playing around the world (almost every trance artist) and we hope that YOU, the customers that in the end pay the money to the artists, claim your obvious right to enjoy live performances when this is what they write on the flyer! You should print t-shirts with the slogan "FFLA" fu** fake live artists! and if you come to a party and find an artist not playing live, go to the door and claim back your money!!! In this way the organizers will start to claim a non playback live set when they book an artist and hopefully this would force the lazy m****fu**** to work for their money. "

The bold is my addition.

What do you say? I totally agree!!!

IsraTrance Junior Member

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Posted : Oct 24, 2006 22:28

On 2006-10-24 15:38, Justin Chaos wrote:

On 2006-09-09 13:38, Magox wrote:
so much negativity..........just go and have fun......wether its "live" or just mixed......

This is the kind of attitude I utterly hate the ''Who cares it's just music'' kind of one.
Thank God for those who cares, and God bless all our negativity as well

well maybe thats your problem..........


try taking that out of your may make a difference......

you see....for me........if i hear something nice.....i dont care if it is "live" or not.....

as long as it makes me smile......and what makes me smile: is good vibes, good people and quality music.....

and a lot of dancing....

so i wish you good luck with your "hate" attitude......

Colin OOOD
OOOD/Voice of Cod

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Posted : Oct 25, 2006 01:52
deleted          Mastering - ::
OOOD 5th album 'You Think You Are' - :: ::
Contact for bookings/mastering -

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Posted : Oct 25, 2006 02:43

On 2006-09-10 04:21, Nobita wrote:
I've got proof right here that trance can be played live:

that's hilarious!!!
its SOoo out of rhythm!!!!
and that melodic loop in the background that actually makes the "song" except for the bad hihat and kick = thats playback!!!

I have been a part of a Live Live band called the Strange Attractor- it involved 5 people and no premade anything- except basic kick patterns...we had a lot of problems at different times and i have to say that although we had some fun jams and some great crowd energy the quality was never quite as hot as material we made in the studio...
having said that- i will say that i dont see the point in pretending that partial playback is live- we are talking about varying amounts of cheating- and usually cheating for the sake of it simply sounding good.

1) i will contend that you can do a few things to spice up your "live" presentation of your premade tracks. its nifty for the crowd.
2) i dont think you can really make proper psy trance Genuinely live for 2 hours- without cheating. using sequencers and midi and any audio is cheating- ask any guitar player or drummer.
3) any efforts you make towards "live" in your set will not likely be as accurate, as complex, or as ingenius as what you spend weeks in the studio slaving over to perfect.
4) there is no benefit to raw sound- as your performance will be somewhat compared to dj's playing pre-mastered music- better make it sound good instead of worrying about twiddling those knobs.
5) using live synths and samplers and not using a laptop does not accurately represent the music of today which relies on many studio editing techniques. Goa Trance in the 1990's was known for raw synth sounds-
while these may be helpful to put on top of todays music, they are not the basis of it by any means.
5) i am excited by an artist when their music in new, innovative, or otherwise blows me away. if they were to come and play every party for 3 months i would like to see them get a bit jazzy with it but usually im there to hear the music as they make it- not with gratuitious noodling on top...

anyway- i think this music was never meant to be played live from scratch- its clearly a product of sequencers and studio technology in general-
this music is sequenced patterns.

as a musician since early childhood, having studying many instruments (cello, f-horn, percussion, timpani,) as well as having played in many jazz, rock, punk, ska, etc... bands i know what LIVE is-
thats the part where one of the guys in son kite plays the electric violin.
when someone busts out a riff on a keyboard.
etc... great for jams. even spacey psychedeli jams- but not particularly good for making machine like repetitive bleeps and blops.

as an mpc-2000 owner in the 90's i remember making "live sets" with 3 synths and an mpc- and an fx box and a mixer.
the quality was not as good as what i can drop on you today- even if i were to revisit the old technology i dont think the quality would improve tremendously because the tools were really not as GOOD for the job as a laptop and cubase/logic are today...
the job being making repetitive machinelike music aka psytrance.

IF the job description changes - if psy trance comes to mean- organic highly modulated constantly mutating music with a more spontaneous "human" rhythm- then its possible for all the musicians to jump in again and make it theirs...

where we have come from is a world where paying attention to the antics of some dude on stage is less important than the music and the party. i dont know where we are going.
but psy and electronic dance music in general used to make the claim that its not like rock-n-roll a show where people watch the band- but its a party where people participate and the dj is a guide who takes you on a trip.

one thing i'm rather fond of-
to DJ my music from multiple cd decks (more than 2- ideally 4 through a nice analog mixer) and mix and match lots of different bits of different tracks. the bassline and kick of one- while the mid from another just comes smearing across... if one pays any attention to key while doing this it can be quite surprising as new combinations come up...
i really like the interface of pioneer cdj100's a lot better than any midi controller with ableton. its more controllable and immediate... i can't explain it...
but i feel it better than playing the same bit from a computer...

so let me ask you- if i do this- with 100% my own music, is it live or is it a dj set?

for the record- when asked to do a "live" set i usually dont bother to get into this discussion with the organizer-
i simply try to do my best to present the music in a mindblowing way- i make special track remixes for live, i make intros, special breaks, outros, and some tracks are only for the live set.
i can basically dj these tracks and bits of tracks in Ableton live.
i usually double the track to output on more than one out and process certain frequency ranges of the double for effect-
and i noodle on a synth on top- i make some patch in the headphones- usually something either based on FM or LFO-pitchmod and a filter- lp,bp,hp... and do long sounds and accents with this.
one guy who i saw do a really skillful job with Ableton Live and really cueing up nicely with shortcut keys, and just generally slicing and dicing his tracks pretty well was PhatMatix- at the FullMoon Festival this year he amazed me with his ableton live skills.

but is this live? i guess the program is called live. he does do more physical work than your average playback live set- he can modify the track order spontaneously like a dj-

whats the real deal here folks?
i think its about the music. Phatmatix has some phat music by the way- kind of a cross between highly twisted sounds with edgy power, melodies, and a power morning kind of groove. seriously good stuff...
IsraTrance Junior Member

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Posted : Oct 25, 2006 04:27
its about the music........

Yab Yum

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Posted : Oct 25, 2006 11:24
i agree with most of what you say here Aaron. maybe its the terminology that has to be adapted nowadays. maybe calling performances "live"acts give the wrong impression and mean that people expect the same sort of performance as they would in a rock concert.

          Build a man a fire, and he'll be warm for a day. Set a man on fire, and he'll be warm for the rest of his life.
Terry Pratchett
Tsabeat/Sattel Battle

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Posted : Oct 25, 2006 12:56

On 2006-07-13 13:07, Yuli wrote:
Well it is pretty simple actually.

90% of the organizers prefer to bring 1 dude with laptop, then 2 dudes with technical riders, special place on stage, drum sets etc..

That is the sad truth, and all those organizers spit in the well that our scene drinks from, cuz this is one of the reasons why the trance scene is so unpro and stuck in itself. It is the ONLY music scene I know where the real MUSIC makers are less appreciated then the computer / audio freaks.

i think you had some gigs tho..



Started Topics :  26
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Posted : Nov 6, 2006 01:48
My .02:
"Anyone who is concerned with what equipment is being used on stage is obviously not dancing hard enough."

I like Ishkur's idea: Next time you go to a party, spend the entire party NOT FACING the DJ/Laptop Guy. Dance crazy over in a corner. Find the Sweet Spot for the speakers. Find some weird sound reflections that make the sound that much more psychedelic. Meet new and strange people. Commit acts of poetic terrorism.

I always thought one of the coolest things about trance was that the performers are not very interesting to watch, so it frees you up to have...well...a PARTY. not a Rave and certainly not a concert. It's a party. Have fun!

Run Lola
IsraTrance Junior Member

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Posted : Nov 6, 2006 09:04

On 2006-11-06 01:48, OpenSourceCode wrote:
My .02:
"Anyone who is concerned with what equipment is being used on stage is obviously not dancing hard enough."

that is right, when u re in a festival, ask anyone who is playing, and they will have no fuckin idea!

no one is impressed by the live acts played around, i even prefer a good dj mixing music than an over rated live act artist (sorry excuse the word artist!!)

          baddeh ekol knefeh!
IsraTrance Junior Member
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Posted : Nov 7, 2006 00:02
I think needing to work harder in order to qualify for "live" booking is important. As far as I know, live acts are paid more, get better billing, etc.. They *need* to do something that seperates them technically from a basic DJ.

As we all know, there is a *lot* of mediocre music plaguing the Psytrance scene. This music is churned out by people who have little interest in investing the time needed to produce higher quality. If we give up on holding live acts to a higher standard, then these same artists can now be booked and paid at levels that even the best Psy DJs rarely achieve, despite them being far more skilled at rocking a party.

I just attended an amazing party in the hills outside my city, and nearly every "live" act was just playing back a pre-sequenced set through the house mixer. I always take a look behind the scenes, and there was literally no improvisation going on beyond some basic EQing on the mixer.

No one expects a totally live set. Well, no one who understands basic Psytrance production. But it's really dishonest to call canned sets "live" when really you are just paying to see the artist in person and it all amounts to DJ-fucking.

Ableton is a perfect way for live acts to start earning their pay and billing, and there is no excuse to just keep pressing play.
IsraTrance Full Member

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Posted : Nov 7, 2006 22:45
i agree, if it says "live" then i expect more than just seeing the artists alive.. i want to see them tweak some knobs, or bang some drums or work the mixer..

otherwise i dont give so much a damn... i like it when djs and artists also dance, that usually boost everyone else.. with them being like conductors!

and the artists shouldnt be too high above the crowd, i like it when they are "down on the floor"
i have always thought that psytrance music was music from the people to the people...

maybe its just a thing that party organizer use to sell more tickets and get people excited.. using "Live" infront of the act.

as we seen the defention of live is many.. and i dont know if we have come to terms what is live and what not... pressing play and just dance and smoke and drink dont qualify to a live act...

and as live is supposed to cost more i guess you could say that people have the right to demand something... cause they are the ones who pay..


Started Topics :  7
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Posted : Nov 8, 2006 06:11
i agree (with the first post). i visited a handful of psy-trance parties that had a "liveact" in their lineup. now what my idea of liveacts was consisting from at that time was that they would have machines, samplers, pc or mac and other musical gadgets of all kind to play. but to my surprise they mostly had only computer or cds on which they had they own music. i was a bit dissapointed always cos thought that having more machines and stuff gives you more space for improvisation and its more fun too but those "liveacts" werent like that at all. another thing concerning (those playing their stuff from cds for example) is that it adds also different feeling to the party. if i want to hear their tunes i can always listen to them on cd but as said with machines on board there is more room for improvisation and in that way it becomes also more interestoing imo. my two cents
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