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Psytrance evolution is finish

TimeDrained / Pythagoraz

Started Topics :  8
Posts :  337
Posted : Oct 3, 2006 19:11
frankly I'm tired of people who whines about the lack of quality in our genre.

a short story:
I have a (girl) friend who recently went to her first Psy party and as most of us she got blown away by the music and the atmosphere. She began to ask me about stuff regarding the genre and I tried to guide her in her search for psychedelic experiences. I told her about different styles, festivals, artists etc. and when she asked about places where she could meet people with similar interests and read stuff i natually pointed her this way.

Now what happened when she came in here? -well, she contacted me some days after and asked me if there was another place other than Isratrance she could visit. I asked why? and she answered that she would like to find people who LIKED Psychedelic-trance and not people who only talked about how everything was better in the old days, how artists, labels etc. only think about money, how all the releases sounds alike etc. basicly how sad and bad everything is -I wish I could have proved her wrong, but lets face it, that is pretty much the "headline" of Isratrance's Debates these days.

Now my friend who doesn't live near any trance people or parties, so she was hoping that the internet would be of help but actually ended up kinda giving up on it all. she still wants to come hear our liveset next time we are at a party enar her, bu she had the feeling that her VERY positive attitude towards a new and promising Experience and even lifestyle, was totally disillusioned after a couple of days in this forum.

This girl would probably have been a very active Trancer if I have the right idea about her. -but now she prolly will never be.

Now- what does this have to do with anything?

-Well I for one partially agrees with her views. that is, I will not leave and bail out, but I do think all this whining and dissing is a big part of the problem. and yes, I do agree that there are non stimulating tendencies in our scene, but wth. it's not like I am forced to listen to the tracks I do not like so they really are not a part of my trance experience at all.

lets take another genre and compare it with our genre. for instance hip-hop. Is there any similar problems with similar sounding tracks comming from there? .... omg yes! og how about, lets say rock music... -well rock music has always been popular and popular music makes money which is why big labels invest alot in that stuff and we all know big labels never really release artists with groundbreaking new sounds. -no they get the popular artists from the indie labels and either promote them copy the sound. so yes the money in the rock industry are too invested into known material that is guaranteed to please the masses rather than the new sounds and initiatives.

-I could probably go on like this forever, but my point is that THE WHOLE MUSIC SCENE has these "problems" and allways has had them. the only exception is when new genres take form and they are still underground, like acid, raves etc, punk etc.

but WHY ARE WE THE ONES WHO CAN't FUCKING GET OVER THE FACT that we are not underground anymore??

now I know that it is possible to listen to great hip-hop without listening to pathetic stuff like 50-cent etc. and I know I am the only one who decides if i should buy the new "Good Charlotte" album or the new "Bob Dylan" album. there is no problem there, just as there is no problem in me not buying the new skazi album when i browse the new releases at the local trance shop.

this leads to the second point. if people buy more bad releases in our genres than they buy good and newthinking stuff, either you/I (in the spirit of the democracy) is the one who are all wrong regaring quality since overruled by the mayority, or as I'd like to think, you/I just have a different taste and maybe even an urge to get deeper into the perfectionism of our music than the mayority does. if the mayority then at some point stops liking the quickly produced comecial stuff, well.. it wouldt be comercial anymore and therefor wouldn't be released.

to put it shortly :
I think you all should stop trying to be so fucking negative about everything and instead just see our genre as it is, -namely so gigantic, and confusing that you really have no choice but to accept that your focus of interest can't be on every single piece of music (and shit) that is released but instead on the stuff that you like, and if your focus was put there then maybe you could write about that and inspire other people, both newcommers and pioneers instead of making everybody depressive or even scaring some entirely away.

-and if there really is no stuff you like, well... -what the hell are you even doing here?

yeah I now I wrote too much! :s sry


Started Topics :  9
Posts :  227
Posted : Oct 3, 2006 19:59
Big fat WORD!!!!!!! to Pythagoras.

Just stop being so damn cool and experienced and having it all heard yet.

Become children again, and discover the beautyness and innovation of (any) music you like and just ignore all the other stuff that bores you, instead of telling anybody how cool you are by saying "this is crap and that is whack..."

Filzbiber           Eve&Rave @ your Party
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IsraTrance Full Member

Started Topics :  60
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Posted : Oct 3, 2006 21:58
Pythagoraz - stop spamming!


Psytrance sux, its just a bunch of kidz with computers and no ear for music at all

and to all you whackheadz... i am kidding, i have a hard time being as serious as Pythagoraz...
Colin OOOD
OOOD/Voice of Cod

Started Topics :  95
Posts :  5380
Posted : Oct 3, 2006 22:20
I reckon the genre might have a trick or two up it's sleeve yet However (IMO) a lot of 'psychedelic trance' around these days is neither psychedelic nor trancy.
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IsraTrance Full Member

Started Topics :  113
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Posted : Oct 4, 2006 00:17
There's actually 2 N's in Finnish.

so you mean,

Psytrance evolution is Finnish!           .

Started Topics :  9
Posts :  227
Posted : Oct 4, 2006 00:56

On 2006-10-03 22:20, Colin OOOD wrote:
I reckon the genre might have a trick or two up it's sleeve yet However (IMO) a lot of 'psychedelic trance' around these days is neither psychedelic nor trancy.

Yep, you're right, but why care. As long as you're produce groovy music and others are doing as well.... just don't care about the rest. That's how you keep it alive (and real).

I came out of punk and metal into the psychedelic scene, and there the sissies have been whining for decades and still there's new and innovative sounds.

If I find most of the apples are getting sour I stick with the sweet ones instead of complaining that agroculture is not what it's used to be.
If you get tired of psy stop listening to it and get into minimal (which I like a lot). But just stop whining. That's something for sissies and conservatives.

Greetz Filzbiber           Eve&Rave @ your Party
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Crater / Mish-kah

Started Topics :  250
Posts :  2244
Posted : Oct 4, 2006 10:17
Evolution is never finished

Started Topics :  18
Posts :  783
Posted : Oct 6, 2006 10:00
-Evolution is never finished
-Psytrance evolution is Finnish!
-The psytrance evolution stopped when Alien Project released his first album...

...especially the last statement shine's like a fresh turd...

I love this topic!

Zoolog says:
It's not even started... If you find the grooves of 2006 abit boring, dont worry; It will get worse!


If you find the newest "killarghs" psychedelic, dont worry, it will get even more twisted.

...if your still without hope for this scene....

Listen too all the stuff you disliked in the past, the genrés you didnt dig, the live-acts of the past you avoided, loosen up and realize that we all have different taste; Pythagoraz said it!

Our baby grew up, and she turned into a pepsi sponsored mtv whore... That's how it is with kids these days...

...still the scene is rather big and very diverse, theres a big gap between S.U.N. project and EVSY ...and between a progressive/electro party vs. a psychedelic mindexpanding spiritual gathering...

We are both to contain Skazi-Max and the tribal ritual dance of the specie, no wonder it causes abit of worries around the scene...

I hope that this discussion will be taken further, on a PSYCHEDELIC trance forum, some time in the future.

Colin says:
...a lot of 'psychedelic trance' around these days is neither psychedelic nor trancy.

Zoolog says:
Then its not 'psychedelic trance'

....Sorry for the mess 
IsraTrance Junior Member

Started Topics :  36
Posts :  281
Posted : Oct 7, 2006 07:16

On 2006-08-15 18:07, Alectrance wrote:
2006 psystrance releases sound old boring with recicled base lines!
Someone wrote goa trance died due to music had to innovate.
Today i write this kind of psytrance should die due to psychedelic music should to innovate!
these days i miss sophisticated music!

too bad for you,
it'll come back,
if it doens't,
accept and discover your new journey.

good luck 
Colin OOOD
OOOD/Voice of Cod

Started Topics :  95
Posts :  5380
Posted : Oct 7, 2006 11:42

On 2006-10-06 10:00, Zoolog wrote:
Colin says:
...a lot of 'psychedelic trance' around these days is neither psychedelic nor trancy.

Zoolog says:
Then its not 'psychedelic trance'

I kind of agree... except that it gets sold as psychedelic trance!

Filzbiber wrote

On 2006-10-03 22:20, Colin OOOD wrote:
I reckon the genre might have a trick or two up it's sleeve yet However (IMO) a lot of 'psychedelic trance' around these days is neither psychedelic nor trancy.

Yep, you're right, but why care. As long as you're produce groovy music and others are doing as well.... just don't care about the rest. That's how you keep it alive (and real).

New OOOD album out on November 17th.           Mastering - ::
OOOD 5th album 'You Think You Are' - :: ::
Contact for bookings/mastering -
IsraTrance Junior Member

Started Topics :  17
Posts :  163
Posted : Oct 7, 2006 14:20

On 2006-08-15 18:42, Pavel wrote:
Perhaps it's time you go and listen to other music. Like many people here did.

totally agree!!
IsraTrance Junior Member

Started Topics :  20
Posts :  2095
Posted : Oct 7, 2006 14:49

On 2006-10-03 19:11, Pythagoraz Denmark wrote:
frankly I'm tired of people who whines about the lack of quality in our genre.

a short story:
I have a (girl) friend who recently went to her first Psy party and as most of us she got blown away by the music and the atmosphere. She began to ask me about stuff regarding the genre and I tried to guide her in her search for psychedelic experiences. I told her about different styles, festivals, artists etc. and when she asked about places where she could meet people with similar interests and read stuff i natually pointed her this way.

Now what happened when she came in here? -well, she contacted me some days after and asked me if there was another place other than Isratrance she could visit. I asked why? and she answered that she would like to find people who LIKED Psychedelic-trance and not people who only talked about how everything was better in the old days, how artists, labels etc. only think about money, how all the releases sounds alike etc. basicly how sad and bad everything is -I wish I could have proved her wrong, but lets face it, that is pretty much the "headline" of Isratrance's Debates these days.

Now my friend who doesn't live near any trance people or parties, so she was hoping that the internet would be of help but actually ended up kinda giving up on it all. she still wants to come hear our liveset next time we are at a party enar her, bu she had the feeling that her VERY positive attitude towards a new and promising Experience and even lifestyle, was totally disillusioned after a couple of days in this forum.

This girl would probably have been a very active Trancer if I have the right idea about her. -but now she prolly will never be.

Now- what does this have to do with anything?

-Well I for one partially agrees with her views. that is, I will not leave and bail out, but I do think all this whining and dissing is a big part of the problem. and yes, I do agree that there are non stimulating tendencies in our scene, but wth. it's not like I am forced to listen to the tracks I do not like so they really are not a part of my trance experience at all.

lets take another genre and compare it with our genre. for instance hip-hop. Is there any similar problems with similar sounding tracks comming from there? .... omg yes! og how about, lets say rock music... -well rock music has always been popular and popular music makes money which is why big labels invest alot in that stuff and we all know big labels never really release artists with groundbreaking new sounds. -no they get the popular artists from the indie labels and either promote them copy the sound. so yes the money in the rock industry are too invested into known material that is guaranteed to please the masses rather than the new sounds and initiatives.

-I could probably go on like this forever, but my point is that THE WHOLE MUSIC SCENE has these "problems" and allways has had them. the only exception is when new genres take form and they are still underground, like acid, raves etc, punk etc.

but WHY ARE WE THE ONES WHO CAN't FUCKING GET OVER THE FACT that we are not underground anymore??

now I know that it is possible to listen to great hip-hop without listening to pathetic stuff like 50-cent etc. and I know I am the only one who decides if i should buy the new "Good Charlotte" album or the new "Bob Dylan" album. there is no problem there, just as there is no problem in me not buying the new skazi album when i browse the new releases at the local trance shop.

this leads to the second point. if people buy more bad releases in our genres than they buy good and newthinking stuff, either you/I (in the spirit of the democracy) is the one who are all wrong regaring quality since overruled by the mayority, or as I'd like to think, you/I just have a different taste and maybe even an urge to get deeper into the perfectionism of our music than the mayority does. if the mayority then at some point stops liking the quickly produced comecial stuff, well.. it wouldt be comercial anymore and therefor wouldn't be released.

to put it shortly :
I think you all should stop trying to be so fucking negative about everything and instead just see our genre as it is, -namely so gigantic, and confusing that you really have no choice but to accept that your focus of interest can't be on every single piece of music (and shit) that is released but instead on the stuff that you like, and if your focus was put there then maybe you could write about that and inspire other people, both newcommers and pioneers instead of making everybody depressive or even scaring some entirely away.

-and if there really is no stuff you like, well... -what the hell are you even doing here?

yeah I now I wrote too much! :s sry

nice example.....

its alwayz the same 4 or 5 people here that are ALWAYZ spreading the negativity....


be positive.....

try smiling....

life is not soo bad...


IsraTrance Junior Member

Started Topics :  14
Posts :  620
Posted : Aug 7, 2008 15:54
"but WHY ARE WE THE ONES WHO CAN't FUCKING GET OVER THE FACT that we are not underground anymore??"

Because if you have seen and have felt the energy of the underground you can't compromise with todays fake/commercial part of psy-trance.
The new funs are not aware of this knowledge so they don't have a problem but the old ones who know are dissapointed.
They also feel that they must spread their experience to the new ones in order to help them learn.
Can you compare the energy of an underground
movement with a commercial one?
Can you accept the fact that the magic is fading?
Even if the magic is gone i will never forget what made me love the psychedelic trance music and the psychedelic experience!

Remy [POF]
Principles Of Flight

Started Topics :  48
Posts :  509
Posted : Aug 7, 2008 16:39
Psytrance evolution is NOT finished at all; it's just stuck in a bad back alley of which it can't get it self out of...

I strongly believe that we haven't reached 10% of what we can be done within this genre.
          On 2011-03-08 23:13, moki wrote:
listening only to free music is like having the free possibility to satisfy yourself with thousends of different free sexual acts.
IsraTrance Full Member

Started Topics :  168
Posts :  2984
Posted : Aug 7, 2008 16:40
Nice job on bringing back a dead topic!
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