Israelis in India
IsraTrance Junior Member
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Posted : Jul 18, 2005 18:37
ofcourse guys!! u r so right!!! i wasnt talking about it! i think when people disrespect others colture is the most discuting thing.... i was talking about the fact that someone just said that he doesnt understand how they get stuck in one place for a long time and all they are doing is chillums! - i think it is their right to stay where they want to and for how long they want to ---- i am not talking about the disrespect and all u have mantioned above -> please separate the two things one from each other ...
also tell u the truth i never knew that its the way indians fell about the israelies and it makes me really sad
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Posted : Jul 19, 2005 00:35
On 2005-07-18 18:37, Ppsygirl wrote:
also tell u the truth i never knew that its the way indians fell about the israelies and it makes me really sad
Well it is very easy to spot. As I said one needs to be blind to miss that, but we as a nation miss much greater injustices so what is some small time babu's compared to that?
As long as we will continue with the 'rude but warm inside' justification for us behaving as barbarians in other countries we visit we will stay that way and probably get worse. There is a definite problem here, and there is no justification for it. There is a serious need to fix it, and there is no one to blame except ourselves.
  A man with a "master plan" is often a woman |
Cyber Punk
IsraTrance Team
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Posted : Jul 19, 2005 09:49
Yulik, nobody is justifing that behaviour !
(the "rude but warm" thing was only for HandA who didn't understand how is that makes sence).
  -=Lead System Designer=- |
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Posted : Jul 19, 2005 09:59
On 2005-07-18 18:37, Ppsygirl wrote:
ofcourse guys!! u r so right!!! i wasnt talking about it! i think when people disrespect others colture is the most discuting thing.... i was talking about the fact that someone just said that he doesnt understand how they get stuck in one place for a long time and all they are doing is chillums! - i think it is their right to stay where they want to and for how long they want to ---- i am not talking about the disrespect and all u have mantioned above -> please separate the two things one from each other ...
also tell u the truth i never knew that its the way indians fell about the israelies and it makes me really sad
| Well what can I say. I always believed that there is always 2 sides to a story. Is there one in this case?
IsraTrance Junior Member
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Posted : Jul 19, 2005 11:18
I guess at the whole we are all humans .....and there would be only comparison between the evils of humans but not the humanity......
  StIlL TrIpPiN------->WaY To TrAnCe |
Mat N
IsraTrance Senior Member
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Posted : Jul 19, 2005 13:10
On 2005-07-19 00:35, Yuli wrote:
As long as we will continue with the 'rude but warm inside' justification for us behaving as barbarians in other countries we visit we will stay that way and probably get worse. There is a definite problem here, and there is no justification for it. There is a serious need to fix it, and there is no one to blame except ourselves.
exactly, i couldn't say it better
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Posted : Jul 19, 2005 13:35
Some get it and some refuse to get it. Yuli is one that got it. |
Ben P
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Posted : Jul 19, 2005 14:30
no body says that being warm justfy being rude!
they just said just as we as ppl are rude we also got few good things one of theme is being warm!
we do have a lot of work to do on our behavior in other countrys.
And all the things said here are truth.
but its seems to me and corect me if im wrong that HandA got a bit of a problem with us israeli and its not only about being rude!
Its about evryting.its about us being israeli and im not the only one to think so.
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Posted : Jul 19, 2005 15:36
On 2005-07-19 14:30, Ben P wrote:
but its seems to me and corect me if im wrong that HandA got a bit of a problem with us israeli and its not only about being rude!
Its about evryting.its about us being israeli and im not the only one to think so.
oh here we go again. the never ending assumptions.
I think it's go more to do with that this:
"How does a foreigner dare to have an opinion about anything related to Israel or the Israeli's. And on top of that in the Israeli forum! How dare he"
Bull's eye maybe? (expression from the game of Dart)
Sorry for going offtopic. Even though Ben P's reaction toward me in some ways do have something to do with the overall topic here. |
Ben P
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Posted : Jul 19, 2005 16:31
quote : HandA "How does a foreigner dare to have an opinion about anything related to Israel or the Israeli's. And on top of that in the Israeli forum! How dare he"
many others forngires said bad thigs about israel and i respect and exept what they said!
but with you i get the filings its more then the israeli behavior
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Posted : Jul 19, 2005 16:37
On 2005-07-19 16:31, Ben P wrote:
quote : HandA "How does a foreigner dare to have an opinion about anything related to Israel or the Israeli's. And on top of that in the Israeli forum! How dare he"
many others forngires said bad thigs about israel and i respect and exept what they said!
but with you i get the filings its more then the israeli behavior
Instead of "feeling" that I am out to "get" Israeli's may I suggest you ask me before you jump to conclusions?
It's such an OLD and VERY WRONG assumption that I hate Israeli's and dont like Israel. It's an assumption started here a long time ago when a few people ran out of fuel and arguments and started to point fingers at me and accuse me of things that's very very far from the truth. Instead of debating without getting personal they had to get personal and label me as a jew-hater etc.
Basically like you are now even though you dont say it directly.
You don't know me and you dont know what i think. So stop assume things and ask me instead. That's what i do when I am not sure about people's intentions.
yet an off-topic post.
Can we please get back to the topic? |
Ben P
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Posted : Jul 19, 2005 16:44
ok im sorry but my conclusions was not from other ppl because i havent been here so long my conclusions came from other posts you had in the last few weeks.
i see you a lot in the israel section = you care about israel
care= feellings
since you the feellings are defently not good ones(what i get froum your posts) then its a bad fillings
Bad feellings = disslike
anyway if i was worng im sorry |
Ben P
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Posted : Jul 19, 2005 16:45
i say from here ill pm you so we wont get this thread locked
soryy for starting this all oftopic thing! |
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Posted : Jul 19, 2005 17:38
Hey! Iam a little tired an all so i go try to make my story short! I have never seen such a big racism of israelis in koh phangan! Not even arab ppl hate you this much! And i know from both sides!
Paradise bungalows @ haad rin even had the sign: No Israelis alowed a couple of years ago... 100% Sure! I stayed there for awile when the sign wasnt there and i know evbody there and when some israeli came 2 ask for room it was always full! One of the workers also had an italian girlfrieand and they came to his room a israeli group and
and asked to take her out, bla bla bla they started 2 argue and the thai guy kicked them all to the hospital!
I had myself like 40 bad moments in phangan my year there! 98% from israelis! and 1 swedish !
I was always hanging around with israelis, Only israelis travel alone, never found a pure israeli that travels in group, maximum 2 ppl! The group thing is bullshit wherever you come from, Whats the point of traveling with all your frieands and realtives, how you suppost 2 meet some new ppl like that? difficult! anywayz, this one time at the party, one drunk guy came 2 me and the rest was israeli ppl of 3! one with his girlfrieand and one alone, they had just arrived from india and we were chatting and this guy comes up and sayz: You israeli fuck..You fucking..etc etc etc! He was really fucked up! The only one that got up angry was ME! The rest of them just sat there, and told me..Hey what do you want from him? Just be sorry of him..etc etc, REALLY SHANTI ! THATS GOOD ISRAELIS!
Anywayz, Same night i go home from party, And a group of israelis, In the taxi FLIPPING OUT! Singing Yelling 2 the taxi, Drunk akting like silly kids totally flipped out! FUCK i had a big headace that day, And they made the taxi stop where he never stops, Far from everybody else but not them!
Taxi driver didnt say word hole tripp, Thai ppl are very patience! Lucky fucks!
And all the israeli signs thing and israeli resturant thing? Why the fuck do some of them go on vacation when they only hang around with israelis, only eat in israeli resturants etc etc ! WHYYY WHYYY on HOLIDAY?
And why the FUCK do ppl act COOL and be TUFF on holiday, This is holiday, You dont know anybody and nobody knows you, When you get home yer not gonna see the same ppl on the street, Walk naked if you want, You have nothing to be ashame of, Dont act like a gangster becuz you dont feel good with yourself!
Anywayz, this all shit got me angry and i cant take this no more ! But in Koh phangan i saw big racism and i sometimes can under stand why! Its not all, But its many! from my own experience ! The best and the worst on that island was israelis! But thats not a big issue ! Stop the occupation of The Golan, West Bank And Gaza ! And lets have peace insted?
Fucking world!
  Peace In The Middle East, Fuck The Goverments,Fuck The Goverments And Fuck ALL GOVERMENTS! We make peace, Goverment FUCKing Goverment make money and good living! Fucking Goverment!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! |
IsraTrance Junior Member
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Posted : Jul 19, 2005 22:38
yes yes we are bad people
the more the world hate us{mabey its our fault}
the more is are strong |