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Goodbye Chaos Unlimited!

IsraTrance Junior Member

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Posted : Sep 5, 2006 15:51

On 2006-09-05 15:21, psytones wrote:
Quality production or quality psychedelic music? What are you guys discussing? Because you know what, Shiva Shidapu had BAD quality, but the FINEST QUALITY in psychedelic music. Erez used an old tracker. So shit man, people can make quality music with crappy computers and shitty speakers. Who cares about the production quality when the cosmic production is top notch. But I'm proberly off topic, as usual, so please have me excused

No, you're stop ON TOPIC. People here seem to be confusing the two. Quality productions entails money as Datakult stated. Quality "music" cannot really be determined, but for me it entails imagination, powerful rhythms, good atmosphere, and how I interpret psychedelia in music which is subtle effects and holographic/3d sounds. But again, that is what I would call quality music. It is different for everyone.

I for one without a doubt prefer the musical side of rather than the production side. I mean, Metallica's "Master of Puppets" sounds like shit compared to the Black album, but it kicks its ass in so many ways. Now granted, Penta or Ocelot may not have the same quality of production as for instance Xerox or Wrecked Machines, but IMHO their music overflows with much more creativity and psychedelia and POWER.
IsraTrance Junior Member

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Posted : Sep 5, 2006 15:57
And to get back to the ORIGINAL topic (I know it's a far way), I've been doing a little thinking along DETOX's view.

Well if the number of CDs being published increases over time, granted more established labels will get hurt by competition (only normal), but how exactly does the shop suffer? I fail to see the logic between an increase in labels and an overall decrease in sales for the shops. Can someone please help me connect A to B?
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Posted : Sep 5, 2006 16:00

On 2006-09-05 15:51, neuromantik wrote:
No, you're stop ON TOPIC. People here seem to be confusing the two. Quality productions entails money as Datakult stated. Quality "music" cannot really be determined, but for me it entails imagination, powerful rhythms, good atmosphere, and how I interpret psychedelia in music which is subtle effects and holographic/3d sounds. But again, that is what I would call quality music. It is different for everyone.

I for one without a doubt prefer the musical side of rather than the production side. I mean, Metallica's "Master of Puppets" sounds like shit compared to the Black album, but it kicks its ass in so many ways. Now granted, Penta or Ocelot may not have the same quality of production as for instance Xerox or Wrecked Machines, but IMHO their music overflows with much more creativity and psychedelia and POWER.

Spot on!

The point is that there's way too much "factory music" these days. I see very little experimentation and individuality. And that does not only go for dark or full on but also for progressive trance / house and indeed psychill whih i personally find to be repeating the same eastern and indian "ethnic" cliche over and over again these days. This is not to point fingers at anyone BUT it would be so plesant to see a little more experimentation and less copy & paste. And most of all some more personality in the music.

My opinion of course.

I prefer a poorly recorded track over a polished boring track. Of course if you can combine a creative experimental track with a good production then you got a winner 
Dennis the menace
DevilsDennis Sparris McHilton

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Posted : Sep 5, 2006 16:13
when someone starts to experiment with factory music we get threads like this one. When someone breaks the pattern the entire scene is falling apart...

cmon man...
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Posted : Sep 5, 2006 16:15

On 2006-09-05 16:13, Dennis the menace wrote:
when someone starts to experiment with factory music we get threads like this one. When someone breaks the pattern the entire scene is falling apart...

cmon man...

So if I understood you correct the music your label and other "dark" labels release is to "break the pattern"?

If that's what you suggest then i can only say I highly disagree.

Been there seen it all (without the goat heads of course)

Dennis the menace
DevilsDennis Sparris McHilton

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Posted : Sep 5, 2006 16:24
take a listen to our first release and tell me if u heard any similar trax like the savage scream track, or the atrocious berserker or even the crying orc track?
So Yes i would call it breaking a pattern

Feel free to download it...

Anyways we didnt start the label for breaking patterns we just wanted to share the music we like since there was so many complains about fullon was cut n paste and there was no innovation in fullon, well, the story is the same today

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Posted : Sep 5, 2006 16:27

On 2006-09-05 16:00, TrippyJohnny wrote:

On 2006-09-05 15:51, neuromantik wrote:
No, you're stop ON TOPIC. People here seem to be confusing the two. Quality productions entails money as Datakult stated. Quality "music" cannot really be determined, but for me it entails imagination, powerful rhythms, good atmosphere, and how I interpret psychedelia in music which is subtle effects and holographic/3d sounds. But again, that is what I would call quality music. It is different for everyone.

I for one without a doubt prefer the musical side of rather than the production side. I mean, Metallica's "Master of Puppets" sounds like shit compared to the Black album, but it kicks its ass in so many ways. Now granted, Penta or Ocelot may not have the same quality of production as for instance Xerox or Wrecked Machines, but IMHO their music overflows with much more creativity and psychedelia and POWER.

Spot on!

The point is that there's way too much "factory music" these days. I see very little experimentation and individuality. And that does not only go for dark or full on but also for progressive trance / house and indeed psychill whih i personally find to be repeating the same eastern and indian "ethnic" cliche over and over again these days. This is not to point fingers at anyone BUT it would be so plesant to see a little more experimentation and less copy & paste. And most of all some more personality in the music.

My opinion of course.

I prefer a poorly recorded track over a polished boring track. Of course if you can combine a creative experimental track with a good production then you got a winner

somehow trippyjohhy got morphed into neuromantik, Do you happen to use Mind control johnny? or should we call an exorcist?
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IsraTrance Full Member

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Posted : Sep 5, 2006 16:34
I haven't bothered to read through this debate of who destroyed who and what here...

But, I just want to say a big TANK YOU to Chaos Unlimited for all the great work they did in all these years! Always helpful and friendly...! I bough many good Cds from them back in the days, that were hard to find elsewhere... I wish you all the best with your new projects and that you keep on spreading the good vibes!
PKS (Norway)           CHILL TRIBE
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Posted : Sep 5, 2006 16:36

On 2006-09-05 16:24, Dennis the menace wrote:
take a listen to our first release and tell me if u heard any similar trax like the savage scream track, or the atrocious berserker or even the crying orc track?
So Yes i would call it breaking a pattern

Feel free to download it...

Anyways we didnt start the label for breaking patterns i just wanted to share the music i like since there was so many complains about fullon was cut n paste and there was no innovation in fullon, well, the story is the same today

Now I got all the respect in the world for you not just following in the footsteps of what everybody else do these days. Then we can disagree about your use of icons.. That's another debate and a debate that's been debated... And you know my opinion anyway

I have indeed listened to some of your releases. I do not rememeber if I listened to that exact track though. I will for sure and give you feedback. But sorry i just do not hear anything in your releases that has not been done before in some way or another. Just as I also did not see anything new or groundbreaking in IM (just an example) when they were praised as the "pioneers of psytrance". I am aware of how hard it is these days to do something new. But I just do not see your releases breaking any patterns. That does not mean it's not good music for those who like this style of music. It's just not something new. It's been done before in varuious types of constellations. If you could do a time travel back to the old days you'll find lot of tracks with the same dark elements and indeed same sounds, buildups etc. etc. (maybe less good quality though).
But as I said I resepect you for not going down the same path as so many does these days. But IMO it still got nothing to do with breaking patterns musically

Dennis the menace
DevilsDennis Sparris McHilton

Started Topics :  128
Posts :  2899
Posted : Sep 5, 2006 16:43

On 2006-09-05 16:36, TrippyJohnny wrote:

Now I got all the respect in the world for you not just following in the footsteps of what everybody else do these days. Then we can disagree about your use of icons.. That's another debate and a debate that's been debated... And you know my opinion anyway

I have indeed listened to some of your releases. I do not rememebr if I listened to that exact track though. I will for sure and give you feedback. But sorry i just do not hear anything in your releases that has not been done before in some way or another. Just as I also did not see anything new or groundbreking in IM (just an example) when they were praised as the "pioneers of psytrance". I am aware of how hard it is these days to do something new. But I just do not see your releases breaking any patterns. That does not mean it's not good music for those who like this style of music. It's just not something new. It's bene done before in varuious types of constellations. If you could do a time travel back to the old days you'll find lot of tracks with the same dark elements and indeed sounds (maybe less good quality though).
But as I said I resepct you for not going down the same path as so many does these days. But IMO it still got nothing to do with breaking patterns musically

We do try our best to find artists with their own sound instead of releasing whats allready been released before. Thats what i call breaking patterns... About the symbols and whatsoever its another story based on our own party experiences, maybe was a bad idea to bring it into the label since you wouldnt understand it anyways so lets just leave that behind
IsraTrance Full Member

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Posted : Sep 5, 2006 21:36

On 2006-09-04 11:19, TrippyJohnny wrote:

Why is it that every time an artist speak out then the artists have to hear stupid comments like "you are elitist", "go and make music instead of hanging out n the fourms" etc. ect? Idiotic!!!!


Yeah man, you dont even remember what u write??
Whos using these words in the first place??


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Posted : Sep 5, 2006 23:48
yes DETOX very proffessional...go sell your words on another forum...  

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Posted : Sep 6, 2006 00:16
Sorry but i am part of this forum before you even had discovered internet mate.           Toodaloo Motherfuckers!!!!!

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Posted : Sep 6, 2006 00:20
and yes all p2p programs must be destroyed forever...then people will not download free mp3 music...
and i want to ask because i dont know...can be one cd maked and that cd you cannot copy on another cd or copy in your PC...simply this cd only can be played??

oky detox we see how sick you are 
IsraTrance Full Member

Started Topics :  107
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Posted : Sep 6, 2006 01:18
this thread has become simply pathetic. Its incredible how some people think they have the ability to distinguish good music from bad music. That alone is a concept that just shows how screwed and self centered these minds are. This is clearly a subjective issue and it only concerns the individual who listens, buy and support they artist they like. You cant decide for others, it is a basic human right, as the desicion to take psychedelics to enhance the experience. Its incredible how some users here have a problem with that, specially this being a psychedelic trance forum.
So these people have been blaming, labels, party organizers, and the people! cmon guys , concentrate on your issues, blaming others its a plain lame attitude.
And whoever said music made on cpu and software is bad, they are just talking shit.
The first Cosma album was made with a CPU and a soundblaster soundcard and i dare anyone who make that claim , to present a better product! what has money to do with inspiration?????
I leave this thread now cause you old psyburnouts are making me sick! ever thought about retiring in style, without blaming everyone for their downfall!
Goodbye Chaos Unlimited and alikes..
and wellcome to the future..
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