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GAIAN MIND SUMMER FESTIVAL 2008 - June 19th to June 22nd, 2008, Four Quarters, Central PA, USA


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Posted : Jun 25, 2008 01:42
I did not get it(thankfully) and would like to throw this out there since so many seem to have

Stomach Flu (Viral Gastroenteritis) is an intestinal infection caused by several different viruses. Highly contagious, Stomach Flu (Viral Gastroenteritis) is the second most common illness in the United States. It causes millions of cases of diarrhea each year.

Anyone can get Stomach Flu and most people recover without any complications. However, Stomach Flu can be serious when people cannot drink enough fluids to replace what is lost through vomiting and diarrhea—especially infants, young children, the elderly, and people with weak immune systems.
Stomach Flu Symptoms

The main symptoms of Stomach Flu (Viral Gastroenteritis) are watery diarrhea and vomiting. Other symptoms are headache, fever, chills, and abdominal pain. Symptoms usually appear within 4 to 48 hours after exposure to the virus and last for 1 to 2 days, though symptoms can last as long as 10 days.
Stomach Flu Causes

The viruses that cause Stomach Flu (Viral Gastroenteritis) damage the cells in the lining of the small intestine. As a result, fluids leak from the cells into the intestine and produce watery diarrhea. Four types of viruses cause most Stomach Flu (Viral Gastroenteritis).

* Rotavirus is the leading cause among children 3 to 15 months old and the most common cause of diarrhea in children under the age of 5 years. Symptoms of rotavirus infection appear 1 to 2 days after exposure. Rotavirus typically causes vomiting and watery diarrhea for 3 to 8 days, along with fever and abdominal pain. Rotavirus can also infect adults who are in close contact with infected children, but the symptoms in adults are milder. In the United States, rotavirus infections are most common from November to April.
* Adenovirus occurs mainly in children under the age of 2 years. Of the 49 types of adenoviruses, one strain affects the gastrointestinal tract causing vomiting and diarrhea. Symptoms typically appear 1 week after exposure. Adenovirus infections occur year round.
* Caliciviruses cause infection in people of all ages. This family of viruses is divided into 4 types, the noroviruses being the most common and most responsible for infecting people. The noroviruses are usually responsible for epidemics of Stomach Flu (Viral Gastroenteritis) and occur more frequently from October to April. Infected people experience vomiting and diarrhea, fatigue, headache, and sometimes muscle aches. The symptoms appear within 1 to 3 days of exposure.
* Astrovirus also infects primarily infants, young children, and the elderly. This virus is most active during the winter months. Vomiting and diarrhea appear within 1 to 3 days of exposure.

Stomach Flu (Viral Gastroenteritis) is often mistakenly called “- stomach flu,” but it is not caused by the influenza virus and it does not infect the stomach. Also, Stomach Flu (Viral Gastroenteritis) is not caused by bacteria or parasites. For information about bacterial infections, please see the Bacteria and Foodborne Illness fact sheet from the National Institute of Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Diseases (NIDDK).

Stomach Virus Transmission

Stomach Flu (Viral Gastroenteritis) is highly contagious. The viruses are commonly transmitted by people with unwashed hands. People can get the viruses through close contact with infected individuals by sharing their food, drink, or eating utensils, or by eating food or drinking beverages that are contaminated with the virus. Noroviruses in particular, are typically spread to other people by contact with stool or vomit of infected people and through contaminated water or food—- especially oysters from contaminated waters.

People who no longer have symptoms may still be contagious, since the virus can be found in their stool for up to 2 weeks after they recover from their illness. Also, people can become infected without having symptoms and they can still spread the infection.

Outbreaks of Stomach Flu (Viral Gastroenteritis) can occur in households, child care settings, schools, nursing homes, cruise ships, camps, dormitories, restaurants, and other places where people gather in groups. If you suspect that you were exposed to a virus in one of these settings or by foods prepared on the premise of places such as a restaurant, deli, or bakery, you may want to contact your local health department, which tracks outbreaks.

Stomach Virus Diagnosis

If you think you have Stomach Flu (Viral Gastroenteritis), you may want to see your doctor. Doctors generally diagnose Stomach Flu (Viral Gastroenteritis) based on the symptoms and a physical examination. Your doctor may ask for a stool sample to test for rotavirus or to rule out bacteria or parasites as the cause of your symptoms. No routine tests are currently available for the other types of viruses.
Stomach Virus Treatment

Most cases of Stomach Flu (Viral Gastroenteritis) resolve over time without specific treatment. Antibiotics are not effective against viral infections. The primary goal of treatment is to reduce the symptoms, and prompt treatment may be needed to prevent dehydration.

Your body needs fluids to function. Dehydration is the loss of fluids from the body. Important salts or minerals, known as electrolytes, can also be lost with the fluids. Dehydration can be caused by diarrhea, vomiting, excessive urination, excessive sweating, or by not drinking enough fluids because of nausea, difficulty swallowing, or loss of appetite.

In Stomach Flu (Viral Gastroenteritis), the combination of diarrhea and vomiting can cause dehydration. The symptoms of dehydration are

* excessive thirst
* dry mouth
* little or no urine or dark yellow urine
* decreased tears
* severe weakness or lethargy
* dizziness or lightheadedness

If you notice any of these symptoms, you should talk to your doctor. Mild dehydration can be treated by drinking liquids. Severe dehydration may require intravenous fluids and hospitalization. Untreated severe dehydration can be life threatening.

Children present special concerns. Because of their smaller body size, infants and children are at greater risk of dehydration from diarrhea and vomiting. Oral rehydration solutions such as Pedialyte can replace lost fluids, minerals, and salts.

The following steps may help relieve the symptoms of Stomach Flu (Viral Gastroenteritis).

* Allow your gastrointestinal tract to settle by not eating for a few hours.
* Sip small amounts of clear liquids or suck on ice chips if vomiting is still a problem.
* Give infants and children oral rehydration solutions to replace fluids and lost electrolytes.
* Gradually reintroduce food, starting with bland, easy-to-digest food, like toast, broth, apples, bananas, and rice.
* Avoid dairy products, caffeine, and alcohol until recovery is complete.
* Get plenty of rest.

Stomach Flu Prevention

Prevention is the only way to avoid Stomach Flu (Viral Gastroenteritis). No vaccine is available. You can avoid infection by

* washing your hands thoroughly for 20 seconds after using the bathroom or changing diapers
* washing your hands thoroughly for 20 seconds before eating
* disinfecting contaminated surfaces such as counter tops and baby changing stations
* not eating or drinking foods or liquids that might be contaminated

Hope Through Research

The National Institute of Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Diseases (NIDDK), through its Division of Digestive Diseases, supports basic and clinical research into gastrointestinal diseases, including epithelial cell injury in the gastrointestinal tract. New vaccines under development may decrease the risk of infection, especially among infants and young children.
Important Points to Remember

* Stomach Flu (Viral Gastroenteritis) is a highly contagious infection of the intestines caused by one of several viruses.
* Although sometimes called "stomach flu," Stomach Flu (Viral Gastroenteritis) is not caused by the influenza virus and does not affect the stomach.
* The main symptoms are watery diarrhea and vomiting.
* Anyone can get Stomach Flu (Viral Gastroenteritis) through unwashed hands, close contact with an infected person, or food and beverages that contain the virus.
* Diagnosis is based on the symptoms and a physical examination. Currently only rotavirus can be rapidly detected in a stool test.
* Stomach Flu (Viral Gastroenteritis) has no specific treatment; antibiotics are not effective against viruses. Treatment focuses on reducing the symptoms and preventing dehydration.
* The symptoms of dehydration are excessive thirst, dry mouth, dark yellow urine or little or no urine, decreased tears, severe weakness or lethargy, and dizziness or lightheadedness.
* Infants, young children, the elderly, and people with weak immune systems have a higher risk of developing dehydration due to vomiting and diarrhea.
* People with Stomach Flu (Viral Gastroenteritis) should rest, drink clear liquids, and eat easy-to-digest foods.
* For infants and young children, oral rehydration solutions can replace lost fluids, minerals, and salts.
* Avoid Stomach Flu (Viral Gastroenteritis) by washing hands thoroughly after using the bathroom or changing diapers, disinfecting contaminated surfaces, and avoiding foods or liquids that might be contaminated.

Started Topics :  7
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Posted : Jun 25, 2008 01:44

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Posted : Jun 25, 2008 01:47
for curing

Scientific name: Agrimonia eupatoria

Medicinal value

It is a blend of the leaves that is used to treat liver ailments including jaundice, ulcers, diarrhea and skin problems. The leaves are also used as a diuretic. For external purposes it is used as a fomentation for athlete's foot, sores, slow-healing wounds, and insect bites.

Religious importance
It is believed that Agrimony is used for protection form spells, to banish negative energies and spirits. It also reverses spells and reverts them back to the sender. If Agrimony is put under head a deep sleep is caused that continues until it is removed.

Most of the United States and Southern Canada has tremendous growth of Agrimony, which is a perennial and reaches 2 to 3 feet tall. Complete sunshine and average soil is good for its growth.

In most cases starving is the best way to cure a stomach virus. If you suffer from cramps, then using a hot water bottle can give you some relief. Drink plenty of water and ensure that the water is boiled. You can also drink diluted buttermilk. You should avoid drinking tea or coffee and should stay away from oily, spicy food. Stomach cramps can be treated with a paste made of asafetida powder and water. Applied on the stomach, this can help get rid of gas and give you relief.

See also: Traveler's Diarrhea

Corn Remedy
view back of card

Diarrhea is characterized by frequent, watery bowel movements, often accompanied by stomach cramps, abdominal pain and gas. Diarrhea may be various colors and contain mucous, blood or pus. In general diarrhea is caused by a gastrointestinal problem, but may be a symptom of some underlying ailment such as: irritable bowel syndrome, diverticular disease, bowel cancer, celiac disease, pancreatitis, hyperthyroidism, Crohn's disease, dysentery, AIDS or ulcerative colitis, among others. It is important, therefore, to discover the cause of the diarrhea. Diarrhea is one of Nature's defense systems used to help rid the body of toxins and poisons as quickly as possible.

It is important to know what diarrhea does to the body besides the obvious effects. The salivary glands in the mouth, the mucous membrane in your stomach, and the liver and pancreas produce saliva which is used in the digestive process to break down food. When diarrhea strikes the saliva is lost and the digestive process is interrupted. In addition, diarrhea depletes the body of important minerals, called electrolytes, needed for good health. They are: potassium, magnesium, chloride, sodium and calcium. Without these minerals you may feel weak, tired and depressed, have an abnormal heart rhythm, and become dehydrated. For these reasons it is important to drink plenty of fluids when you have a bout of diarrhea, especially those that can replenish your electrolyte balance. Your energy level will rebound quickly if you do. It is also important to eat a proper diet, as mentioned below, to regain proper digestion.

Other nutrients, as well, pass through the intestines without being absorbed into your system. Dehydration may result and makes diarrhea in infants and the elderly especially dangerous and should be taken very seriously. Oral rehydration fluids are available at pharmacies and grocery stores. Give them all they want, as the body will tell them what it needs. Two of the leading brands are Pedialyte and Rehydralyte.

• Bacteria in food or protozoa in water are often the cause, but other causes are viruses, parasites in food and other sources. Diarrhea caused by intestinal parasites is the third leading cause of illness. If you have a number of the following symptoms: gas, diarrhea, chronic constipation, bloating, fatigue, skin rashes, nail biting, mood swings, insomnia, dry skin, brittle hair, hair loss, weight gain, bad breath, and muscle cramping, you should be tested for parasites.

• Gastroenteritis, caused by a virus that has entered the digestive tract or contaminated food or water, causes inflammation, cramping, nausea, vomiting and diarrhea. Severe cases can lead to dehydration, so be sure to drink fluids and balance your electrolytes (take Pedialyte for young children and the elderly, and sports drinks for everybody else.)


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Posted : Jun 25, 2008 01:51
Learn to manage the stress and anxiety that is causing your diarrhea. Yoga, meditation, hypnotism, biofeedback and other tension releasing techniques may be useful. Start an exercise program.

Blueberries A compound found in blueberries effectively fights the bacteria that causes most cases of diarrhea. Eating one cup of fresh blueberries should do the trick.

Carrot juice The essential oils in carrot juice have an effect on the mucous membranes in the stomach. Take juice several times daily to help regain proper digestion. The juice is good for children, too, and should stop diarrhea attacks quickly.

Carrot soup with carob This has been used effectively in children suffering from diarrhea caused by E. Coli bacteria.

Charcoal Take activated charcoal or white clay to absorb toxins in the system. Actually, activated charcoal is a powerful adsorbent, which is a substance that attracts things to its surface, as opposed to absorbing them into itself. Charcoal will stop the diarrhea quickly by adsorbing the toxins that are causing the problem. NB: Activated charcoal is not for everyday use as it adsorbs important vitamins and minerals you need to be healthy. If you can't find activated charcoal, try burning a piece or two of white toast. Scrape the burned part into a cup of boiling water and drink.

Coke/espresso Make a drink using 1/2 of each. Drink several times a day.

Cottage cheese and sour cream Combine two tablespoons of each and eat the mixture three or four times a day.

Garlic Chew raw garlic or take up to ten garlic oil capsules daily to kill bacteria. This remedy is good when you are travelling.

Honey Mix thoroughly 4 tablespoons of honey with 8 ounces of water. This is a good remedy for bacteria-caused diarrhea. Smaller quantities can be used for infants. Diabetics should be careful about taking so much honey at one time.

Lime juice Fresh lime juice added to a little hot water will quickly stop diarrhea in infants, children and the elderly.

Nutmeg Put a small amount of nutmeg, the size of a dime, in a spoon, and swallow. It will stop diarrhea quickly and is safe for small children.

Orange juice Mix 1/2 cup of orange juice, 1 tablespoon sugar, 1/6 teaspoon salt, 11/3 cups of water. Give a child 1/2 oz. of this mixture every 2 hours.

Persimmon Make a tea by cutting up six near-ripe persimmons and steeping them in 3 cups of boiling water, covered, for 20 minutes; strain and drink 2 cups in a 4 hour period.

Pumpkin Make a tea from the leaves of a pumpkin, squash or gourd. Boil two quarts of water; snip several double-handfuls of leaves into the water; cover and remove from heat; steep for 35 minutes; drink a cup every couple of hours.

Radishes In a food blender mix a handful of chopped red radishes, 1 cup of cold milk, and 1/2 teaspoon of cornstarch. Drink slowly. This remedy should stop the diarrhea within an hour. Repeat again in 4 hours, if needed.

Agrimony Take an infusion or tincture of agrimony. It is an astringent and healing agent for all intestinal inflammations and is especially suitable for children. Can be combined with soothing herbs such as chamomile, ribwort plantain or marshmallow root to relieve gut inflammation.

Allspice A remedy from the West Indies calls for a pinch of allspice in a cup of warm water or milk.

American cranesbill Take an infusion or 2-3 ml tincture (made from leaves) three times a day; or take a decoction made with 20 g root to 600 ml water. This is an astringent and is good for children and the elderly.

Amaranth Amaranth seeds and leaves are a good astringent and are useful in stopping diarrhea. Make a tea by bringing three cups of water to a boil, adding two teaspoons of seeds, cover and simmer on low for about 5 minutes. Remove from heat and add 1 teaspoon of leaves (if available) or just let it steep for 30 minutes. Drink two cups daily.

Apple Eating an apple, including the skin, is good for diarrhea.

Bayberry Bayberry contains a chemical in the bark called myricitrin that fights germs, and also contains tannins which have a drying or astringent effect that will help relieve diarrhea. Drink two cups a day until you are better. Boil one teaspoon of powdered root bark for 10 to 15 minutes. You may want to sweeten it as it is bitter.

Blackberry leaf/raspberry leaf Drink a tea made from these herbs.

Boneset Drink boneset tea.

Chamomile Drink a tea made from this herb.

Caraway Drink tea made from caraway seeds.

Catnip Make catnip tea by mixing one tablespoon of dried herb in a large cup of boiling water, steep for 10 minutes, strain, cool, and drink.

Cinnamon The Pennsylvania Dutch put one teaspoon of nutmeg, 1/8 teaspoon of cinnamon and honey in a cup of warm milk. Drink at mealtime. To this remedy, Brazilians add one pinch of powdered cloves.

Cinnamon and cayenne pepper The combination of cinnamon and cayenne pepper is very effective in tightening the bowels. Make a tea by adding 1/4 teaspoon of cinnamon and 1/8 teaspoonful of cayenne pepper to two cups of boiling water. Let the mixture simmer for 20 minutes; cool; drink 1/4 cup every half hour.

Feverfew Mix 1/2 oz. each of feverfew, skullcap and lady slipper. Place in a quart jar, fill with boiling water and steep for 2 hours. Take 2 tablespoons three times daily.

Garlic Garlic is effective in three ways: it soothes, cleanses and reduces inflammation. Dice some garlic and take with juice, milk, soup or honey two or three times a day. You may also cook the garlic. Garlic tablets are also effective and can be used by people who have problems digesting raw garlic. Take two tablets once or twice daily for mild cases, three times for bad cases, and up to five times daily for severe cases. The doses should be two grams each. Garlic is also very rich in potassium which is essential for proper contractions of muscles, including the intestines. The potassium is also important in the body's electrolyte system and is lost during bouts of diarrhea.

Geranium Geraniums make a good astringent and can help stop diarrhea. Make a tea by boiling 1/2 quart of water and adding 2 tablespoons of grated or finely chopped root; reduce heat and simmer uncovered 7-10 minutes; remove from stove and add 1/2 handful of finely snipped leaves; cover and steep for 40 minutes; strain, sweeten with honey, and drink a cup every 31/2 hours.

Ginger Add one teaspoonful of powdered ginger root to one cup of boiling water. Drink three cups a day. This is especially good for cramps or abdominal pain.

Golden seal Make an infusion of golden seal and drink up to three cups a day as needed.

Lavender Put one drop each of lavender, ginger and orange oil into a few drops of a light carrier oil. Massage into the abdominal area.

Meadowsweet Meadowsweet is another popular herbal remedy. Make an infusion using one or two teaspoons of dried herb in a cup of boiling water, steep for 10 minutes. Drink up to three cups a day as needed.

Mugwort In cases of chronic diarrhea, use an extract of the herb mugwort (Artemisia vulgaris).

Nutmeg Mix 1 teaspoon flour, 1 teaspoon nutmeg, 1 teaspoon of white sugar, and a pinch of salt in a glass. Add enough water to make it easy to drink. Take every 4 hours.

Peppermint tea Make peppermint tea and add two tablespoons of fresh onion juice (made from a grated onion squeezed through cheesecloth); take a cup hourly.

Raspberry, red Babies can be given 1/2 teaspoon of red raspberry leaf tea every four hours.


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Posted : Jun 25, 2008 01:53
For infants:

Stop breast feeding and replace the milk with an equal amount of sweetened rice water, and give the following:

Aethusa cynapium 7: 2 gr. twice a day.

Argentum nitricum 7: 2 gr. twice a day.

When teeth are coming through, add:

Chamomilla 7: 2 gr. once a day.

For adults:

After a full meal, fatigue or a change of weather:

Aloe 4: 2 gr. 3 or 4 times a day.

If the diarrhea comes primarily after a meal, take the following beforehand:

China 4 and Podophyllum 4: 2 gr. of each at half hour intervals.

If the diarrhea is dark and gives off a fetid smell of rotten meat, take:

Pyrogenium 7: 5 gr. immediately

Arsenicum album 7: 5 gr. one hour later.

If there is blood or mucus in the diarrhea, a frequent desire to go to the bathroom, and rectal pain, take:

China 4: 2 gr. every other hour.

Mecurius corrosivus 7: 2 gr. twice a day.

For diarrhea due to excitement, take:

Gelsemium 7: 2 gr. once in 24 hours.

For mild traveler's diarrhea:

Phosphoric acid 30c

For pregnant women:

Diarrhea can be dangerous as it can cause a miscarriage. If you have three loose bowels in a row, see a doctor immediately. In the meantime, try these remedies, with one dose every hour up to 10 doses.:

• Cramping pains in the abdomen with yellow-green stools, take Chamomilla 6c.

• Cramping pains in the abdomen, yellow-green stools, bitter taste in mouth, no thirst, symptoms worse at night, take: Pulsatilla 6c.

• Diarrhea following over chilling after exertion, take: Dulcamara 6c.

• Diarrhea first thing in the morning, no abdominal pain, take: Sulphur 6c.

Perhaps the best thing is to rest-drink fluids-and teas-chamomile-peppermint-agrimony-etc etc
take honey - also - potassium/electrolytes..banana/pumpkin seeds

all in all ~~~ always - music-dance-people-nature makes a great
way to have fun and find enlightenment- its that simple

people need to wake up and when they come to a fest like this - even if they are making it happen -

leave your bad attitude - away please

Gaia - needs it...






Started Topics :  4
Posts :  1181
Posted : Jun 25, 2008 03:40
^^wow thanks for all the info

now for some happier thoughts- can everyone who took pics + videos post them here please

i hope ppl have started feeling better.
hopefully next year all the necessary precautions will be taken. im quite shocked to read abt how the 4q staff responded.hmmmmmmmmm

till next year. adios           "END THE OCCUPATION!"

"We cant solve the problems that we created with the same thinking that created them"

Started Topics :  2
Posts :  262
Posted : Jun 25, 2008 03:59
I agree with ^^

post pictures if you got them guys!

I'll get mine up as soon as I can (I dont have very many at all, I knew I forgot something) but I did shoot some (hopefully) badass video footage of the morning trancefloor that I will try to get online asap.

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Posted : Jun 25, 2008 05:22
So all i have to is WOWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWZERS! ...


Started Topics :  7
Posts :  45
Posted : Jun 25, 2008 06:58
I had an awesome time. The sickness thankfully didn't hit me until I got home, and I think it's finally starting to pass. But thank you everybody for a wonderful festival.

Here are a few pictures:

Started Topics :  2
Posts :  82
Posted : Jun 25, 2008 06:59
yes please i want to see all the videos and pics that were taken!!!
i feel better today!
IsraTrance Full Member

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Posted : Jun 25, 2008 08:00
just made it back to the west coast.....

mixed feelings on this one, I ended up getting the virus too, and it sucked. Luckily i have a super strong immune system and i was able to work thru it in a night, but my traveling companion was not so lucky and it made for a tough flight home for her.
I do feel the 4Q staff was certainly trying to sweep stuff under the rug. I witnessed a friend of mine address some concerns to them about the health crisis, and instead of a logical answer, or a yeah we know, were doing what we can, she was instead yelled at for insiting a panic.
What the hell is that....

However take away the 4q's mishandling and attempted cover-up(s) , I think the GMSF crew and orgs themselves did a stellar job. Ive never seen a US festival or crew so well organized. From the weather preperations. to the amazing deco, to the well thought out and flowing lineup. they did a outstanding job and should be comended.

Musically for me standouts where, Dragon, Solarfields (prog set), and Tony Unorthodox. though i dont think i caught a bad set all weekend.

Its a shame the venues staff has proven themselves to be so shady, it is truly a amazing piece of land and remarkable place. Would be a shame to have to find a new location, but yet dealing with such unpleasantness in the future will be , ... well unpleasant.           
Logical Light Music - SF
Straylight Productions -SF
Sound/Mind - Denver
Xcience - Midwest

mixes for dl at :

"He who ha-ha's last, ha-ha's best"

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Posted : Jun 25, 2008 08:28
Here are some pics I took:

5th time out for me and once again an amazing experience, despite the setbacks. Thanks to all for the great vibes.
IsraTrance Junior Member

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Posted : Jun 25, 2008 11:01

King Salmon
IsraTrance Junior Member

Started Topics :  19
Posts :  200
Posted : Jun 25, 2008 13:45
My first Gaian Mind and it was awesome.


Mahiane, Aes Dana, Solar Fields (chill dj set) - I don't have a lot of their tracks but it was all very good, ambient material.

Alex Falk - Awesome. I never realized minimal techno was so good. Got a great dancefloor going.


I knew this night was going to be much more my style than Saturday so I stayed up and heard everything from Freedom to Solar Fields to Aes Dana at the chill afterwards.

Freedom - Best dj set of the whole festival, other than Digitalist. Lots of my favorite tracks from Artifakt, Samadhi, Fungus Funk.

Dragon - I had no idea that almost all he played was his own material until I talked to him afterwards. Sounded extremely high quality for someone that's only been producing for 1.5 years. The quality is up there with Arahat / Monks of Madness. Style is a little similar with less punchy, lower, deeper basslines and some playful elements -- exactly what I like.

PsyOps - Good.

Digitalist - He played 3 hours live/dj. Not sure how he transitioned from live to dj, seems like he played about an hour live, then a mix of his and dj, then finally put away his laptop 2:30 into it. At about 1:00 in he played an Ocelot track -- the one with the sample "that's right". The first hour I thought was a little boring, not quite my style but still enjoyed it very much. The song structure was just too monolithic for my taste.

The last two hours, which I think is mostly dj, was super. Lots of crazy tracks I would love to have. Highlights for me include one track at 2:25 in (4:55 am) with all these cymbals in it and the last two tracks, especially the last one with all the funny beeps. I didn't like the Highcosmos-like track and a few other glitchy ones.

Kaiser Soze - Great morning set, starting with some early evening-sounding stuff like his Primordial Ooze material then some Suomi, really all over the map stylistically but all superb.

Coral - I don't really like full on but this was terrific. No cheese, highly danceable, intelligent stuff.

Treavor - Only caught a bit of his prog set but it sounded good.

Solar Fields (trance set) - I love his album EarthShine and this set was mostly tracks in that style, about half from the album and half new tracks for his new trance album. I don't really like morning but I loved this. Not cheesy, even the euphoric melodies -- simply beautiful music. I think he's carved out a very unique niche of slow, minimal, euphoric, melodic morning trance.

Solar Fields ended at noon and things moved over to the chill stage.

Aes Dana (live) - Haven't heard many of his tracks, but really liked the set. Slow, hypnotic with a real danceable groove.

HUVA Network - Unfortunately there were technical difficulties during this. It was not really listenable so I went to sleep.


Unfortunately I slept through Archedream, Toni Unorthodox, Fractal Phono and Lauryn. I woke up in time for EVP, thought that was ok, Rastaliens was better, bouncier, but overall this night was not my style of music. The dancefloor was certainly more active than Friday night.


I brought my croquet set and set it up in the chill area. I beat Lauge (Divine Balance, Denmark) four times but his last two games showed a lot of improvement and understanding of strategy. I also played a three-way game with Kaiser Soze and Nod and beat them both.


This was the best psytrance experience I've had. Venue, staff, amenities, music, deco and the crowd were all just superb. What impressed me the most was how every set was great. It's hard to find good early evening and morning djs for our parties in Texas but all the djs were great.

Fortunately I did not get sick.

Thanks to Alan, Sharon and the whole Gaian Mind crew. Thanks so much to Karmakanik and Orbicles for the hospitality in Philly, and Theo and Ron in New York. All the artists I met were very nice: Solar Fields, Aes Dana, Mahiane, EVP, Digitalist. It was also a pleasure meeting Pedro, Eitan, Damon, and countless others.           Kent
Austin, Texas, USA

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Posts :  9
Posted : Jun 25, 2008 14:13
My pics:
Trance Forum » » Forum  North America - GAIAN MIND SUMMER FESTIVAL 2008 - June 19th to June 22nd, 2008, Four Quarters, Central PA, USA
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