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Bashing a label, or avoiding the bad vibes? What would you do?


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Posted : Feb 14, 2013 10:04
In other discussion between known artists I saw info that Vitali is downloading mp3 from aritsts soundclouds, converting it to wav, remastering & releasing without their permission. Can someone confirm this, or is it rumour? 

Started Topics :  2
Posts :  559
Posted : Feb 14, 2013 14:22
Ok, when you click psyshop online store, on the first page of the recent releases they offer you can find four releases from psynina's label group, and that's just the first page. Is it possible that all artists give their music for free to some Munich based guy?
This is the same guy who is mostly known by his world famous project, or also famous psytropic rec, or his online shop all mentioned in a negative way who knows how many times here...
Fotis elf

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Posted : Feb 16, 2013 14:23

I had the same problems with this troll...

Avoid him in any way, he's a cheater, a fraud and makes money of other people's shoulders, he has serious attitude and psychological disorders...

But karma is watching and I don't see a very bright future for this person           Soundcloud/Alchemix
Solid Snake

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Posted : Feb 18, 2013 15:57
Never had any contact with him but the dude licensed our tracks from other labels 6 times on 4 different "vitali labels", just re-releasing the same shit over and over. sad.


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Posted : Feb 18, 2013 22:16
I released an EP with Spliff music, which is also now owned by Plusquam, back in 2011. Got out of the scene for a long time after that & i never bothered contacting him about sales info etc.

Don't really care about the money, just wanted my music to get out there. So recently when i got back into producing again, i sent him a few songs & he offered to do another EP.

Now after reading this i'm starting to have my doubts. Though i don't really care about the money. Is there any other way to get my music on beatport etc? 

Started Topics :  9
Posts :  81
Posted : Feb 19, 2013 10:20
wow that makes me a bit sad to hear one of my favorite producers running a label like that.

Started Topics :  150
Posts :  3315
Posted : Feb 19, 2013 12:28

On 2013-02-18 22:16, Get-a-fix wrote:

Don't really care about the money, just wanted my music to get out there.

Now after reading this i'm starting to have my doubts. Though i don't really care about the money. Is there any other way to get my music on beatport etc?

I don't really care about the money either, that is unless someone makes money on my stuff, promises me a share and then fails to fulfill that promise... that said, it is more about what the label does with you as a live act. Can they give you a certain level of promotion or is it just another dead horse in their catalog without any promotion whatsoever?

There are plenty of easier , more productive and better ways and labels to get your music out on beatport, not that beatport matters much.

To send some shark like Thomas more music to release is synonymous with endorsing him to rip you off and your fellow artists as well! The best thing you can do is boycott such people altogether and look for labels who actually do something with your stuff and promote you as a live act with the release of your music!
          Upavas - Here And Now (Sangoma Rec.) new EP out Oct.29th, get it here:
Solid Snake

Started Topics :  266
Posts :  4138
Posted : Feb 19, 2013 13:55
Btw if you guys are worrying about getting payments from labels, you have to understand that even the big labels most of the times do not pay out the royalties. I've even been in contact with a very big german techno label and 2 years later still do not have the agreed amount of 150 euro for 1 track + licensing and royalites for others. It's very sad but it's the reality.

It starts with "please send invoice to this adress" and ends up with 6 month benders of no response

Started Topics :  150
Posts :  3315
Posted : Feb 19, 2013 22:57
Lable name please Anders!!!           Upavas - Here And Now (Sangoma Rec.) new EP out Oct.29th, get it here:

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Posts :  92
Posted : Feb 20, 2013 20:23

On 2013-02-19 10:20, camundongo wrote:
wow that makes me a bit sad to hear one of my favorite producers running a label like that.

Do u mean psynina???

Started Topics :  9
Posts :  81
Posted : Feb 20, 2013 23:21

On 2013-02-20 20:23, Suntribal wrote:

On 2013-02-19 10:20, camundongo wrote:
wow that makes me a bit sad to hear one of my favorite producers running a label like that.

Do u mean psynina???

I mean Sunstryk. This is who this thread is about isn't it?
IsraTrance Full Member

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Posted : Feb 21, 2013 03:30
Psynina = Sunstryk ^^           -------......-------...-..-..-..-.-.-.-.-

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Posts :  559
Posted : Feb 21, 2013 11:35

Does somobody personally knows Thomas at all?


Started Topics :  147
Posts :  1441
Posted : Feb 22, 2013 14:43

On 2013-02-19 12:28, Upavas wrote:
There are plenty of easier , more productive and better ways and labels to get your music out on beatport, not that beatport matters much.

That's true that Beatport isn't very important in the grand scheme of things, however in my country (pakistan) it's sort of a big deal to get released there. I know of only a handful of artists who've managed to do it.

So if you've got releases on beatport you've 'made it' & it makes it easier to get gigs etc.

Are any other upcoming prog labels that are easier to get in to? I know the bigger one's will be much less likely to release new artists. It's also harder being in a country with a non-existent psytrance scene, that means you can't network at parties or slowly play out & get popularity.

The only way to get released for me is to send emails with links to my track & i doubt that gets results. Maybe we're getting off-topic though & this should be discussed in another thread! 
Martian Arts

Started Topics :  187
Posts :  5292
Posted : Feb 22, 2013 14:58
I don't think that releasing on Beatport, means that you've made it. There's tons of people with tunes on Beatport. I have lots on there, I ain't even thinking about quitting my dayjob. I would starve to death.  
Trance Forum » » Forum  Trance - Bashing a label, or avoiding the bad vibes? What would you do?
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