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Yotopia - Point Blank (Flow-Records, May 2005)

IsraTrance Senior Member

Started Topics :  301
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Posted : Sep 3, 2005 13:18
this masterpice makes me glad to be alive. amazing albums. the callaburation with lish is aaaaaa!!!! words!

          -=The Meaning Of Life Is To Give Life A Meaning=
IsraTrance Junior Member

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Posted : Sep 10, 2005 17:07

1. Secrets
2. Close your eyes
3. Dellusions
4. Point blank
5. Spacey atmosphere
6. Intoxicated (vs Lish)
7. Consciousness
8. Moving higher
9. Hypnotize (vs Etic vs Dana Zamir)

yotopia brings us here the concept that soul surfer, etic, & cosmic tone brought us before... this a release with fullon minded basslines and progressive elements... The atmosphere is very mystique en floathing... yotopia is not afraid to change his bassline faster, stronger, slower or heavier through the release.... This excelleny cd begins progressive en evols in to more fullon minded style, but changes back to progressive again... lot's of difference in using patterns and that is what I like...
De basslines ticks great and are very full... Sometimes shiva chandra style... Hard powerfull bass going together with slight ticking to create the feeling yotopia is playing wiht the psysounds.... One time with fullon minded the other time more progresivve minded... Yotopia has it all....
De psychedelic sounds are very minimal... it is en stays progressive minded... De sounds are intense, warm and very subtile.... Everything impresses me with a very intilligent touch and every sounds fits at the right place... No suprises, no explosions but just smooth surfing on the psyhcedelic sounds... The level of psychedelic is very high cause yotopia plays with the sounds a lot.... Using littte silicoun sound, pots en pans, minimal waves all together in one dark concept... to the end the release becomes more melodic but yotopia melodic...

SECRETS starts with a mytique intro en low bmp bassline... very strong repseresent but very soft at the other hand... the end melody is very floathing but practically not present...

CLOSE YOU EYES begins with the same mysitcal atmosphere and is supported by a heavier bassline...

DELLUSIONS has got a more fullon mined bassline but the drive is soft and enjoyalbe.....

POINT BLACK is direclty fullon bassline... very hard drive and the end meldoy is het first full psychedelic wave yotopia uses on his release....

SPACE ATMOSPHERE goes back to the progressive basslines en becomes more melodic comparing to the first tracks I described....

INTOCIXATED vs lish is drived fullon ahead but slower en softer then we are used to know the moring fullon formula... at the end a subtile wave and the most melodic until now...

CONSIOUSNESS is progressive minded, yotopia melodic and intens...

MOVING HIGHER is back fullon bassline en very melodic uplifting... this is no progressive anymore but pure fullon...

HYPNOTIZE as last nohting new, back to progressive no ambient track...

progressive lovers who want it a bit harder of fullon lovers who want it a bit slower listen to this you'll enjoy

guy cohen
IsraTrance Senior Member

Started Topics :  417
Posts :  2871
Posted : Oct 9, 2005 17:49
Sorry for jump the thread again but the cd just don't get out from my cd player...I want to make sure that everyone heard it and didn't miss this fantastic album.
For me - it's the best progressive album for years.
IsraTrance Senior Member

Started Topics :  301
Posts :  3605
Posted : Oct 9, 2005 22:39

On 2005-10-09 17:49, guy cohen wrote:

For me - it's the best progressive album for years.

one of the best!
for sure!           -=The Meaning Of Life Is To Give Life A Meaning=
IsraTrance Junior Member

Started Topics :  10
Posts :  62
Posted : Jan 10, 2006 17:24
Yotopia have created and album that sounds fresh and rewards us with at least three awesome tracks....
Point Blank, Moving Higher & Spacey Atmospheres.....nice one guys!!!

8/10           If you point your cart North,
when you want to go South,
How will you find The Way?
guy cohen
IsraTrance Senior Member

Started Topics :  417
Posts :  2871
Posted : Sep 22, 2006 17:38
Am I the only one who miss to new materials from Tomer & Yoni on style like the tracks here ?!

Point blank...
IsraTrance Full Member

Started Topics :  76
Posts :  2014
Posted : Sep 23, 2006 16:28

On 2006-09-22 17:38, guy cohen wrote:
Am I the only one who miss to new materials from Tomer & Yoni on style like the tracks here ?!

Point blank...

Nope, but for me their style changed for the better. I found this album to be quite boring at times, even though there are some good tracks here. But their new style is more 'into' it melody-wise. I like that a lot more.           "Subconscious unravels at the point of death, and all time it has known erupts into a moment. As death extinguishes us, so we become it."

[Esoteric: Subconscious Dissolution Into The Continuum]
Trance Forum » » Forum  Music Reviews - Yotopia - Point Blank (Flow-Records, May 2005)
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