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Yotopia - Point Blank (Flow-Records, May 2005)


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Posted : Jun 20, 2005 18:35

this cd is being playing in my stereo for weeks... and i just can't stop it

it is so fuckin' gooooooooood

thank u guys!
Zen Mechanics

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Posted : Jun 20, 2005 20:15
Without a doubt one of the best albums ever to come from the holy land! Pure quality Trance...Keep it up droogies!
The Accelerator

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Posted : Jun 21, 2005 14:48
This cd reminds me a lot of Cosma' "simplicity", not in the music style but rather in the general feeling of something new and exciting.
I barely hear any music over 136 bpm nowadays, but Yotopia just keep me bouncing. The music is flowing, intelligent and interesting but yet, very powerful.
True, the cd as a package might not be perfect, and not all the tracks are equal in their quality but hey, that's only their debut album....
My only "problem" with this cd is the cover art, which is totally boring and does not reflect any of what you might find inside, which is a shame beacuse this cd, in ANY standart is really good.
Yotopia, you guys rock! keep up the good work.

The whole israel issue over the music is really unrelevant. this is a very professional product and the music does exactly what it should - make you dance.

Started Topics :  6
Posts :  214
Posted : Jun 21, 2005 19:22

My only "problem" with this cd is the cover art, which is totally boring and does not reflect any of what you might find inside, which is a shame beacuse this cd, in ANY standart is really good.

all the flow covers are dull

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Posts :  60
Posted : Jun 23, 2005 19:18

On 2005-06-11 15:29, nolightatend wrote:
I have major problem with all artists been listed here from Son Kite to Lish!
I somehow fail to see or feel emotions in their music, it is like just standart loop with some fx. I think progressive psytrance became or becoming as ugly as fullon scene, just you deny to see it, trying to make progressive psytrance more than it is. AND yes, european producers sound much more solid than Israeli.

Don't give up so fast man !
I know what you saying about you fail to see or feel emotions ....but lish got emotins and Yotopia have it for sure !
sometimes i feel the same loop over and over more in europe prog style than in israeli style ..... but i'm agree about that europe production is much more solid !!!

so i start to think that production comes over emotions and vice versa !!
it rather sound solid but boring or intresting but small ...........
it so hard to keep tham both !
beside if europe were sound like israel like new ziland like japan so whats the point ....we lucky we come from different places and and got different attitude and colors for music ......

Very good albom Yotopia GoodLuck !!

Started Topics :  418
Posts :  3816
Posted : Jun 26, 2005 17:45
Certainly a good morning-album – following in the footsteps of the Lish album, combining the Israeli full on sound with more laidback progressive grooves. Still, Yotopias sound is not nearly as rich, powerful and dynamic as Son Kite for instance – but certainly very enjoyable
          DJ pr0fane (Iboga Records) | Multiphase | |
Arie Molecular

Started Topics :  34
Posts :  500
Posted : Jun 28, 2005 11:25
Hello party ppl
I just heard the cd. furthermore, I didnt have enought time to listen to it as well as desired but I think I got the main idea.
it is very good album, nevetheless, it is sometimes too monotonic in 2-3 trax.
my fav. tracks that I really liked and enjoyed riding with it in my new hi-fi stereo that been built in my new car are :

3 - good one I liked the sounds made there.
6 - with lish , a good combination guarenties a great tracks.
9 - with Etic and Dana, again something that broke for me the monotonic feel in the album. great track

another thing I want to mension is the order of the tracks - perfect, Yoni and Tomer picked great track lineup.
the sound quality of the album is defenetly a success story, although the use of the same kick and same bassline in several tracks can be sometimes annoing.

Finaly, the first artists from the Plug'n'Pray "team" releasing their album and im so happy for Yoni and Tomer for acheaving this result.

the only thing I want to hear more then this album is your second album guys, so goodluck in the future.

Arie.           Don't Let Yourself Get Attached To Anything
You Are Not Willing To Walk Out On 30 Seconds Flat
If You FEEL THE HEAT Around The Corner....

guy cohen
IsraTrance Senior Member

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Posted : Jul 1, 2005 02:44

On 2005-06-28 11:25, Arie Molecular wrote:

the only thing I want to hear more then this album is your second album guys, so goodluck in the future.

A few tracks expected to be released soon on Iboga and more...stay tunes !!
IsraTrance Full Member

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Posted : Jul 15, 2005 16:00
Love it amigos...thx a lot for sending it, I play it shitless for personal listening....summerstuff with groove 'n soul !!!           Mind Funk Records
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
The Green Channel
IsraTrance Junior Member

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Posted : Jul 21, 2005 00:32
This is an excellent release, IMHO much better then a lot of the european Progressive which is being produced today.

The album is filled with emotion and power, my only problem with this release is the Freq influnce which is quite clear in several tracks. This album is not as good as Colours (Son Kite) or 2. Brigade (Atmos) for instance, but very few releases are at that level.

I don't really understand how people can say that this release is not as "deep" as a lot of the european releases, well i used to listen to a lot of the so-called "deep" progressive, today i find a lot of it boring , this release however is much more dynamic.


Great work guys (Yotopia), i'm sure you are just going to get better and better, just remember find your own style, you have the skills.
          "Love is a way of life"

(Gaia, Love, Nature, Shamanism (, Terence McKenna)

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Posted : Jul 22, 2005 21:08
i like this album a lot!i saw them @club lua in lisbon and them kick ass.

very serious work, top production in the prog. scene.

my favorites 3;4;8

keep the good work
IsraTrance Junior Member

Started Topics :  47
Posts :  742
Posted : Jul 23, 2005 21:19
very good work here not big fan of prog but i like the combination of full on sound and prog and this what yotopia do killer work dudes

Consciousness-->my fav
deep stuff here!

Opus (Eli)
IsraTrance Junior Member

Started Topics :  24
Posts :  385
Posted : Aug 4, 2005 17:33
really love this one of this two talented guys!!!
my favorites are 3,4,6 !!!
and they are profe theme self in evrey party were the are played!!!

opus(senka pro.)

          "The harmony between heart and soul is the divine...
the divine trance".
Willy Wonka
Inactive User

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Posted : Aug 4, 2005 23:09
Very talanted, so talanted as advertisment is hidden on this thread.
Find nothing good about CD, it is one of thousands with better ones out.

Started Topics :  29
Posts :  580
Posted : Aug 5, 2005 08:38
very cool cd!

alot of wicked tunes here.
very good prod'.
love no 2,3!!,6!&9.
actually all the cd is cool but this is the tracks that cought my ears so far.
im enjoying 2 hear&2play it.
respect 2 yony&tomer.

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