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what have hindu gods have 2 do with psytrance?


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Posted : May 30, 2005 13:30

Many people think that mediation and prayer are two different things; in truth they are almost identical.

I think spiritualism of all forms has a lot to do with the trance/chill/psychedelic culture, I feel sad that most people today don’t understand why, psy/music is imho very spiritual.

completly agree!
the reason for the missing link to spirituality is that we are forced to be consumers, not individuals. it is very hard to find the inner balance while everything around you is trying to tell you that you have to consume something until you will be luky. you cant consume "spirituality", this the reason why many people lost the connection.
the people found a way to consume a higher state of mind: drugs. if you take lsd, you will have simular experiences like a good meditation in the forest. but the lsd-trip is a just chemical push, a window for some hours into a world which is not real. but it is, but how can you know if only lsd makes it possible for you?
The Green Channel
IsraTrance Junior Member

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Posted : May 30, 2005 13:56

On 2005-05-30 13:30, Kitnam wrote:

Many people think that mediation and prayer are two different things; in truth they are almost identical.

I think spiritualism of all forms has a lot to do with the trance/chill/psychedelic culture, I feel sad that most people today don’t understand why, psy/music is imho very spiritual.

completly agree!
the reason for the missing link to spirituality is that we are forced to be consumers, not individuals. it is very hard to find the inner balance while everything around you is trying to tell you that you have to consume something until you will be luky. you cant consume "spirituality", this the reason why many people lost the connection.
the people found a way to consume a higher state of mind: drugs. if you take lsd, you will have simular experiences like a good meditation in the forest. but the lsd-trip is a just chemical push, a window for some hours into a world which is not real. but it is, but how can you know if only lsd makes it possible for you?

Hallo Kitnam my friend,
I’m very happy that you agree.

Well-first of all there are many of these substances which can be found in nature which bring you into these stats of consciousness, like Ayahuasca, Ibogaine, mescaline and so fourth. If you read about the effects of an open Kundulini (which you can activate by a certain form of Yoga or mediation), I would say that the effect of a strong glass of Ayahuasca is almost identical with experiences people have with an open Kundulini (both the good and bad). You can open your kundulini by using A Yoga or mediation technique called Samadhi or here in Denmark where I’m from people simply refer to it as Kundulini Yoga without actually knowing what it is … Psychedelics are like a short preview of what these ancient techniques can do for your mind and body… … With the exception of smoking 5meo-dmt which is more like crash-course into astral-projecting

          "Love is a way of life"

(Gaia, Love, Nature, Shamanism (, Terence McKenna)
IsraTrance Full Member

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Posted : May 30, 2005 16:01
@the green channel
you are so open minded my friend bravo great posts!!!
...kundalini in high states could replace any drug substance... is the same subject(topic at india section)take a look it is very interesting to see how hindu bro/sist relate trance with religion!!!
..just feed your spirit with light...
After the End,a new Begining startS..
Inactive User

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Posted : May 30, 2005 16:28
Is it ok that some of us "earthly" people think it's all mumbo jumbo and a fashion thing in this scene to be "enlightened" and that we are into the music for the music's sake and notthing else?

IsraTrance Junior Member

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Posted : May 30, 2005 16:36
no its not!ull b instantly classified as nonspiritual and closed-minded neoraver...
just shut up, think cosmic spirits and how special and uniquely 'enlightened' us 'psytrancers' are.
repeat shiva in yourselv until u c the light lright?! if u dont c the light, u may try to turn it on...just take a few drops           Why u little !!!

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Posted : May 30, 2005 16:37
I think all cultures and sub-cultures have their symbols and icons. It's inevitable when these cultures cross paths that elements are then shared or adopted in new ways.

At the end of the day we're all human and all icons are human constructs. People draw different meanings from the same things because we are individuals as well as a global collective so I think it's worth saying that we all look for spirituality/enlightenment in different ways and that we should be open to them all.

Peace 3;~
The Green Channel
IsraTrance Junior Member

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Posted : May 30, 2005 17:08

On 2005-05-30 16:01, GOPENDRA wrote:
@the green channel
you are so open minded my friend bravo great posts!!!
...kundalini in high states could replace any drug substance... is the same subject(topic at india section)take a look it is very interesting to see how hindu bro/sist relate trance with religion!!!
..just feed your spirit with light...

Hallo my friend, very interesting topic
Well not only can it replace any substance it much more potent, even frightening at times. You will experience moments of extreme bliss, sorrow, visuals and a huge flow of creativity. As I said real psychedelics should be regarded like a preview of what having an open kundulini feels like.

          "Love is a way of life"

(Gaia, Love, Nature, Shamanism (, Terence McKenna)
The Green Channel
IsraTrance Junior Member

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Posted : May 30, 2005 17:28

On 2005-05-30 16:28, HandA wrote:
Is it ok that some of us "earthly" people think it's all mumbo jumbo and a fashion thing in this scene to be "enlightened" and that we are into the music for the music's sake and notthing else?

Off course that’s ok Kristian, most people (westerners) don’t give a shit about spirituality anymore. I happen to find the subject fascinating, also outside the context of Psy-trance. I must admit I don’t feel especially enlightened because I’m interested in spirituality

BTW Kristian I’ll give you a call this week… concerning the radio, see you my friend….
          "Love is a way of life"

(Gaia, Love, Nature, Shamanism (, Terence McKenna)
IsraTrance Junior Member

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Posted : May 30, 2005 20:56
Most people at parties these days are only after medicated hedonism, some are looking for a spiritual awakening and some go for the music What does Hindu imagery have to do with Psy-trance??? It's whatever you want it to be
          Turn On, Tune In, Trance Out!!!

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Posted : May 30, 2005 21:23
itis from the good vibes of this kind of music like a spiritual music of some kind..
but as a second thought when this god were venerated this kind of music didnt existed yet maybe is just something that someone used and everybody liked...
///sorry bout the freakin poor english guys\\\           "You fucking KILLA"


"the tongue is the whip of the ass"

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Posted : May 31, 2005 01:43

On 2003-02-21 09:46, shahar wrote:
<!-- incode Quote Start --><TABLE BORDER=0 ALIGN=CENTER WIDTH=85%><TR><TD><font size=-1>Quote:</font><HR></TD></TR><TR><TD><FONT SIZE=-1><BLOCKQUOTE>
On 2003-02-21 09:35, djsid wrote:
so where are the original spiritual hippies now?
</BLOCKQUOTE></FONT></TD></TR><TR><TD><HR></TD></TR></TABLE><!-- incode Quote End -->

Well, I'm here

me too

what the heck happened to the quotes
          Dream is my world. Goa is my motherland. Trance is my religion. Flying is my life.
IsraTrance Full Member

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Posted : May 31, 2005 02:02

On 2005-05-30 08:28, GOPENDRA wrote:
lets see about shiva and the a few of the principles he represents:
he is the protector god of the wicked souls,
as nataraja lord of the dance shivas tandav,
as a symbol of light pure energy,as the controller of the time,as the master yogi, the one who light darkness and heal ignorance,he gave civilazation and invented dance and music in india,the one who createt cannabis and ritual chilum smmoke,the one who keeps the drum rythm keeping the cosmic ballance of the universe...
He is well related in trance dance by the the hindu tradition,and specially for those who smoke chilum and want to give a respect to his spirit with + energy by saying BOOM SHANKAR.
there is a beautiful tradition and interesting spiritual philoshophy if you analyse the principles,we europians or americans dont have to be shivas devotees we baphtized with a christian or a jews name but just respect what he symbolises and find deep within us the is not bad to open our mind in every diferent religion idea belief, there is everywhere some wise truth...

I couldn't agree more. 10x Gopi bro!

Open your mind...
The Green Channel
IsraTrance Junior Member

Started Topics :  41
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Posted : May 31, 2005 10:30

On 2005-05-30 08:28, GOPENDRA wrote:
it is not bad to open our mind in every diferent religion idea belief, there is everywhere some wise truth...

This part is especially true, ...          "Love is a way of life"

(Gaia, Love, Nature, Shamanism (, Terence McKenna)

Started Topics :  110
Posts :  1151
Posted : May 31, 2005 14:29
@green channel

I am not into yoga and the meditation-technics you explained. I tried several technics but the only one which worked very good was my own creation, In my opinion everyone has to find his own style of going deep into "other side". The connection between dancing and meditation and spirituality is all the same.
after practicing (mostly): I always feel relaxed and overflowed with warm power (chi) and some would say, enlightend. until the force of the usual material world has layed down its gray shadow above me again. I also practice the siu nim tao, a chinese kungfu form, which combines chi-powers with the material world, but its hard to find this connection in my own body, while the body is moving. but at the end, and this you explained well: Its all the same energy. its not important how you call it, its everywhere and its very old. we just have to pick it up.
Inactive User

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Posted : May 31, 2005 14:46
I am in Scandinavia NOT in India so my music got absolutely nothing to do with Ganesh or any other Religious Indian symbols. It used to for a short while when I too was hyped (while on various delutional substances) with all the symbols from Indian Religion.. But believe me.. I grew out of it... Fashion symbols has never really been my thing

Now if some Indian artists like to to make music and incorporate his/her religion into the music then I am fine with that but to say that the trance scene = indian religion is something I will strongly speak against. The scene is worldwide and multicultural.. India and Indian religious symbols do not have the monopoly in our scene.
And to me it's about Music not religion.

Last. Maybe 2% of the people in our scene know what Indian religion is all about. The rest are just following some cool "hip" trend to be accepted into the "insider" group.
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