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what have hindu gods have 2 do with psytrance?

IsraTrance Junior Member
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Posted : Feb 24, 2003 19:40

Of course it's not since the 60s that ppl travel to the East in surch of illumination, but we've seen a boom of western traveling to India and Tibete, since then.

The deeper you go the higher you fly!
Aghori Tantrik

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Posted : Feb 24, 2003 20:01
boom babas...

im surprised with amount of replies here

so u guyz care about it afterall and know quite a bit i shud say..

and ohmem rite said man..thandai is a very sweet and cool drink...its also prepared and served on "holi" - the festival of colours...

that brings me to the topic of holi...its the 2nd biggest hindu festival after divali..on this day men and women spray each other with colours and have a lot of fun...its goin on in india since very ancient time, and this ritual takes the country by the storm, year after year! its sometime in march this year...

every year i suppose in mumbai theres psy party on holi day where we do the same ritual in "our" way...hahaha movin outta town 2 i wont be able to entertain and enlighten u guyz here for quite sumtime...ill try to b in touch

till then

keep it rolling baby!!

bOOM ShANKAR!!!!!!!!!
          aGh0Ri TanTriK
Sonic Tantra Records
IsraTrance Junior Member

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Posted : Feb 28, 2003 02:01
hehe nice thread djsid.
I agree, most of ppl don't know much about indian gods (oups, my case too).
I think origins of goa/psy-trance as a lot to do !
But in a more general way, it's a kind of reject of the western trends, like massive consumption, no respect to Earth and Life. And we (western ppl) see Indian Culture as the opposite
About Ohmem's idea of wearing clothes with christian symbols
when i see crucifix, I don't think first of Jesus message, but at what the Church did for a long time, the Inquisition, the silent approbation of the Genocide during WWII, or involvement in Chile putsh

IsraTrance Junior Member

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Posted : Feb 28, 2003 07:58
in a way good to see that people dont differentiate between religions,, the meaning & the message behind each is more important than the characters & the symbols!!

Inactive User

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Posted : Feb 28, 2003 12:26
It's all good to talk about religion as such but the issue is that 99% of all the people in the goa/psy scene use words like boom shankar without even knowing what it mean. When I say I am tired of hearing it it's because people use these words just to fit into a little box so they seem like everyone else in this scene. The original meaning of our scene was that no matter how you look like or who you are you're welcome. Opinions, religion, culture did not matter. But that's all changed now.

If you dont take drugs, smoke weed, dress a certant way or use words like boom shankar you're not a"true" goa/psy freak. Horrible but true !!!

Our scene has become a mecca for fashion statements and lack of individuality. Just look at the music which reflect teh state our scene is in. Most music lack individuality and sound similar. Where are the artists that dare to do something different instead of just making music that go 145 bpm and sound like a GMS, Infected, Astral clone?.......The keyword our scene lack these days is "different".

How many people can truely say that they know anything about indian culture and religion and how many have actually been in India? Not many !!!!

So my point is that the use of indian religion and culture in our scene and music is nothing but a overused fashion thing that make this scene become a cliche instead of a place where individuality and diversity rule.

I would love to see our scene become a place where it does not matter who you are, what you believe in and what clothes you wear.... I know it's a longshot but it would be very nice.

Started Topics :  29
Posts :  345
Posted : Feb 28, 2003 15:12
for me shiva and bom shankar are too psychodelic. 2 years ago i was in studio with PREACOX. we decided to use ohmmm sound in our track. so we took microphone in our hands and started to sign ohmmmmm. BUT unexpectly a lot of collorful fractals apeared on my trousers. we immediately decided to stop making music like that. it's simply too psychodelic for us.
Weirdo Beardo

Started Topics :  10
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Posted : Feb 28, 2003 15:34

BUT unexpectly a lot of collorful fractals apeared on my trousers. we immediately decided to stop making music like that. it's simply too psychodelic for us.

Dude! If you would stop putting acid on your cornflakes every morning, you could say ohmmmm or aum how many times you'd like, without any scary fractals appearing... =)

Started Topics :  29
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Posted : Mar 2, 2003 10:23
acid is whole my life. i cant stop.
IsraTrance Junior Member

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Posted : Mar 2, 2003 11:25
Gongrats Kino!

Just wanted to say this thread was most enlightening (especially shahar)
anyway, i think the symbols used in agroovey sort of way, i mean it all did start in goa, therefore the influence (no matter if indian worte it or not ) and it just cought on.
i think it nice (tough a bitt overused - i try to skip using it myself).
Just a "Shos" as it's called.

Boom!           "The Blues is'nt about making you feel better. It's about making others feel worse, and make a few bucks while you're at it." - "Bleeding gums" Murphey.
Aghori Tantrik

Started Topics :  85
Posts :  651
Posted : Mar 3, 2003 21:19
well yesterday i went to "aurbindo ghosh" ashram in pondicherry, india.

it was a mind blowing experience

he was a spiritual guru..and has very beautiful psychology..

and theres this strange energy in the place..the most being at his grave(samadhi) in the ashram..

when i touched my forehead to his gravestone and concentrated for 10 secs..i got a very beautiful bliss of white light and next moment i had the feeling of ultimate enlightenment!!

im seeming a change in myself..i enjoy trance more!!

so i guess maybe spiritualism is relly related and for real..not just psychedelism!
          aGh0Ri TanTriK
Sonic Tantra Records

Started Topics :  3
Posts :  196
Posted : Mar 3, 2003 21:59

"Our scene has become a mecca for fashion statements and lack of individuality. "

i totally agree to that. u dont have to say boom shankar every 5 minute cuzz thats what expected from u cuzz u likes trance.

and bigwigs...U ARE CRAZY !
if u can see fractals in the morning cornflakes ...:)

          reality is the weirdest dream
Elmshorn Terminal

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Posted : Mar 4, 2003 01:56
what have hindu gods have 2 do with psytrance?

imho absolutely NOTHING!
IsraTrance Full Member

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Posted : May 30, 2005 08:28
lets see about shiva and the a few of the principles he represents:
he is the protector god of the wicked souls,
as nataraja lord of the dance shivas tandav,
as a symbol of light pure energy,as the controller of the time,as the master yogi, the one who light darkness and heal ignorance,he gave civilazation and invented dance and music in india,the one who createt cannabis and ritual chilum smmoke,the one who keeps the drum rythm keeping the cosmic ballance of the universe...
He is well related in trance dance by the the hindu tradition,and specially for those who smoke chilum and want to give a respect to his spirit with + energy by saying BOOM SHANKAR.
there is a beautiful tradition and interesting spiritual philoshophy if you analyse the principles,we europians or americans dont have to be shivas devotees we baphtized with a christian or a jews name but just respect what he symbolises and find deep within us the is not bad to open our mind in every diferent religion idea belief, there is everywhere some wise truth...
After the End,a new Begining startS..

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Posted : May 30, 2005 12:16
The Green Channel
IsraTrance Junior Member

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Posted : May 30, 2005 13:04
Most religions are very similar imho, whether you believe in one G-D, Cosmos or Brahman does not matter; it’s the same thing imho.

In Christianity, Judaism and Islam the salvation is Paradise. In Buddhism it’s the Nirvana state or the bodhisattva state (Zen, B or the Diamond way). These forms of salvation are very much alike in truth imho.

We people have always been trying to split us up into groups:

“You are black and I’m white, so our kids can’t play together”, we all now know that under the skin we are ALL the same.


“I’m Christian and you are Jew, we can’t be friends your ancestors killed Jesus”, in reality Jesus was loved by the Jewish people, he was like a sports-star today and all the people who really knew Jesus (his disciples) where killed along-side the other Jews during the uprising against the Romans in the year 66-73 A.D (the temple was destroyed in the year 70 A.D). The New Testament is filled with political agendas, like the fact that Romans are barely mentioned for instance, which would be like writing a book about France during the Second World War and not mentioning the Germans.

I don’t know how many of you are familiar with the Kabbalah or the Hindu tree of life. The Hindu tree of life is a system that consists of seven main Chakras which are located in different places in your body. The Kabbalah (Jewish mysticism) was said to be given to Adam so that he could find his way back to heaven. They have a system that is surprisingly similar to the Chakra system and it’s called the Jewish tree of life. A lot of the practices that you have in Yoga you have related practices in the Kabbalah, both the Veda-texts (Hindu texts) and the Jewish tree of life are at least between 3-6000 years old, some even suggest that they are older. Some people even go as far as saying that Kabbalah is a form of western-yoga. I think it’s quite remarkable that you have two independent systems that are so much alike, but have been thought of independently of each other. Unfortunately there has been a lot of mystic surrounding the Kabbalah.

Many people think that mediation and prayer are two different things; in truth they are almost identical.

I think spiritualism of all forms has a lot to do with the trance/chill/psychedelic culture, I feel sad that most people today don’t understand why, psy/music is imho very spiritual.

Let's unite and not divide, we are all ONE.

          "Love is a way of life"

(Gaia, Love, Nature, Shamanism (, Terence McKenna)
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