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what have hindu gods have 2 do with psytrance?


Started Topics :  3
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Posted : Feb 23, 2003 19:59
at least this discusion is original

finally not the top best artist again...

          reality is the weirdest dream
IsraTrance Senior Member

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Posted : Feb 23, 2003 20:03
ye, all i want to say its - culture is not same thing that religion, i by myself try learn about as more cultures as i can (my flag its the first sign i dont into some kind of specific culture) but religion is very pain momento for realy believes ppl, so i try make not right useing of it to minimum, for peace of all us, as u remember most of the wars been maded (and will) becoze/for/with help of religion.
from the other side i like very much chillum and have ohm tattoo and a big one but its a culture signs, nothing with believing in Gods or such stuff..
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IsraTrance Senior Member

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Posted : Feb 23, 2003 21:16
After all.. Goa was part of Europe (Portugal) till 1961 or something..           "The dinosaurs became extinct because they didn't have a space program."
- Larry Niven

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Posted : Feb 23, 2003 21:41
u wanna say goa was in portugal?
          reality is the weirdest dream
IsraTrance Junior Member

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Posted : Feb 23, 2003 21:42
Good point Traveller, so Goa was a cultural melting-pot before the hippy-invasion. It still is largely konkan/christian.

You take your experiences with you were you go, assimilating bits of cultures to your very own, distinctive and unique life-philosophy. I cant image a better thing than cultures merging, boundaries blurring and patriotic nationalism fading - we're all earthlings!

Boombiddybye-bye ...Audi 5000! (to borrow from hip-hop culture)

          Within this timeless gathering,
a shining light does dance,
lost from conscious memory,
but visible in trance!

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Posted : Feb 23, 2003 23:15
Zombie I have also a little bit about the 'we' terminus u have used when u disconnected hinduism ( as a culture or as a religion I dont care in fact ).. I am definitely not a part of your 'we'...

I believe that in other country than India, this kind of culture u maybe like today, wouldn't turn out to be at all.. Why?? Because ( and maybe u just don't know the feeling ) in India, many - and me also - got the perfect feeling of freedom of the bounds of our 'free' western culture... And only there I could feel true freedom ( check out an oldie track from High Score ), and so were many as I did..

Some how I have got the feeling that ( and no disrespect ) if I was travelling in Denmark in the beginning of the 90's, there is a very small chance of me becoming a Goa freak... Why??

Because ----->

In the way of India is, ALL OF IT, it's incense smells, it's spirit, it's nature, and ofcourse IT'S RELIGIONS -------> all of it is very TRANCEY and everyone that can't notice it, definitely came from some different genre, and doesn't understand the root of Goa trance..

So I ain't a part of the 'we' thing Zombie, as u can see... And also I am not afraid to say

Bom Shankar..

I know what that means, and I don't smoke chillums since a long time           A man with a "master plan" is often a woman
Mr. uzi :)
IsraTrance Junior Member

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Posted : Feb 24, 2003 03:05

respect for the issue here, serious indeed, sorry u messed up with the zomby the punk, too bad i lost hes keys....

if u dont mind, just tell me one thing in short,

im living in ramat-gan, is it ok to smoke chillums during a gas attack or not?

LOL           runaway dreamer...
Aghori Tantrik

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Posted : Feb 24, 2003 05:39
wheres ramat-gan? whats gas attack?

and its ok to smoke a chillum anytime, rules!

and yea goa was a "colony" of the portugese till 1961 and then it got "liberated" and became a union territory of india..tho now its a state..

state = state as a regional and at same time its bcom a mental state of mind too..

so all i can say is...

BooM SHANKAR!!!!!!!

          aGh0Ri TanTriK
Sonic Tantra Records

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Posted : Feb 24, 2003 10:41
lol indeed....sid we are before a war u know with iraq...and ramat gan was the place in israel where all the bomb fell on...

mr uzi at last someone took this issue in the serious it deserved...

chilum is always good...put the atropin inside maybe u will get some chemical           reality is the weirdest dream
IsraTrance Senior Member

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Posted : Feb 24, 2003 10:41

On 2003-02-23 23:15, Yuli wrote:
1.Some how I have got the feeling that ( and no disrespect ) if I was travelling in Denmark in the beginning of the 90's, there is a very small chance of me becoming a Goa freak...

2.everyone that can't notice it, definitely came from some different genre, and doesn't understand the root of Goa trance..

3.I know what that means, and I don't smoke chillums since a long time

1. we r now more into middle of 2000 i think..

2. im not live my life coze ANY of musical genres say me how to live it, only my own view on whole life can cause my behavour. as i said - be good man/human/friend/family only goals im my life.

3.its a time for u to make one, peacefuly and relaxing, u r welcome btw
          Believe your soul !
Mr. uzi :)
IsraTrance Junior Member

Started Topics :  14
Posts :  270
Posted : Feb 24, 2003 12:10

ok, thanks for the answers now i know what to do in case of a real missle attack, i shure will pray to shiva, i might be starting the prayers allready...


i shure got to try the atropine once (before i go to refresh the masking kit)

but hey lucid dreams, i think it gets better effect via intercardial, i wont waist the good stuff on smokings...           runaway dreamer...
IsraTrance Senior Member

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Posted : Feb 24, 2003 15:00

On 2003-02-24 12:10, Mr. uzi wrote:

i wont waist the good stuff on smokings...

hehe, nice one uzmc
good stuff for brain use straight !!           Believe your soul !

Started Topics :  3
Posts :  196
Posted : Feb 24, 2003 18:44
guys u are wicked

          reality is the weirdest dream

Started Topics :  40
Posts :  1660
Posted : Feb 24, 2003 18:53
Zombie my friend,

I am a truly relaxed individual and have no need to inhale certain substances to get there.. But as one that did and does from time to time I understand your fuss about some quality charas puff

But back to the subject - Zombie.. The way of taking sentences said by someone and put them out of their context is known very well in very dark regimes ( speaking about Iraq.. ) If u want to debate about the subject of this thread u should answer to the question and not go around

And about how to live your life...

I don't remember myself dictating to you how to live your life.. I will be happy if you enjoy them and live them fully tho But please don't think that everyone lives your life with you and also in the same breath don't forget to respect different cultures and situations that thanks to them u can enjoy things today you might not enjoy if things wouldnt roll that way

One of the biggers faulties of this generation is of taking things as they are... Well they dont.. I guess some of us will realise that only when it will be too late

Bom Bom           A man with a "master plan" is often a woman
IsraTrance Junior Member
Started Topics :  14
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Posted : Feb 24, 2003 19:31
On 2003-02-23 17:50, blue elf wrote:

On 2003-02-21 14:57, Zombi Cocktail wrote:

On 2003-02-21 14:39, Ohmem wrote:
By the way, isn't Shiva the God of dance?

mmm,afaik not.

infact yes, one of the forms of shiva is nataraja - the dancing shiva. he's the lord of dance and he ruins and create the world in his cosmic dance. shiva also like to smoke and he's the god of charras. and he have a darbuka also

For many Hindus, Shiva is the primary deity whose Divine strength manifests itself on Earth as needed. He is described in many ways: as the Lord of Music and the King of Dance, whose movements provide the energy that drives the universe; the Creator and Destroyer of the Universe, who maintains the cycles of life and death; the Consummate Teacher; and the Protector, who wards off evil. Hindus regard Shiva's love and passion for his wife Parvati as a model of marital fidelity.

"Therefore, on Maha Shivratri, the night of Shiva worship, devotees, especially the menfolk, prepare an intoxicating drink called Thandai (made from cannabis, almonds, and milk) sing songs in praise of the Lord and dance to the rhythm of the drums."

I allways found this texts to be very interesting. The whole idea of a dancing god providing the rythm for the universe and it's association with Psytrance culture and origins is, at least, curious. I believe there's a link, of course. Since the 60s, western ppl travel to the east in search of a deeper/higher state of conscience.
The higher you go, the deeper you fly!
The deeper you fly, the higher you go!
I'm not a religious person but believe in spirituallity. I don't believe in church (none of them), but believe in the message of the prophets. A message of peace and understanding as means of reaching enlightment and hollyness.
I also believe the lamb and the wolf lives in everyone's heart. It's up to us to balance this two entities.

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