~VIP Area Is a Disgrace
IsraTrance Team
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Posted : Aug 22, 2006 05:15
Follow organizers and promoters
who support such events,
imho all your parties are a piece of shit.
  cna't find it |
Bash / Kernel Panic
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Posted : Aug 22, 2006 15:53
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Posted : Aug 22, 2006 16:03
Couldn't agree more.
That's very sad, indeed.
Organizers separate those who THINK that r their friends. But actually, they're just suckups and asskissers, who want to be a part of something, just for knowing people, and treating them like friends. Just for their personal reasons. The rest doesn't matter.
What's the diference between the crowd?? R they better than us??
We r all just one.
With no needs for separation.
Never been to no VIP area.
Never intend to either.
There is too much politics nowadays, in the trance/party promoting.
Don't u think there's already too much politics around??? And we also got to take this crap??
I've thought of that many times, and it only got me pissed off.
Piece of shit indeed mf...
Best Regards!
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Posted : Aug 22, 2006 18:16
i've never been to any event with vip area, and i don't even think of passing near one
people who support these kind of events, are not really into trance music and culture, they only want to show themselves.
shitty scene..
  Dead Tree Productions |
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Posted : Aug 22, 2006 19:05
just dont believe the hype!
nature call - soononmoon |
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Posted : Aug 22, 2006 19:13
On 2006-08-22 16:03, it_peiote_killer wrote:
Couldn't agree more.
That's very sad, indeed.
Organizers separate those who THINK that r their friends. But actually, they're just suckups and asskissers, who want to be a part of something, just for knowing people, and treating them like friends. Just for their personal reasons. The rest doesn't matter.
What's the diference between the crowd?? R they better than us??
We r all just one.
With no needs for separation.
Never been to no VIP area.
Never intend to either.
There is too much politics nowadays, in the trance/party promoting.
Don't u think there's already too much politics around??? And we also got to take this crap??
I've thought of that many times, and it only got me pissed off.
Piece of shit indeed mf...
Best Regards!
Unhappyly, this is true!
The commercial parties have the vip areas. I just would like to know why... as my friend sad above:
"Organizers separate those who THINK that r their friends. But actually, they're just suckups and asskissers, who want to be a part of something, just for knowing people, and treating them like friends. Just for their personal reasons. The rest doesn't matter.
What's the diference between the crowd?? R they better than us??
We r all just one.
With no needs for separation."
This is the big point that separates the truth Rave partie for the commercial parties.
But nor the PVTs (Private parties) that we have here, it`s seems a rave parties, cause
the many "snobes" and "stars" people that we have here is very... very BIG! Nobody have the union that I saw in the parties a long time ago. Today the dance area is with many "panelinhas" (groups of friends that not mix with other group) just disputing who rave the most beautiful car, who have the most beautifull clothes, who have more money in bank acount... it`s the Playboys mafia that it predominates the parties today.
I think the truth rave never going to happen again... never!
Unhappy, this is our reality today.... very.... very sad!
B00M |
IsraTrance Team
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Posted : Aug 22, 2006 22:56
Excellent topic, let's discuss this with education, I think it's a very healthy and important issue.
VIP Area is the top of commercialism, it completely goes against the ideal of freedom and respect which is the purpose of a real psychedelic gathering.
So what can we do? Just one thing: do not attend or support these pseudo-psy events, they are not worth.
And BOOM, true psy parties will always happen, because they do not rely on money or fame, but in beliefs and attitudes of the ones who are really into this for the music, the freedom and the respect!
...Be gentle with the earth...
...Dance like nobody's watching...
...I don't mind not going to Heaven, as long as they've got Coffee in Hell... |
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Posted : Aug 22, 2006 23:57
i agree in some parts, but not in everything
sometimes the vip area can be used for the organizers to make more money, ofering free drinks, etc... we shouldn“t judge all vip areas because of that... the vip area thats made only for pride porpouse is indeed a but in some cases it“s ok...
the real trance party doesen“t have any vip area, what“s making me realy realy sad, isn“t the vip area, but the excuse that trance music is becoming for people to fill up their asses with drugs...
every party these days are like a rock concert, u can“t dance, u take half an hour to get a drink...
i wish the old times could come back, where we use to go to the party to listen to some good music, see the chicks, and of course smoke a joint, but not ONLY to take drugs...
IsraTrance Team
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Posted : Aug 23, 2006 00:52
SpArTaCuS, I really don't get your point...
Which VIP Area is OK? What is the good side of VIP Area? Please enlight me, because to me it seems like all VIP area are all the same capitalist bullshit.
...Be gentle with the earth...
...Dance like nobody's watching...
...I don't mind not going to Heaven, as long as they've got Coffee in Hell... |
IsraTrance Junior Member
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Posted : Aug 23, 2006 01:25
On 2006-08-22 23:57, SpArTaCuS wrote:
sometimes the vip area can be used for the organizers to make more money, ofering free drinks, etc... we shouldn“t judge all vip areas because of that... the vip area thats made only for pride porpouse is indeed a but in some cases it“s ok...
This is the reason of the destruction of all our union, respect and freedom. The organizers make Trance parties to make money! The fact of many peoples frequent the parties, help the organizers to think how much they will win.
This destroyed is fruit of the many different kind people frequent tha parties.
I'm total agree with B00M when he's sad
"I think the truth rave never going to happen again... never!
Unhappy, this is our reality today.... very.... very sad!"
The commercial parties is the end of union, freedom and respect, and we have just this kind of party here today! Unhappy!!!
Regards. |
IsraTrance Team
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Posted : Aug 23, 2006 03:16
Maya, this is not true.
We have some small parties without any big line up, but still made by the ones who love it to the ones who love it.
Surely it will be very difficult, if not impossible, to find an underground party with a lot of international artists on the Line up...
Check this one that happened this weekend:
...Be gentle with the earth...
...Dance like nobody's watching...
...I don't mind not going to Heaven, as long as they've got Coffee in Hell... |
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Posted : Aug 23, 2006 17:50
In my opinion VIP area has just one mean; earn more money!
The VIP pass is too expensive but a lot of people pay for it, what makes de party producers sell it each party wich is goin' to happen!
But, we have to live with this, isn't it!? |
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Posted : Aug 23, 2006 18:02
So in this country that exists area vip in Tresses here, goes in the Europe pra to see if you see this |
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Posted : Aug 23, 2006 18:27
One ohter thing, that slipt my mind.
VIP areas r always filled up with people, wanting to "separate" themselves from others. However, it's OUR choice to buy, or NOT (much better) buy these VIP Tickets.
So, while there r people wanting to get these VIP tickets, they will always exist.
"And the tendency, is to push it as far as THEY can". Cause people WILL BUY THEM.
To feel themselfs, "superior" than others.
That's the human nature. Always want more, than others already have. (theoretically speaking).
So, this issue, is toltally on our hands.
All we have to do is... SAY NO!!
For Spartacus:
Allthought is very sad to see these things happening, there's no way to control that.
But someday (I HOPE), these people will see that a party is not made of pills and pieces of paper.
A party is made of good music, good energy, respect, and just having fun on your own way.
Yes, there still are MANY underground parties. Well, not many, but they DO EXIST.
With the purpose, to join people, in a a magical, and musical way of life.
Best Regards to all!!
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Posted : Aug 23, 2006 19:11
yo... yo... Jćozelito mothe fuc****... hehehe what`s uuuuuppppp broo!!!!
For shure I belive that exist truth parties yet... but not in my city!!!
Have shure of that!
Regards bro!