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Yotopia - Point Blank (Flow-Records, May 2005)

guy cohen
IsraTrance Senior Member

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Posted : May 10, 2005 22:38
Yotopia are Jonathan Rimon and Tomer Dayan from Tel-Aviv, Israel. As a progressive fan, you must know this name 'Yotopia'.
Yoni & Tomer released few tunes in diffrent lables like ZMA & Iboga and more...
Their debut album called 'Point Black' and it released in Flow Records :

The track that open the album is 'Secrets'. Here you can find a perfect track for build quality progressive set...slow bpm and the bass line is so groovy that you must move your legs.
Excllent opening for this album !

2-Close Your Eyes
The name here has meaning...all you need to do is close your eyes and let the track lead you.
The main brake srart in 3:58 and than you can feel the emotions and the feelings that Yoni & Tomer put in this track...just amazing...and in 05:20 the trip continue.

This tune is one of my favorite from this album and the last 2 years. Beatifull melodi in the begining...1 minute and 10 seconds of magical playing and than Yotopia' unique kick enter with full power !!! the bass line here is more 'fat' and groovy...all the track escorted by crazy effects.
When the brake over in 05:48 the dance-floor destroyed.

4-Point Black
We get to the title track. On the begining, you can already hear that this is not just another THE tune
I never thought I can dig like this from progressive but there are suprises. Quality progressive on the highest level...without compromise, just pump and pump.

5-Spacey Atmosphere
As the name really feel in another galaxy or something when you hear this tune.
Special atmosphere all over the track, like a mysterious story. The last 3 minutes here are so beatifull...there is no chance I can explain it in must hear it...WOW !

This track is cooperation with Lish and you can feel it. What an excllent cooperation...two leading projects in the progressive genre produced awesome tune !!!
Like most of the tracks here...there are no words I can write for describe you what happen in this tune, so you have no choice, you must buy it and hear it.

Groovy bass line, some spacey vocals and amazing melodies turn this track to be a dance floor monster. A lot of positive emotions go out and the atmosphere is very happy.

8-Moving Higher
Serious blaster here ! strange and special bass line...the progressive never look so good
Yoni and Tomer know their job and they did it on the best way they can.
Total madness and chaos !

Another cooperation, this time with Etic. What a good way to close this masterpeace...relaxing tune with beatifull vocal by Dana Zamir.
I just love what Tomer & Yoni & Etic and Dana did here...PERFECT !

All in all, if you like progressive (also if you don't like), you must hear this album, perfect progressive that enjoyable to hear on every second in the day.
Flow Records, you really rocked with this release, Yoni and Tomer could not choise better label for release their debut album.
I want to thank to all the ppl that take part in this excllent release.
If you want to get it on the best quality - buy original copy !!!
IsraTrance Junior Member

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Posted : May 13, 2005 03:16
Lol nothing like a bit of free advertising =) Cosmic-Tone-ish clubby progressive. Nice - but a bit samey.
IsraTrance Junior Member

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Posted : May 13, 2005 18:28
It reminded me of Cosmic Tone - especially the new stuff - progressive trying to be more full on always sounds clubby to me - but I've only listened to it once so far so yeah, maybe.

Btw, what’s happening to these threads with posts disappearing?
IsraTrance Full Member

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Posted : May 15, 2005 00:44
WOW... to put it simply this cd is rocking my world this weekend... amazing progressive. Yeah, sure is a little "clubby" but thats just cause it's sooo damn smooth... really happy with this.. big smile in my face 
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IsraTrance Full Member

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Posted : May 15, 2005 00:45
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Posted : May 15, 2005 16:34
And once again: This is an totally awesome album, first class all the way through
IsraTrance Junior Member

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Posted : May 16, 2005 16:29
Very nice album! Good luck with tis release Flow rec.

I love Yotopia´s tracks on Echoes and on Set 4. You´ve just confirmed here your talent;).I will buy original for sure. But this totally different music than Cosmic Tone

Nano Mechanic

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Posted : May 17, 2005 02:11

On 2005-05-13 03:16, ----Dawn---- wrote:
Lol nothing like a bit of free advertising =) Cosmic-Tone-ish clubby progressive. Nice - but a bit samey.

ah? cosmic tone-ish ? hehe not at all in my opinion..Yotopia is the BEST progressive artist in Israel and I can garantee one of the best live-acts you can ever listen..
The album is simply of the best i ever heard along with Freq - Strange Attractors 
IsraTrance Junior Member

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Posted : May 17, 2005 09:25
I only gave it a quick listen before so i had another listen and fair enough Cosmic Tone wasn't a great example but (in my opinion anyway) it does sound similar to a lot of other progressive artists - maybe more Atmos or FREq - in fact it reminds me of the Axis album 'Output' released a few years ago - but more full on. Like i said before - it's nice - and i’d recommend it - but i wouldn't say its anything special.

We all have our own opinions - and thats mine.

The 'nothing like a bit of free advertising' was a reference to the totally unbiased post before mine at the time (it's gone now) from some guy at Flow - hyping it.
guy cohen
IsraTrance Senior Member

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Posted : May 17, 2005 13:35

On 2005-05-17 02:11, nano-mechanic wrote:

Yotopia is the BEST progressive artist in Israel and I can garantee one of the best live-acts you can ever listen..

Gold words !

Started Topics :  40
Posts :  1660
Posted : May 17, 2005 15:50

On 2005-05-17 15:26, nolightatend wrote:
Yes world known Mochic, Flash Brothers and Offer Nissim are not Yotopia's league. Get real ppl this is okay album you just over excited since it is Israeli.

Well Moshic and the artists u have mentioned are not doing prog / psy trance at all so it is as good as comparing rock music with jazz music in my opinion. Completely different styles made to please completely different audiences.

Yotopia are definitely talented and I would look forward to see what they will develop in to. This is their first artist album and as such I would say it is definitely an achievement.

There are some really good tunes in here such as Secrets, 3Dellusions, the track with Lish and Point Blank. There are few less quality tracks, but they were made long time ago and this is a part of a growing of an artist, and that is what is beautiful in artist album imo.

The sound is still a bit raw at times, I believe that with the time it will come to the spot of perfection since the guys have a good ear and work a lot to gain better production skills.

Over all very good album considering the fact it is their first one.

And nothing bad with overhyping, in case the duo will deliver what is expected in the future.

Good luck!           A man with a "master plan" is often a woman

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Posted : May 18, 2005 00:16
Well dude

I am not here to fight who said what to whom, after all it is Yotopia album thread, and as u noticed I have left the 'best' thing alone. Partially because I am really not interested in 'who has the biggest dick' think but try to deal with music itself.

Antix does sound 'Infusionised' in few tracks on the new album, I dont know where or how u hear your music but it is damn obvious that they are into this 'Pad-Bass' style, and the last thing u can call this genre is prog-on for crying out loud I really dont get your points. But u also claimed if I am not mistaken in some other threads that FREq sound is crappy, or was it Midimiliz sound crappy..

Anyway Good album guys, well done, see u soon
          A man with a "master plan" is often a woman
Trance Forum » » Forum  Music Reviews - Yotopia - Point Blank (Flow-Records, May 2005)

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