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unbelievable the amount of.....................

IsraTrance Team

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Posted : Feb 1, 2006 14:31
yes indeed, the "mystic flavour" is long gone.but not all is bad..nowdays there are still good parties..we must not forget were we came from, but look into that past, and build a better future.not all is bad nowadays..we only have 2 make it even better.           ...

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Posts :  358
Posted : Feb 1, 2006 14:31
i agree with GoAPsYcHo, my feelings are the same.

I think that upcoming artists that copy-cat full-on music are just not ambicious enough.
Or maybe dont realize that things changed a lot.
Or are just planing on playing on "killaaaargh" parties for even more "killlleaaasarrrghh" people.

At least they know wherever they come from, that here they are wellcome, beacause Portugal has become good ground for "killlllllee( cof, cof)eeeaarrrgg"... productions.
And why is that?
Beacause of the "killer" audience, that's why.

In my opinion trance in portugal is for bully, machomen, playboy attitude guys, drugdealers, tunning and some wierd lesbian chiks.
It reminds me nowadays why I left the techno, Big house parties events in the beginning of the nineties.
I'm joking, but not so much..

its a question of choice,
Do you want to be the next popstar skazi?
Or get serious in your music production?
IsraTrance Junior Member

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Posted : Feb 1, 2006 16:47

On 2006-01-31 16:17, etnarama wrote:

"no comment" is a comment           roll a joint or STFU :)
IsraTrance Junior Member

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Posted : Feb 1, 2006 16:53

On 2006-02-01 14:31, a3k wrote:
yes indeed, the "mystic flavour" is long gone.but not all is bad..nowdays there are still good parties..we must not forget were we came from, but look into that past, and build a better future.not all is bad nowadays..we only have 2 make it even better.

i agree 100%

by being part of "the scene" we can sure make our efforts to make it better.

i don't believe the old days will ever happen again because they were just "old days".

regarding upcoming artists, i think anyone that wants to be recnognized as a good producer will have to have something others dont or will just be another in the crowded world of trance producers.

being the next astrix is not more than just another astrix/skazy/gms/whatever clone

but a lot of things can still be learnt from these artists           roll a joint or STFU :)
Methodic Marble
IsraTrance Full Member

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Posted : Feb 1, 2006 22:43
OK ....let´s face it people.....we are no longer in 97 , SO.....the vibe is diferent , the music is diferent, so stop crying about the
good old day´s......they will never caming back......
there are STILL GOOD PARTY`S U just have to know witch one to choose from the neverending Flyer´s...........
And spasm what U wrote is complitly ridiculos....tuning?lesbian chicks?machomen playboy??pfffff these must be Ur friend´s that are going to party´s.....
are U joking?U better..........


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Posts :  358
Posted : Feb 2, 2006 01:51
these must be Ur friend´s

Look you dont know me, so its impossible to you to know who are my friends.
If you had the time to read all the sentence, you would find me saying i'm joking.

Its like in mathematics, for a result to be clear you sometimes have to takes things to the absurd, but you dont seem to understand that, i'm sorry for you.

To me, trance parties in this country atract a lot of people i dont even want to be close too, so if you're ok with that, good for you, i just dont think the same way.

I'm not crying from old time parties.
You're just using that as a clichet, which is what people do, when they dont have nothing to say.

I go to great parties, and never stopped going since "the good old days", they simply are not psy.

I dont like full on, or dark psy, but i still love trance.
Last psy party i went felt like a nightmare, both music, and crowd so sorry if i have a diferent opinion, but i guess you'll have to live with it.

anyway are you a bully, machomen, playboy attitude guy, drugdealer, tunning or some wierd lesbian chik?
If not, what's your problem?

Started Topics :  3
Posts :  358
Posted : Feb 2, 2006 01:59

no, that is an ilusion in this country really, it doesn't exist:

Groovy Madmax is one of the oldest Djs in Portugal...

..on the music underground scene and with a highly respected reputation.

After techno, house, break beat parties Groovy Madmax started to dj in small psy trance parties and in tuning concentrations and due to the big demand of powerful and hypnotic psychedelic rhythms

really is all in my head..

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Posts :  358
Posted : Feb 2, 2006 02:40
And the dellusional thing about it is that, its one of a kind.
"psychedelic tunning"

guess were is it from?

you got it.. Portugal

maybe they are the same dudes that made updown festival this summer, they really know how to put Portugal in the map.
Methodic Marble
IsraTrance Full Member

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Posted : Feb 2, 2006 09:08
well my problem is alway´s hearing the same complain´s about the party´s....
there choice´s simply don´t go, then u don´t have to bother yourself and other´s if Ur not in the mood and don´t like the music.
i go(very few) about 5,6 party´s a year big ones...but when
i go i try to enjoy myself ,independete of the crowd......some times it help´s , some times what i need is just the music, and listen the artist i like...

well let´s say U have a very special ironic way to joke ....but maybe isn´t it too much....?alway´s saying that the party´s this and that....lett´s all have fun......

by the way groovy madmax rules...i heard is now playing live.........

IsraTrance Full Member

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Posted : Feb 2, 2006 12:54
Who is this groovy max??????? The king of tuning!!
sorry have to laugh
another time........
These people put the worst possible descriptions ever in psyshop...... another thing that annoys me is that there isn't a proper database of psy artists, we need one for the world and without being biased. I had loads of arguments about who is the artists behind some projects...
No seriously, why do you people always start arguing??? is it frustrations?? Is it because you are on the net and nobody can see you?? just talk and that's it, nah? let's all be sarcastic and leave our shanty clothes at home and lets steal some cars in a party!!!!!
we, the Portuguese are the nation of the whiners!!!! always complaining, and we are very good!!!! eheheheh           Visit me

Started Topics :  3
Posts :  358
Posted : Feb 2, 2006 14:43
actualy my feelings is that we do not complain enough...

there choice´s simply don´t go

Well, but that is exactly what i've been doing.

we, the Portuguese are the nation of the whiners!!!!

let me guess, you're portuguese? right?

anyway, this is fun, but its going nowhere, i did not meant to offend anyone, just making my point, and joking about it,

take it easy
IsraTrance Full Member

Started Topics :  96
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Posted : Feb 2, 2006 14:51
Yes, its what it says in my ID card!!!
i also have to complain about dirty toilets in pubs and bars and clubs!!!!
ehehe           Visit me
IsraTrance Junior Member

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Posted : Feb 2, 2006 17:36

groovy madmax? lol... never seen his name in any flyer...

do those artists know where they're tracks are being used?

          roll a joint or STFU :)
IsraTrance Junior Member

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Posted : Feb 2, 2006 17:38

On 2006-02-02 14:43, Spasm wrote:
actualy my feelings is that we do not complain enough...

i cant agree... complaining wont help anything... we must do something to change the situation, complaining simply isnt enough

but wtf is that groovy madmax person?           roll a joint or STFU :)
IsraTrance Junior Member

Started Topics :  46
Posts :  1142
Posted : Feb 2, 2006 19:57

On 2006-02-02 12:54, etnarama wrote:
let's all be sarcastic and leave our shanty clothes at home and lets steal some cars in a party!!!!!

hmmm... is it what you're whinning about? shanti clouthing?

if i'm not using "shanti clothes" i'm giving the party a bad vibe?

do you think people not wearing "shanty clothes" are more likely to steal a car ? or that it's impossible that someone wearing steal a car?

for me the signal that marked the time when partys started goind down-hill was when everybody started looking and wearing the same...

joao           roll a joint or STFU :)
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