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Started Topics :  150
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Posted : Jul 28, 2011 03:27

On 2011-07-27 07:59, V3NOM wrote:
Ridiculous comment Upavas. The past is always in the present. It's the legacies that others have left. Whether it's other people, experience or the music it still is a part in the way the scene has turned out today and therefore still exists.

I don't know how far you take that philosophy, but do you really think that each individual person is made up of the now? That the past of there lives is not a significant part & influence of the now?

The past has much more of an influence over the now than most realise.

The past, or rather what is left of it, are your experiences, nothing more, they are there, but the past itself is nowhere to be found... it is gone... forever,
the experience, the imprint of the past is there, but the past itself is undeniably gone forever. To quote Heraclitus, "You cannot step into the same river twice"

The question is, are you letting your past experience rule your life, or do you begin each moment anew?

I can say with conviction that the way parties were in earlier days are not at all what they are like now. What they are now might have resulted from earlier events, people trying to make things better, also people going with the times, and the times, they are a changin'... so a lot of new things have entered the scene, many old people have left, new people have arrived.

Do you honestly think the music was like it is now? It was completely different, people were in a different space back then. Now they are in a new space, they may have taken their past experience with them, and then they created something new with it, and they are still, in this very moment, the now.

          Upavas - Here And Now (Sangoma Rec.) new EP out Oct.29th, get it here:

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Posted : Jul 28, 2011 13:26
Well put!           Sérgio Xamanist
IsraTrance Full Member

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Posted : Jul 28, 2011 19:33
Good experiences in the past inspire me to create better experiences in the future. Why do so few seem to share this point of view?

For me, the first parties I went to were not better than the ones that came after it.
 - Midwest based psytrance group
Maine Coon
IsraTrance Junior Member

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Posted : Jul 29, 2011 23:23

On 2011-07-28 03:27, Upavas wrote:

I can say with conviction that the way parties were in earlier days are not at all what they are like now.

I completely agree. In the earlier days, I danced to Modern Talking and Bad Boys Blue with girls wearing ridiculous outfits, lots of spray in their hair and glitter on their over-blushed cheeks. Now I listen to psytrance, while driving to and from work. As for that whole '90s thingy - don't remember much of it and still wish it had never happened.


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Posted : Jul 30, 2011 03:22

On 2011-07-28 19:33, Ascension wrote:
Good experiences in the past inspire me to create better experiences in the future. Why do so few seem to share this point of view?

For me, the first parties I went to were not better than the ones that came after it.

I am not saying something is better or worse just different, as to the past being gone forever, it sort of came to me not too long ago, when you reach your midlife crisis ( around 40 years old) you begin to start seeing things differently, it basically has to do with witnessing the death of something or someone... And it certainly I's a hard lesson to learn. That everything except my soul has a finality to it...
          Upavas - Here And Now (Sangoma Rec.) new EP out Oct.29th, get it here:
IsraTrance Full Member

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Posted : Jul 30, 2011 09:07
I have thought about this and I can find very few things in psy that are better today than 15, 10 or even 5 years ago. I enjoy myself at gatherings today as well, much less regularly though.

I guess it all depends on who you go with, with the right people you can make the best of it. If you have people close to you who share your passion to the same degree this is always a positive factor.
For me even, if it sounds cliched, the vibes have suffered alot. From my feeling, 15 years ago, on a psytrance floor, there was more unity and more pure positive energy being generated. Smiles everywhere and a sense of trust in the other trancers, which is essential imo, if you really want to forget time, trance and lose yourself. Better Communtitty imho
Today there are more people and maybe more "overall" energy, but this seems very chaotic and all over the place, the floor energy does not seem focused as much on common experience, if this makes sense.

Of course this depends on what kind of gatherings you attend, but I am just talking about average medium-large festivals. Sure there are still wonderful trance floors, but you have to find the right ones, it does not come as easily as it once did. Naturally my own psyche and evolution plays into this equation, afterall I have become older, less care free and maybe less adventurous. If you want a perfect experience, you have to take it into your own hands, and organize small, familiar focused parties with friends. Or go to small, friendly events and those that have proven positive in the past.

Also at the early gatherings I went to, most people who attended had an actual connection to psychedelic culture and everyone seemed "at home". Nowadays most events that I attend are diluted by more annoying characters I would enjoy not having there to be honest. Some people just take and have nothing to contribute except annoyance and bad vibes. If this sounds arrogant and intolerant, maybe it is, dont know, but I seem to feel that way regardless.

Imho past was better in many ways, today is good to though. Not whining, just my feeling.
IsraTrance Full Member

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Posted : Jul 30, 2011 11:27
agree with every word kazuku

ive been going to parties since `99 and listening to trance since `93 - i can honestly say that yes the vibe was very different 15 years ago, but was it better? disagree on that - it was just different. nowdays i see many people that are much more connected to the whole society (in terms of their outlook on society, the way they act, their professions, what they study) than i saw in the past, where the common denominator was the "psychedelic" and "spiritual" culture - and that alone!

of course there are also people who are not connected at all and just come to either get wasted/listen or dance to trance/take part in the "happening" w/o connecting to the actual vibe - those kinds of people were a very tiny portion of the crowd, and today its much bigger - but i honestly have no problem with it, hell i think (and wish) theyll get influenced/infected by the other "core" people of this community - as an example i can give a big gathering that took place here 2 weeks ago, where there was a HUGE crowd (round 4000-4500 people) - and obviously this caused a lot of unconnected people to attend, i personally did not enjoy the party at all, and when a couple of these unrelated people or even less politically correct "arsim" (look it up around here those who dont know what arsim are - there are plenty of threads about it ) were sitting ON my tent and all over our stuff and i came back to my tent, told them they can sit on my stuff, just take care of it and not sit ON the tent - to give just a little respect to other people's stuff - i dont know if its the way ive spoken (i really hope it was ), but i honestly felt like it touched those arsim and that they felt they are doing something wrong - so they got off the tent and asked for apology. now if you know arsim - that is way way far from their "normal" behavior - hell if it was normal i would have been stabbed on spot.

psydude - to answer your question - the selection today is huge, there are amazing parties still going on, both small and big, there is good music being produced today across all genre's - you just have to dig deep, understand what you like - and look for it - it IS there

oh and one last thing - the vibe mentioned in this post was very apparent to me in ozora 2009, all the way, it was such an amazing festival and experience for me - i hope im gonna have a similar experience (and even better ) this year - just 2 days left!
IsraTrance Junior Member

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Posted : Jul 30, 2011 19:20
gah, ya'll do talk so pretty and flowery.
look, i'm not saying that you folk that have been in this from the start don't have a valid point. i sure it was amazing back then. and yes, you set it up for all of us now.
but things change. it's just how it goes.
i'm sorry i can recapture the "spirit of goa" in my events, but the event i held last night, with a good 50 folk dancing, having fun and really enjoying the company/spirit/vibe/community AND THE MUSIC, makes me wonder if ya'll aren't just takin the piss.

look, again, i cannot stress this enough. we make up the scene. you want goa back, go find a beach, a bunch of hippies and some decent acid and about 92834923478 pounds of herb and some dude with some dat tapes and have at.

no one is stopping you. so let us newbies have our fun, and we'll get all bitter and jaded once we sit on the internet all day and bitch instead of doing events. we're trying. and that's really all that we can do.           Doof Local
Nomad Moon
IsraTrance Full Member

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Posted : Aug 5, 2011 18:12

On 2011-07-26 04:48, PoM wrote:
it s subjective but for me i enjoyed more the music so the parties too , i was already bitching about the pystrance sound at taht time that sucked compared to the goa trance days.. but seriously it was still great , i remember x dream , tripiatrik cydonia , hallucinogen, joti.. it was still really good compared to what was coming after lol, ass tricks and co .

TRIPIATRIK, man you don't how many searches i've made on the net for that, i was real close to the name but could'nt put my finger on it
Thanx bro
sorry for the offtopic but had to thank PoM
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