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IsraTrance Full Member

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Posted : Jul 26, 2011 04:48
it s subjective but for me i enjoyed more the music so the parties too , i was already bitching about the pystrance sound at taht time that sucked compared to the goa trance days.. but seriously it was still great , i remember x dream , tripiatrik cydonia , hallucinogen, joti.. it was still really good compared to what was coming after lol, ass tricks and co .
IsraTrance Junior Member

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Posted : Jul 26, 2011 11:03
Drugs WERE better.
IsraTrance Junior Member

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Posted : Jul 26, 2011 11:08
bah, if you live in the past, you're fucking worthless.
"wahh, they had more fun back then, waaahh, remember how cool it was?!"

no. i don't. i know how cool it is now. and i go with it. fuck the past, it may have been the best shit ever, but i'm never going to be there, so i make my own present and future. if you focus on anything else, you're just jerking off.           Doof Local
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Posted : Jul 26, 2011 11:38

On 2011-07-26 11:08, dreadieg wrote:
bah, if you live in the past, you're fucking worthless.
"wahh, they had more fun back then, waaahh, remember how cool it was?!"

no. i don't. i know how cool it is now. and i go with it. fuck the past, it may have been the best shit ever, but i'm never going to be there, so i make my own present and future. if you focus on anything else, you're just jerking off.

Damn your posts make me horny bro!           I hate you, you hate me, we are all so hap hap happy!
Martian Arts

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Posted : Jul 26, 2011 11:54

On 2011-07-26 11:08, dreadieg wrote:
fuck the past, it may have been the best shit ever, but i'm never going to be there, so i make my own present and future. if you focus on anything else, you're just jerking off.

Disagree, saying fuck the past is naive, it makes you sound like you are just pissed off you didn't experience it.
Then again living in the past and accepting nothing else besides it, is again naive.
There were a lot of shit parties and music in the late '90s, especially when Nitzhonot invaded the trance scene. There were shit parties in the early '90s where there was just too much acid house music getting played and we were waiting for an Overlords or Mark Allen track to get dropped...
Sugar coating the past has more to do with people being younger, drugs being better in the past has more to do with people being again younger and having a higher tolerance of the comedown that would follow and not having jobs that required them to be completely straight on a monday morning.
The music has changed, but a select few develop their sound having kept the original cosmic vibe I liked. Its just happens that there are not a lot of them nowdays because a lot of the people that were making that "good music back in the old days", have moved on to some other kind of music that they like, which again is fair enough.
The new generation has its own sound, and again on a general scale, a lot of poeple like it. A lot of "trance veterans" don't like the new sound and are presented with 3 options;

1) Move on to some other form of music that floats their boat.

2) Diss the fuck out of the new generation at every chance they get for liking music they don't like.

3) Make their own music so they can keep their chakras in order.

One thing that a lot of people keep forgetting is that online forums are not like the real world.
Isratrance is not a scaled down version of the real trance world...If you keep going to parties you'll see that people just don't care about the good old days, or how good the drugs were back then. They don't start converations about how bad the Alien Jesus album is, or whether darkpsy is better than full on...etc...etc.
They just dance and get stoned of their tits.

Peace out.
IsraTrance Full Member

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Posted : Jul 26, 2011 13:12
some days ago i listened hallucinogen twisted album then just after it i switched to astrix eye to eye and rofl ,both of these albums are hits but if you want to understand what went wrong in psytrance music just do the same .

about the parties i think it totally depends the place you are so it s very some place it s really dead now cause of police for example, here no one would make a free trance party in the forest these day..or just a very small one

Started Topics :  7
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Posted : Jul 26, 2011 17:41
well i got into psytrance kind of late...2002...whith the gms-astrix-infected but aslo cosma stuff playing a lot!so i'm new...but just thinking of the drug affect to the scene i believe that these days(90's) psychedelic music was adressing only to trippy dancers...this changed slowly until some psytrance tracks ,mostly fullon, had nothing to do whith psychedelia...and imo this has to do whith artists and their devotion and faith to what they are doing...some are making music for nature,some for clubs...
Beat Agency
IsraTrance Full Member

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Posted : Jul 26, 2011 17:49

On 2011-07-26 11:54, disco hooligans wrote:
One thing that a lot of people keep forgetting is that online forums are not like the real world.
Isratrance is not a scaled down version of the real trance world...If you keep going to parties you'll see that people just don't care about the good old days, or how good the drugs were back then. They don't start converations about how bad the Alien Jesus album is, or whether darkpsy is better than full on...etc...etc.
They just dance and get stoned of their tits.

Peace out.

Agreed but that does not mean that Alien Jesus is not a pile of poo


Started Topics :  150
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Posted : Jul 26, 2011 22:19
I have experienced the past in this genre, pretty much from the beginning, and yes, it was awesome.

I live in the present, here now, this very moment, because it is all I ever have. Tomorrow never comes, it is always today when it has arrived, and as far as the past is concerned... it is never here... never ever again. That's life eh... and I am enjoying it! Soo much fun~!
          Upavas - Here And Now (Sangoma Rec.) new EP out Oct.29th, get it here:
Inactive User

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Posted : Jul 27, 2011 07:59
Ridiculous comment Upavas. The past is always in the present. It's the legacies that others have left. Whether it's other people, experience or the music it still is a part in the way the scene has turned out today and therefore still exists.

I don't know how far you take that philosophy, but do you really think that each individual person is made up of the now? That the past of there lives is not a significant part & influence of the now?

The past has much more of an influence over the now than most realise.           I hate you, you hate me, we are all so hap hap happy!
IsraTrance Junior Member

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Posted : Jul 28, 2011 00:59
There is no past,present or future,there is only the eternal now...
Beat Agency
IsraTrance Full Member

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Posted : Jul 28, 2011 01:09
Let's get this straight!

Without a past there would not be a now or you. 
IsraTrance Junior Member

Started Topics :  17
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Posted : Jul 28, 2011 02:15
You are wrong,because,everything that is going to happen has already happened...

Time is just an illusion,it does not exist ,so if time does not exist,there can not be past or future.
Beat Agency
IsraTrance Full Member

Started Topics :  53
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Posted : Jul 28, 2011 02:58

On 2011-07-28 02:15, e-scape wrote:
You are wrong,because,everything that is going to happen has already happened...

Time is just an illusion,it does not exist ,so if time does not exist,there can not be past or future.

I suggest you skip the next candy bar 
IsraTrance Junior Member

Started Topics :  17
Posts :  351
Posted : Jul 28, 2011 03:21

On 2011-07-28 02:58, Beat Agency wrote:

On 2011-07-28 02:15, e-scape wrote:
You are wrong,because,everything that is going to happen has already happened...

Time is just an illusion,it does not exist ,so if time does not exist,there can not be past or future.

I suggest you skip the next candy bar

That would be a good idea
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