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IsraTrance Full Member

Started Topics :  54
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Posted : Jul 24, 2011 04:35:15
is the past decade psy partys were better than to days ?

1998 karahana israel

this one old vuuv 1994


ozora 2009

groove atack 2010 (israel)

IsraTrance Full Member

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Posted : Jul 24, 2011 07:00
its better coz most people wasnt in there maybe......

platon rules...  
IsraTrance Full Member

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Posted : Jul 24, 2011 07:26
can't say im pretty young my self
IsraTrance Junior Member

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Posted : Jul 24, 2011 15:37
who cares? we're here and we're now, make the most of it.           Doof Local

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Posted : Jul 24, 2011 20:43
people seems happy now and then!
Inactive User

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Posted : Jul 25, 2011 04:33
it;s simple, the world was a different place. Much more simple and less cynical. People just had a good time all the time. The world was less bitch, less antisocial and less about jumping online to hang out on forums.

Ppl wanted to socialise, experience and create. Now the world is singular and driven by self obsessed egotistical f#cks.

It's not just this scene, it's the global community. The world is filled by assholes, and it feedbacks to the global communal attitude, even if you're not one, it infects you and infests you

I personally think the current state of civilisation is hilarious, and look forward to the implosion           I hate you, you hate me, we are all so hap hap happy!
Maine Coon
IsraTrance Junior Member

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Posted : Jul 25, 2011 12:30
Funny how I can say the same thing about the 80's and bring up the exact same argument about the world going down the toilet starting circa 1991.
Why a different decade? Hmm, it wouldn't have anything to do with about 10 years of age difference between us, would it?

So, was a world a happier place or was it us? Did the world turn cynical or we just became aware of it?

Fall of '91 through fall of '01: if that whole decade got ripped out of the Time-Space Continuum, I would be a much happier person. Can you say the same or did it happen to be the best time of your life?
Martian Arts

Started Topics :  187
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Posted : Jul 25, 2011 12:45
"Youth is not a period of life. It's a state of the spirit, it's the product of a will.
A quality of the imagination and an emotional intensity,
it's the victory of courage over shyness,
of adventure over comfort.

One doesn't grow older for having lived a number of years.
One gets older for having deserted an ideal.
Years will wrinkle the skin,
but giving up an ideal will wrinkle the soul.
Worries, doubts, fears and lack of hope are enemies
that slowly make us lean towards the ground .
And we become dust before our death.

Young is the one who astounds and is fascinated.

The one who asks like an insatiable child: "what's next?"
The one that defies circumstances and finds joy in the game of life.

One is as young as one's faith.
And as old as one's doubts.
As young as one's self-trust.
As one's hope. And as old as one's dejection.

One remains young as long as one's receptive.
Receptive to all that is beautiful and all that is big.
Receptive to the messages of nature, of man and of the infinite.

If sometime your heart is bitten by pessimism,
or gnawed by cynicism,
may God have mercy upon your old soul."

[1945 - Gal Douglas Mac Arthur]  
Beat Agency
IsraTrance Full Member

Started Topics :  53
Posts :  1752
Posted : Jul 25, 2011 14:23

On 2011-07-25 04:33, V3NOM wrote:
it;s simple, the world was a different place. Much more simple and less cynical. People just had a good time all the time. The world was less bitch, less antisocial and less about jumping online to hang out on forums.

Ppl wanted to socialise, experience and create. Now the world is singular and driven by self obsessed egotistical f#cks.

It's not just this scene, it's the global community. The world is filled by assholes, and it feedbacks to the global communal attitude, even if you're not one, it infects you and infests you

I personally think the current state of civilisation is hilarious, and look forward to the implosion

Not at all true.

The only difference from then to now was that some of us was younger and more naive and news did not travel as fast as they do today in a globalized world. That is the only difference. 
IsraTrance Full Member

Started Topics :  108
Posts :  1069
Posted : Jul 25, 2011 18:09

On 2011-07-25 12:45, disco hooligans wrote:
"Youth is not a period of life. It's a state of the spirit, it's the product of a will.
A quality of the imagination and an emotional intensity,
it's the victory of courage over shyness,
of adventure over comfort."

nowadays if one choose imagination over concrets or choose adventure over comfort... u ll prob get jumped...there s no aceptance... consequently people are more worried bout the next so they wont get judged...

psytrance festival s all bout trance and imagination so this lead to a problem where more than half the festival s lookin for aceptance instead of havin a pure fun in trance mode...

and to worse... human beins has a tendency to follow the follow exemples..and the stronger voices nowadays are the ones that COP the scene, that doesnt allow any out of standards way of thinking get in the way ...

so it influences the newcomers...
as exemple...:

in that good old times that people talk bout... we had a very known term very used known as PLUR... everybody would talk bout plur this plur that and bla bla bla... and people were livin the so called "gold times" of the scene...

now plur s taken as hippie thing and paralel to this we have festivals and parties that people are complainin sayin that in the OLD it was better ... and its funny that most of those people that complain old was better are the same that say PLUR S BULLSHIT...

isnt it contradictory ?

and obviously since the majority think this way above..most of the newcomers will follow that exemple...

and its funny that while we see the masses complainin bout how old was better... we still have a minority of veterans and newcomers as well , dancing like the golds hiden in the labirinth of the masses..

so the problem is in the scene or inside ur mind ? 
IsraTrance Full Member

Started Topics :  108
Posts :  1069
Posted : Jul 25, 2011 18:42
also its interestin to point that it seems when one s starting to get old and sick of what he used to live..instead of aceptin that he doesnt like it anymore, he ll choose to spit in the plate he ate coz it ll be easier for him to move ahead...

so yea now that psytrance has a long journey in the backbone we have hundreds of old guys that spited on it and created myths... of how psytrance s dead...

to the new people.... go to the dance floor for ur self not the others u wont have the urge to make this comparasions of the old and the new and will have a lot more fun..  
Beat Agency
IsraTrance Full Member

Started Topics :  53
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Posted : Jul 25, 2011 18:49
Who said it's dead? It just changed to the worse IMO. That's a legit view. I've moved on and listen to a lot of other electronic music. Have you? 
IsraTrance Full Member

Started Topics :  108
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Posted : Jul 25, 2011 22:23
and what do i care what u do ?  
Beat Agency
IsraTrance Full Member

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Posted : Jul 25, 2011 23:20
You dont have to care at all but now this is a pubic debate and you write here so expect people to react to your writing 
IsraTrance Full Member

Started Topics :  54
Posts :  187
Posted : Jul 26, 2011 01:09

On 2011-07-24 15:37, dreadieg wrote:
who cares? we're here and we're now, make the most of it.

i think i care cuz if you don't learn about the past there not going to be any future, history is important ! so did you people enjoyed more the old party's ore the party's that to days are the same ore maybe even better?
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