The Mother of all BASSLINES thread
IsraTrance Junior Member
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Posted : Feb 22, 2005 19:16
hmmm... That can happen... Sometimes u just don't get along with a synth (I never got a decent bassline out of the VB-1 for example).
Never cut the low end untill the mixing phase though!! U can always cut frequencies later on, u can never add them again...
Don't make your patch too complex, 1 or 2 osc's, sine or/and saw. Don't be afraid to have lot's of sub and lot's of mid in your bass, like i said, u can always cut frequencies later on, as long as all the needed frequencies are there u shouldn't have a problem. U do have to concentrate on the length of your notes though, that there is enough room between the 'thumps'. And leave more then enough, cuz they will come closer together do to processing. Then put an parametric EQ and a compressor (a simple one, not multiband, but u can use multiband...) on the audio-out or the recorded track of your bass. The order in which u put those on is completely up to your personal taste. Then just adapt them to ur taste untill u have a nice loud tight bassline. U can already cut the unnecessary frequencies here, but I prefer to still let the sub thru at this point, to cut later on, u never know... Also leave a little too much high frequencies... especially professional producers will be very happy if u don't cut it up completely... Then, when everything is done, while tracking, cut the last bothering frequencies to make it fit the mix..
Personally i use a saw as main osc and the sine generated by my filter's resonance as sub-osc (u do need a good analogue synth or emulation for that...). Then i multisample it (take a long sample of every note), because my S3000XL is much easier to configure then my Juno-60 for this kind of precision... Then i make a simple sequence with 16ths... I don't adapt note lengths, i just put a gate (actually, an envelope in the form of a gate) over the sample, and adapt the length untill i hear a nice rolling bass instead of a constant drone. Then i make my bassline like it should be done, record it, and the I EQ it and Comp it, i like to EQ before i comp, but that's a matter of taste. Now I have my final bass. I load it in my multitracker and then, and only then i cut the unnecessary frequencies... |
IsraTrance Junior Member
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Posted : Feb 23, 2005 14:05
I have been useing the VB-1 alot lately. I have found that if I add a little light distortion befor eqing and comp I get that bit more bass from it as many people have complaned that it dosnt have the right bass frequencies. Althogh I have just writtn a nice bass line with the ES1 which is a wicked synth for bass. I have tride the Bass station Vst but it was to buggy in my system and I couldn't get as much control as I wanted from it. post production audio and synth modifications / repairs. |
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Posted : Feb 23, 2005 16:41
- Korg Prophecy sounding like TB303 (Leftfield - Neil Barnes/Paul Daley) for chill-out/ambient trance
- Supernova II/SH-101 for euro-trancey basses
- Juno-106 for sub-bass and some other trancey basses
- Nord Lead 2 for general basses
(for SH101/NL2, I use multisamples loaded into EXS24)
alex keller. |
IsraTrance Junior Member
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Posted : Feb 23, 2005 16:48
On 2005-02-21 14:07, sy000321 wrote:
hmmm... you people using the muon tau for full-on
it has lousy envelopes, so i can't make my bass fit
the V-station seems to distort everything at the low-end (or maybe i'm just dumb)
i'm still lacking a nice bass synth... sux
ok... i think i've done it... it just needed serious cutting in the low-freqs...
also, as an experiment i also added maxbass to compensate. it's sounding good
i'll try to test it in other systems during this weekend, but i think i got the gold
thanks for all the help,
  roll a joint or STFU :) |
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Posted : Feb 23, 2005 17:45
IsraTrance Junior Member
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Posted : Feb 24, 2005 03:44
On 2005-02-21 07:32, Aldus B wrote:
Hey, has anyone heard of "Zoyd"? It is a free synth available on Anyway, I've made basslines with a lot of synths, but this is the best one I have used. It us truly amazing, and free...
Check it out.
Hope it helps someone.
It does not work on cubase!!?? Why not??:(
  ...Groove“n“dooR... |
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Posted : Feb 26, 2005 17:57
hummmmmm u never try the Novation BassStation ...excelente like the TB-303
there is the:
Spectrasonics bass trilogy
and of course nothing better than the real analogue synth:
virus indigo
waldorf micro Q
nord lead 2
the best bass u can get .....
IsraTrance Junior Member
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Posted : Feb 27, 2005 13:10
vanguard is currently the best sounding native synth
virus powercore destroys it |
IsraTrance Junior Member
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Posted : Feb 27, 2005 17:00
most of my basslines are done with the pentagon.
question: what sort of compression do you use (sidechain, settings, what plugs, ...)?
IsraTrance Junior Member
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Posted : Feb 28, 2005 13:46
EYB, in tracks where the bass is mostly on the "contratempo" i have no problems with EQ on the V-station, but in full-on tracks with rolling basses it goes easily out-of control.
Just check my tracks at:
Digital enlightment has bass mostly on the contratempo and sounds okayish, Galactic Activation Portal has a rolling bass and the low-end sounds quite dull, wich is sad since the bass is supposed to drive the whole track...
I can send you the patches for you to analise, thanks,
  roll a joint or STFU :) |
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Posted : Feb 28, 2005 17:44
My fav bass synth has to be Vaz a really good bass patch for that...short decay on it, so it makes it sound kinda bouncy which I like |
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Posted : Mar 1, 2005 22:34
Basslines - im on Triangle 2 , Atmosphere ,
audiorealim bassline - of course tweaked and added effects but trying not to add so much so I can have more room for more cool stuff. |
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Posted : Mar 2, 2005 23:42
On 2005-02-28 13:46, sy000321 wrote:
EYB, in tracks where the bass is mostly on the "contratempo" i have no problems with EQ on the V-station, but in full-on tracks with rolling basses it goes easily out-of control.
Just check my tracks at:
Digital enlightment has bass mostly on the contratempo and sounds okayish, Galactic Activation Portal has a rolling bass and the low-end sounds quite dull, wich is sad since the bass is supposed to drive the whole track...
I can send you the patches for you to analise, thanks,
Yeah ill check them tomorrow, i have to sleep now. But just an idea, maybe u get to long notes(?)
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IsraTrance Junior Member
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Posted : Mar 3, 2005 12:16
On 2005-03-02 23:42, EYB wrote:
Yeah ill check them tomorrow, i have to sleep now. But just an idea, maybe u get to long notes(?)
I think not, because i used very short envelopes and i exported the bass as wav and opened it in a sound editor and each note was beautifully drawn and ending in the right place...
  roll a joint or STFU :) |
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Posted : Mar 3, 2005 18:37
Nice track, i think the bass is almost ok, it just needs some eqing in the lower area. Try to find the area that makes it sound a bit unfriendly, i think it is mabe 300hz, there around. Cut only a bit, with mid-high q. Try a bit around. Then check also kick, if the kick fits the bass always seems to sound better. Also important lot of action in the mid and high area. So u need to get a picture above the whole area, u know what i mean?
Don't worry to much about the bass, good bass is nescarry but u have to make some breaks while working only with bass, else u make a good one but don't notice it as a good one.
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