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The Mother of all BASSLINES thread

IsraTrance Full Member

Started Topics :  162
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Posted : Sep 18, 2016 20:54
serum have a great feature, it let you choose wich range of the waveform you want the osc to retrigger insteed of other synth i know that let you choose just one point on the waveform. so if you want a bit less of the machine gun feeling wihtout loosing power this setting is usefull, each note will have a slighty different attack but offocurse you set it up on the right part of the sawtooth to avoid loosing punch.
a other neat feature it s possible to balance the harmonics of the waveforme one by one to your taste to avoid much eq , you won't really need to notch or boost some harmonics in the low and low mids after that as you adjust them the way you want directely on the osc.
IsraTrance Junior Member

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Posted : Sep 19, 2016 00:11

On 2016-08-24 13:41, PoM wrote:
depends but there is often more work on the sound design than the typical 1 saw bassline, slight more complex patchs to make it sound more fresh/electro/commercial for some type of prog trance.

not related to this but a intresting way to get a cleaner sound is to bring a second osc with a sine wav at low volume and play with his frequency and phase and volume.. to clean the low mids more or less with phase cancellation, you will need even less eq after that for a cleaner sound

Yes that's why there is the subOSC 
IsraTrance Full Member

Started Topics :  162
Posts :  8087
Posted : Sep 19, 2016 19:39
yeah with sub osc but its sometimes set one octave lower and there is intresting result by bringing a second osc at the same octave or one higher, at very low volume with phase reset on the right spot of the waveform to make a mroe intresting attack or lower some hamornics with phase cancellation, it can lead to intresting result

IsraTrance Full Member

Started Topics :  162
Posts :  8087
Posted : Sep 19, 2016 19:57

On 2016-06-08 21:19, Cepstrum wrote:
Hmm, can anyone share some tips on the slighty fatter and deeper bass sound one can hear on todays a bit prog-psy influenced tracks? Any particular synth preset/effect used. Can't get it right... it doesn't sound like the 2000's VB1/EM1/ES-m/Tau anymore...

synth you could try all the popular one, sylenth, spire ,dune 2 , serum ect.. these can sound more or less the same and will do a good standar bass..or analog synth / sample of it with trilian .
you can try to craft the sound with spliting it into bands and process low and mids differently if you want a more "processed sound" that is common today. or to use 2 different synth layer stuff like that

Started Topics :  6
Posts :  157
Posted : Jan 19, 2018 21:36
Damn, this thread is still running...           I fear nothing, so I will remember myself.

The Eagle's Gift
sonic tickle

Started Topics :  2
Posts :  4
Posted : Jan 23, 2018 15:43
Hey Guys,

I´m on a remix of a track written in Key of C. So I tried to make a nice Kick with Kick 2 and set the lowest point of the frequencie sweep on C1/32Hz at the Gridpoint of 1.1.3.

Now I`m not sure if this is too low since it lacks good quality punch, or are my monitors to weak to reproduce these low freqs of the kick? should i go up an octave with the fundamental note?

how would you do it?
IsraTrance Full Member

Started Topics :  123
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Posted : Jan 24, 2018 02:08
kick goes with bass, try kb at a1, not persee needed in same key as the track but better harmonically connected (+1, +3) sounds (leads, pads) are then kb plus 3 notes, but offcourse always check with your ears. c is hard f,a much easier kb-wise 
IsraTrance Full Member

Started Topics :  113
Posts :  1785
Posted : Jun 15, 2018 21:53
If anyone is shopping for a perfect analog psytrance bass synth (and aren't interested in making their own out of Eurorack), the Moog Minitaur is probably what you're looking for. It includes one feature that is very important to psytrance bass, particularly 16th kbbb bass, and that's phase retrigger so both oscillators' phase is always the same on each Note On. Moog calls it Note Sync.

That and the build quality is great, the sound is great (VERY bassy), the envelopes are tight, the filter is the famous -24db/oct Moog ladder which needs no introduction.

And it sounds nice through an Electro Harmonix Operation Overlord overdrive pedal.           .
IsraTrance Junior Member
Started Topics :  16
Posts :  91
Posted : Jan 22, 2019 21:58
On Point !!!

Started Topics :  40
Posts :  251
Posted : Dec 28, 2021 11:41
One powerful vst that you guys should look into is Psylab, near perfect bass out of the box, full fledged tools for tailoring, plus visual help for phase adjustment. In my opinion it bags Serum and all the other possible choices on the bass department.           -------------d(oO)b----------------

Started Topics :  40
Posts :  251
Posted : Dec 28, 2021 11:47

On 2018-06-15 21:53, mudpeople wrote:
If anyone is shopping for a perfect analog psytrance bass synth (and aren't interested in making their own out of Eurorack), the Moog Minitaur is probably what you're looking for. It includes one feature that is very important to psytrance bass, particularly 16th kbbb bass, and that's phase retrigger so both oscillators' phase is always the same on each Note On. Moog calls it Note Sync.

That and the build quality is great, the sound is great (VERY bassy), the envelopes are tight, the filter is the famous -24db/oct Moog ladder which needs no introduction.

And it sounds nice through an Electro Harmonix Operation Overlord overdrive pedal.

I owend one and your right! I later on got the subsequent 37 the fatness of these beasts are equal to none.           -------------d(oO)b----------------
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