i think its time for a fresh breeze in the producers forum
as the workshop is dead. and obviously we all know its still just about the fuckn kick n bass. so i open that thread. if you have a new kick bass wich you like. post it here. listeners simply have 3 choices:
1: Yes
2: No
3: Almost
no critics except you say 3: so you can say someting like. "To less bass" or "sidechain sounds bad" to give a hint. but not more please
I like this as it encourages motivation and ideas .. handy if trying out new chains with twisted fx experiments to get feed back required improvements . Yeah this is cool
Devasya Savitur
about the bass lol ( oh shit here we go)
no joking aside its an octave to high for me..
anyways why no more ? full criticism is healthy , it keeps thing in alignment with the truth .. - which is vital for development .. .. .. .. .. .. ..
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On 2015-04-15 14:42:10, moleqlarsuperstructure wrote:
and obviously we all know its still just about the fuckn kick n bass.
K&B is easy, take a nice nano records track, cut out intro kick and bass single hit sample with audacity, 1st 8th hit place nano sample, second 8th hit your sample (bazzism or bass synth) tweak until they sound the same.
That will provide you with the correct body and low end, also to hear on which octave the bass sounds good with the kick
Problem is when adding additional sounds to K&B, i.e. snare, hihats etc
yes yes I know - wrong thread - sorry - still this method works out great every time.
" We are together in this matter you and I, closer to death, yes, closer than i'd like. How do you feel? - There can be no division in our actions, or everything is lost. What affects you affects me. "
well, the reason of the thread should be not personal taste and meanings. it shall be yes or no. i tried to recreate kinda cheesy didrapest full on isreali bassline like you hear on 10000 released tracks.
so the only thing we need to know if somone posts a bassline is probably yes or no. not something like "i prefer one octave lower". or "kick shall be more punchy for my taste" its just a neutral statement i think could help here. everyone has its own style. 1001 + basslines outthere and it really doesnt matter if you personally like it. its just about does it work or not. no personal taste for critics here. that was the reason why i dont want discussion here. it shall be pragmatic. think we had enough threads for that reason. but if it shall change into another bassline discussion thread. just go on.
but maybe this simply cant work. cause everyone of you sits to hard in is own style. i dunno.
provide synth and processing? why? everyone has its own techniques (and sometimes you simply wont tell somone, its called secrets)
but in this case, a kick made with KICK and lots of processing eqs, some saturation
yeh but.. there are ways of wanting your bass octave high but also using trickery to get some sub in there aswel instead of just throwing it up an octave.. sorry if you already knew.,probably did but.
im confused in wat you want moleq.
I cant just say no because if it was me id want to know why no and not just a useless NO
this is dead anyways, this place use to be booming 2007-2010 - I think that's telling me to progress on a new style and catch the bus while its not moving
lots of young apprentice talent back then - I don't think theres room for any more psy trance artists now lol.... but however im sure there is room for hybrid and intention of changing the style making us the trend setters and not sheep that has missed the party buss hahaa lol - all imo
oh i like that. you think in the right terms for my taste!
just changed my mind =)
if it happens to make some discussion on here please go on as its anyways dead... use it as ever we want and how ever it will be useful.