survey: parties in israel (money issue)
blue elf
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Posted : Sep 8, 2003 14:58
4 years ago parties were also busted, and not all parties now r in rented places.
it's the same as the prices in clubs. here u pay 80 shekels to tlv, tresor in berlin will take from u only 5 euros=25 shekels.
and ye what happened to BYO/DIY parties?
IsraTrance Junior Member
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Posted : Sep 8, 2003 16:27
well i agree with Karnaf over here...
besides... dont forget that sometimes organizers have "kombinot"... so come on... the place is not always rented and if it is then it must be a friend of a friend of a friend in a helf prise... (still, not always)...
and if not then this dj is my gf uncle and the moving use to be my nighbors... bla bla bla....
so dont be so naive...
i think that MOST of the parties here are way over line and it should be stoped...
im not talking about all the organizers and all the parties but you know what im talking about.
to Yossi...
remamber the wizzy noise party? and what you wrote about it?
  just flow baby... just flow... |
IsraTrance Full Member
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Posted : Sep 8, 2003 17:02
please notify me what r BYO/DIY parties (im not around since yesterday, but i realy have no idea... sorry for the ignorance)
@ karnaf - few years back it wasnt commercial as it is 2day.
ppl where having parties for the fun of it... delivering the real spirit if u wanna name it this way.
but as we all know, the "spirit" left this scene long ago. ppl stoped working for free...
and be sure that to rent a sound system 4 years ago was half of 2day`s price, life in general was less expenssive then.
and what greedy r u guys talking about?!?!
i never heard about an underground orgenizer that Bcame rich from making parties. mainly, the incomes from one party go`s to the next party.
about renting places, well mainly im very against it... i just dont like rented places
but the thing is that few years back when a party was busted ppl just accepted it and moved on... it was the nature of the parties then.
but now(?!?!?) when a party gets closed ppl start biching and want compensation party for free... this is just absurd and makes me realy mad. the tipical israeli insolence.(ppl forgot that outdoor parties r still illegal and the orgenizers are taking big risks while having them)
so to prevent this thing, yes... orgenizers started to rent places, and its not cheep.
again... these words are not legitimization to pay 80 for a shity party. but this generalness accusation r just wonrg!
good parties with reasonable prices are still taking beeing made, just look for them.
and im still asking the same question : why "Rita"`s fans can pay 250nis for a 2 hour concert and a trance fans wont pay 80nis for 10 hours party?
but on the same note, i might ask also why rita sells more then 40,000 copies and a trance title sell less then 100...
maybe a croud that gives back nothing(!) just dont deserve good parties...
ps: @freeman - about the bar thing, its or u rent a bar or buy all the staff from your own money... and i dont know how many parties u did, but as far as i know... its damn expenssive!
and it sounds like when u say "income" its like a dirty word... why?!?!?!
why the hell you think that ppl will work upon days and nights just to give u a party and u wont have to pay for it?!
  if you want to be rich, u`ve got to be a bitch! |
IsraTrance Full Member
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Posted : Sep 8, 2003 17:09
@ nove dear - yes i remeber it very good. and i still stand behind every word i said in that thread.
120 is WAY too much.
it seems like this thread is every1 against yossi...
we r all on the same side, we all wanna have a good time and get something in return for these 80nis.
but as one that did few parties in the past and probably will do in the future, i just had to bring the other side of the coin.
n e way, insted of making this thread 10 pages long... lets just start searching for good parties and reliable orgenizers.
  if you want to be rich, u`ve got to be a bitch! |
blue elf
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Posted : Sep 8, 2003 18:07
BYO - bring your own
DIY - do it yourself
no fancy soundsystem (usually organizer's soundsystem), dj's who play for free, etc.
rita fans - maybe they r suckers?
IsraTrance Full Member
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Posted : Sep 8, 2003 18:47
one major thing i forget to mention is the quantity of ppl who still attend parties, the numbers droped drasticly in the last years.
best example... im sure we all remember seeing 1500 ppl @ Moksha in the good old days...
now if they get 600-700 it should be considered as a huge success.
@ blue elf - as for these so called BYO/DIY parties, like i said... imo we`ve been there already, but i get the feeling that it`ll make a huge comeback.
and labelizing ritas fans as suckers will be exactly
like labelizing trance fans as free loaders stealing leech`s.. right?
not nice...
  if you want to be rich, u`ve got to be a bitch! |
IsraTrance Junior Member
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Posted : Sep 8, 2003 19:11
yossi, i agree with you (see? )
what happaned to the other 700 ppl who not going to Moksha anymore?
when we will get the "come back"?
ppl are not going to parties anymore cause the commercialize and greedy ppl that finding trance as a surce of money.
  just flow baby... just flow... |
blue elf
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Posted : Sep 8, 2003 19:19
yossi let's hope your feeling is ok.
i didn't labeled rita's fan - only made a suggestion about people who pay so much money for one show.
IsraTrance Full Member
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Posted : Sep 8, 2003 23:45
@ nova - the common confidence that trance is a source of money is wrong from the beginning. coz its not... there are million better ways to make fast easy money.
but the ones who do manage to make fast money out of it, let them do it on some1 else`s back, coz believe it or not... there are a lot of ppl who r looking for big commercialized events and truely enjoy it.
and the comwback? ... bits me.
i guess when there will be enought ppl asking for it and the right ppl to do it.
@ blue elf - how nice of ya for checking out on me, im just fine... thank ya.
and ofcourse, like u... i only made a suggestion.
  if you want to be rich, u`ve got to be a bitch! |
IsraTrance Full Member
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Posted : Sep 9, 2003 00:00
Yossi> the reason people are willing to pay 250 NIS for a Rita concert, is a simple matter of supply vs demand. Rita holds very few concerts, but lot's of people wanna go, so demand is high. Nature parties however, are becoming abundant in this country, so naturally prices are lower...
  MiniMAL cabron... |
IsraTrance Full Member
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Posted : Sep 9, 2003 06:38
Rita was only as an example (nobody asked ya to pay 250 for a 1 night party right?), u can easely compare with other artists that perform almost every weekend... (beri, rock4, fortis... and so on) none of them will be less the 70-80nis.
  if you want to be rich, u`ve got to be a bitch! |
IsraTrance Junior Member
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Posted : Sep 9, 2003 10:38
WTF is Rita have to do with isratrance forum????
u ppl loosing proportion's
ok i'll try to explain my point of view on this isue
3-4 years ago........
remmember "Hofman 43"
3-4 years ago u would go to forest driving in darkness and arriving to ,usualy, small gatherings
about 50-200 ppl with 2 active monitors or some other small system,dj with md's and pak-pak generator
there was something that called 'hofman 43'
if any of u remember this era then he knows what i'm talking.ppl was afraid to eat acid those days
so naturaly they didnt came to those parties
and only true ravers and music lovers did
E's was out of the picture.
Arsim was out of the picture (they was afraid to touch acid)
Kids was out of the picture (same reason)
All kind of Clubers was out of picture (they had nothing to do at the parties like those)
party damage 3-4 years ago......
20-50 nis entery
30-50 nis for lsd
50-100 nis a superb night
u coming to a party and hear it from 5-6 km away distance becouse of double "800W turbo sound"
when u arrive its looks like orginisers take some club equipment outdoor (bar's,lights,sound system,security)
lots of ppl (most of 1st arrivers are arsim,arabs,kids,and "prety" club ppl that used to go out of home at 12:00)
but drugs isue.........
i'm sure any of u ment someone that told ya at the party "Man i just ate 3 bloters and 2 e's"
1st of all if u would eat 1/3 of hofman u probobly would go nuts
today lsd is not lsd
and ppl stop to affraid of it
and e's........
at the moment they are rulers of the trance parties
well why not... arabs love it,arsim love it,kusiot from tlv love it and kids r love it also
and no wonder that all the parties begon to look like a fucking club's with ppl that come to show themselfs and be seeing (well e's blows u'r ego )
artist start to write music for this change and made it worse and worse
for 2 years all orginisers making same parties with same artists and same E music
i would like to watch any fullon/nitzhonot lover to take 1 bloter of hofman 43 and enjoy the music
he probobly will get mentual damage
today party coast.......
80-100 nis entery
50-100 nis drug
50-100 nis drinks,laugting gas,shit like that
180-300 nis damage for crapy party
(make u'r own math)
anyway the word "HARDCORE" is way out of our party lexicon
every week there is like 10 comertial parties with same shit been playing and for same not reasonable price
so yea we all responsoble for this
look how many orginisers u have now........
3-4 years ago maybe 4-5 orginisers was doing outdoors and all loved it (and who didnt loved it went to fuck himself and noone cared)
today every 2 kids ,that begon to hear trance 3 weeks ago and ate 1st drug at last party, runs to make their own "production"
and to all orginisers........
if to make party for ya is "too much money" why the fuck u still doing it????????????
if u cant afford 13000-15000 nis party why do make one?????
and if u make one like this with 100 ppl and loose money its u'r fucking problem
u cant stand it-drop making a parties
and yet if u dont like u'r crowd (like most of the clubs) then kill them with prices
to enter some big club is 100 nis at good evening
outdoor's used to be 1/3 of this price
when u make price of 100 nis for a party then most reasonable that most of u'r friends will enter for free
when u do 50 nis party then even closest friends will pay ya themselfs without u asking them
anyway i've stop to go to parties in this country
we do our own parties for our friends and for ppl that loves our music
we moved to make "hat" parties as it was 5 years back
party coast us 800 nis (300 nis pak pak,300 nis active monitors,200 for water)
and yes ppl enjoy there much more that at 1000 ppl comertial circus
anyway i hope ive gave u some stuff to think about
  Jesus didnt dance,but his beat goes on
IsraTrance Senior Member
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Posted : Sep 9, 2003 11:04
IsraTrance Senior Member
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Posted : Sep 9, 2003 11:23
IsraTrance Senior Member
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Posted : Sep 9, 2003 11:28