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Signs of nationalism of festivals: flags.

IsraTrance Junior Member

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Posted : Aug 8, 2012 17:46:31
One thing that keeps bugging me over the years are the flags that you sometimes see on festivals. Why do people take national flags to a party? Why is it necessary to emphasize that you are portuguese, belgium, israeli, brazilian or whichever other nationality?

To me the country where I was born is just a name for a certain part of the world for that period of time. 100 years ago it had a different name, maybe it'll have another name again in 100 years. It is just a random thing. I could have been born 1000 miles away as well..
So why is it important to tell others where you are from? Why the flags? Please enlighten me! 
IsraTrance Full Member

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Posted : Aug 8, 2012 17:58
IMHO itss not an agressive nationalism, in part is a way to say that in any given party there are people from all around the world: it's global.

I remeber at a big festival in the row to the showers, that was advancing very slowly, people just sit down and started to chat and all came from all over my country (not very common here), it was nice to known the "scene was national or global".

it's much more about "This bring us together from very different parts of the world"

It's also a way to socialize with other country peers at big festival           "The dedication to repetition — the search for nirvana in a single held tone or an endlessly cycling rhythm — is one of electronic music's noblest gestures."
Wizack Twizack
Wizack Twizack

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Posted : Aug 8, 2012 18:07

On 2012-08-08 17:58, Login wrote:

it's much more about "This bring us together from very different parts of the world"

It's also a way to socialize with other country peers at big festival

Yea true.
Like, if i came all the way from Sweden to a festival in brazil or so, it would be cool to mayby strumble upon another swede there. Aswell as its nice to meet other nationalitys.
In that way, flags are cool

cheers!           For Contact & Bookings:
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dick hardman
IsraTrance Junior Member

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Posted : Aug 8, 2012 19:14
Draped over the shoulders it makes good shade cover from the heat of the midday sun

Have to add that, sometimes there are those individuals who carry the flag with a bit too much pride. But they usually tire out quickly and are found curled up in their flag snoring before long.

Colin OOOD
OOOD/Voice of Cod

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Posted : Aug 8, 2012 21:26

On 2012-08-08 17:58, Login wrote:
IMHO itss not an agressive nationalism, in part is a way to say that in any given party there are people from all around the world: it's global.

Right. Because hearing ten different languages in your campsite, on the dancefloor or in the queue for the showers doesn't tell you that.

I can't see another reason for it than nationalism, and this is certainly the vibe you get from some flag-wavers. National flags serve to divide people from different parts of the world, not to unite us. They can ghettoise festivals and encourage people of the same nationality to gather together rather than just meet who you meet no matter where they come from.

I don't like national flags.           Mastering - ::
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dick hardman
IsraTrance Junior Member

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Posted : Aug 8, 2012 22:55
^^^ Thank you Colin, that's the sentiment I had bubbling up inside me.

It is fun to fly your penis on a festival, however.


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Posted : Aug 9, 2012 01:00
Hey look at me, my parents had sex in Israel!           Everyone in the world is doing something without me

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Posted : Aug 9, 2012 02:29
Symbols are for the symbol minded!

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Posted : Aug 9, 2012 10:33
it was at a party some1 told me i dont care wher u come frm, only matters is what energy u send~
IsraTrance Full Member

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Posted : Aug 9, 2012 16:53

On 2012-08-08 22:55, dick hardman wrote:
^^^ Thank you Colin, that's the sentiment I had bubbling up inside me.

It is fun to fly your penis on a festival, however.

Not sure what Indians would fly around if flags were banned in festivals           missing plug-in

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Posted : Aug 9, 2012 17:52

I don't like national flags.

+1. Divide and conquer, this is what they are trying to achieve.
IsraTrance Full Member

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Posted : Aug 9, 2012 23:13
Personaly I'd find it strange to wave myself a flag , I feel so cosmopolitan and never had any patriotic emotions my mother is earth, but I like to see flags at festivals from far away. 

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Posted : Aug 10, 2012 02:22
The only thing I don't like is to much flags of the same country. Different flags is ok.

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Posted : Aug 10, 2012 04:29
If you want it global, use one flag, with our whole beautiful planet on it. Anything else is blatant nationalism, nothing else...           Upavas - Here And Now (Sangoma Rec.) new EP out Oct.29th, get it here:

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Posted : Aug 10, 2012 10:09
People wave national flags for the same reason that people wave goa ohm flags or shirts, football team logos, etc etc etc. And that is because they LOVE their country,football team,religion or whatever.

Is there something wrong about that?

Loving your country doesnt mean that you dont love the other countries or that you feel superior from the others.

People's minds and stereotypes divide people and nations,not flags,national anthems or the feeling and belief that each one of us is a different and independent individual.

Not everybody on this planet is the same and this is a good thing which we should take advantage of and learn from each other.           Toodaloo Motherfuckers!!!!!
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