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quitars on psy trance??


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Posted : Jan 20, 2005 17:06
There are great tracks featuring guitars.IMO Talamasca has incredible musics with electric guitars(Aries ), but knows when to use them.I find the guitar sound really nice, but I agree it can get cheezy and irritating/stupid(Analog Pussy)

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Posted : Jan 21, 2005 22:51
I welcome any real instrument, if its well done.
Guitars can be very expressive.

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Posted : Jan 21, 2005 23:12
I never liked guitars much in trance songs, but now i produced myself a track with guitar and i have to say it sounds nice (Look for LO-FI Massaker in new tracks section).

I also like the 1200 mics tracks with guitar(most of them).            Signature
other side
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Posted : Jan 28, 2005 09:25
guitars are nice i psychedelic tracks if you know how to used them
Aries - Talamasca
Mescaline - 1200mics
Massive Trance - Melicia & Psydrop
          Na be i na min be ?????
IsraTrance Full Member

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Posted : Feb 3, 2005 00:23
so it's just metter of taste,
use good the guitar and let the ppl free to judge you
Dainty Doll
June Rashava

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Posted : Feb 3, 2005 01:24
I like it when it's not too much.

Some few guitar sounds is cool, but not a track that is based on the guitars 

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Posted : Feb 3, 2005 15:34
yea its metter of taste for sure
and offcourse not all the track based in the guitars
i like e lot of tracks that have guitars
          only the dirty one's will survive
IsraTrance Junior Member

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Posted : Feb 3, 2005 20:59
I can't believe nobody has mentioned Vibrasphere-San Pedro. A truly beautiful use of guitar!

On the darker side Tim Schuldt, Dark Soho and some Four Carrry Nuts I like a lot. And of course SUN Project.

There is a lot of cheesy uses of guitar out there tho...
IsraTrance Full Member

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Posted : Feb 7, 2005 02:30
would of been nice if somebody who realy knows to play the guitar would put in some realy good riffs like we loved in our rock & roll past. What we do have at the moment besides Juno reactor Tim Sculdt Total Eclipse & X-Dream (all in the past) is a bunch of cowboys putting kid guitar riffs all over. U should ask Jimmy Page or Richi Blackmore what they think about all the riffs in the artists tracks mentioned here LoL IMAO ....
The Journey Man Project
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Posted : Feb 7, 2005 04:56
I think some groups have done guitars and psy well... Dark Soho really pushed the heavier black metal sound in and Bombay City Rockers seem to have a nice style... the old rock n roll style was great for the old Goa style but I dubt it would really fit in with much of today'sdarker stuff. I love the use of acoustic guitar in ambient music, especially the Spanish style on a sunny afternoon outdoors I've fiddled around with some samples from Fear Factory, Napalm Death, Mayhem and Machine Head and put them over the tp of some of the dark Goa sounds and they work really nice, the heavy chugging fits the kicking bass so well... I think a lot of guitar we hear in our scene is from pople who play guitar in their bedrooms and never really try to push their talents beyond copying their fav bands (Skazi - Metallica/Nirvana?) Even some thrashy stuff along the lines of Ministry and NIN would be nice... But seriousl the Fear Factoy and other groups I mentioned already focus on a machine type sound fusing electro samples in with their music and I really think it could work well the ther way...
Silver Surfer

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Posted : Feb 7, 2005 05:34
On 2004-12-21 02:57, mubali wrote:
I feel the guitar thing has been waaaaaaay overdone. When I first started listening to SUN Project, I thought it was a novel idea to include some old buttrock style guitar riffs in the tracks.

There it is! When things are new they sound like original, good ideas... But suddenly, there's nothing new in guitars in trance, especially thanks to Skazi, who has used them to an extent, when its not cool anymore to use them or even listen to trance with riffs.Just sounds cheesy to me, after all this time. Do the evolution, please...           There are more things in heaven and
earth, Than are dreamt of in our philosophy.

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Posted : Mar 14, 2005 13:26
trance need guitars           the time has come !!!!!!!
Inactive User

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Posted : Mar 18, 2005 09:58
Guitars are cool but i dont really like them in trance, except for one track.......Exaile - One of the Tribe, one guitar trance track i rate, the guitar sounds befuck and is well mixed with the mix.....personally i think that this crunch crunch guitar effort Skazi tries is unimaginative....there could be so much more that could be done with a guitar....

i mea nif you listen to old metal and rock stuff...listen to those solo's ....some of them are more psychadelic then alot of psy track, i have tripped on metal music often on big PA systems with all the distortion and weird electonic sounds that arise , one can get way lost in the sound....

i think more novel use of the electric guitar needs to be new sounds,...

for instance the way Tom Morello played his guitar in rage against the machine....unworldy electirc sounds...most trance artist just seem to plug in the guitar, play a crunch crunch riff ( really lame...try put that in a real metal song, haha) then all of a sudden its amazing trance....all it is is "almost-metal with a trance bassline and beat with a few squelchs" i also think most full-on these days feels like hard house , with a rolling bass line and sharper kick, again with the squelchy sounds......COMMERCIAL...

ok i think thats a nuff said for now..

p.s if you want to hear insane psychadelic guitars listen to Metallica - One (the original and S&M versions) that solo at the end is pretty hard to beat...njoy

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Posted : Mar 31, 2005 00:08
trance need Guitars as need other instuments like Sitar,Violin,Drums etc.           don't play with us.............
smurfs are all over the place,be wear.....
you pussys
IsraTrance Full Member

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Posted : Apr 3, 2005 20:52
trance without guitar plz ..... it s not good .... but some guys know how to do it .... S.U.N Project .
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