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O.Z.O.R.A. Festival 2013


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Posted : Aug 1, 2013 20:26

I have a few questions.

Is there an ATM or any supermarket in Ozora that accepts VISA? Might be a stupid question, but you never know, and it'd be great to know in advance so I can make the appropriate arrangements.

I'm also wondering about prices of food at the festival, I'm rather short on cash, but I'll have a budget of a little over 2000 HUF/day, and I'd like to get some 3000~3500 kcal each day. Is that possible?

Also, when I was checking how far it was to the town (in case I'll have to buy food in stores), I found that there's a long and a short route, but google complains if I select the short one (link to map for that route: Would I get in trouble if I travelled that route by foot?

I don't think there is an ATM or VISA facilities on the festival site, but there will be an ATM in Ozora town, not sure which cards it accepts though.

Not sure about exact prices or kcal content, but the food in the official Ozora food area is good value. (in the same building as the bar near the chill dome.)

You won't have any problems with the short route, that is the main access road in and out of the festival. Google complains because it is usually a private access road to the site, but while the festival is on anyone with a valid wristband or ticket can use the road.

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Posts :  24
Posted : Aug 2, 2013 22:52
Anyone read the news about the licence?

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Posts :  199
Posted : Aug 2, 2013 23:28
Seems to be media bullshit:

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Posts :  24
Posted : Aug 3, 2013 05:01
I really hope it's not so but the official police website confirmed that it's definitely not cancelled but did say they haven't got all the permissions they need yet :/

Started Topics :  6
Posts :  199
Posted : Aug 3, 2013 09:30
According to the Ozora crew the permits have all been sorted, if they weren't they'd be making the situation unmanageable for themselves by lying so I believe them when they say it's all ok.

From an IRL friend: "about the police; i emailed the ozora crew, they said that they count on the cops showing up, but most likely just to stand outside the festival to search people for drugs"

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Posts :  199
Posted : Aug 3, 2013 09:31
All this "cancelled" stuff has basically been the work of lying, fear mongering, right-wing Hungarian media.

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Posted : Aug 3, 2013 18:04
Translated some user links from Ozora Facebook and as far as I understand first on Monday will we know if Ozora is authorized or not...

I also think it is strange that the Ozora organizers not yet have commented or sent out an official statement of the issue and why they not have gotten the permission. Instead we have to google translate various Hungarian web sites to get just a little info about what is going on...

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Posted : Aug 3, 2013 19:09
Hi guys!

I just registered to give you some help. This will be my 8. Ozora and I am from Hungary. You need to know we have a very corrupt political and justisce system here in Hungary. They changed their mind about the permission only at the very end to make sure they can ask for more money. This is all about money and corruption, please be aware that police will search your stuff and car for drugs on the entrance so hide it VERY WELL or don't bring them.

The festival gates are open, you can come, the ozora crew will get the permission 100%. This is the sad truth about how things work in Hungary, but the festival will be awesome.

And never forget, liquid is odorless, tastless so I have hope, so should you.

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Posted : Aug 3, 2013 20:12
Ok thanks for the reply, leaving for Ozora in a couple of days

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Posts :  559
Posted : Aug 3, 2013 23:32
I wouldn't be worried about the police. At the Sun festival they had a checkpoint on the road before the gates, checking id's and passports for all the attendents, also there were a few police patrols on the festival place(main stage), but not searching the people or doing the drug screening, but yes you should be carefull what are you doin'. I think that everything will go smooth, and I wish you guys to have a great time there...
Another rockin' time ahead in Ozora for sure...

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Posted : Aug 4, 2013 09:49
Hello fellow trancers!

Today we are going to Ozora and I just wanted to ask you what is the status with the police on the gates? We are going to come in early morning hours. Is anyone there already so you can inform us with the situation at the gates?

I hope this festival can be about free love and music so everyone can have a special time

Love to all!

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Posted : Aug 4, 2013 19:03
hi there!
i need your help. is it possible to get the tickets on the gate without this printed voucher numer?

i will travel to the festival on Aug. 6th.... without tickets ;-)

so, hope anybody can help!

Started Topics :  6
Posts :  199
Posted : Aug 4, 2013 20:34
Yes you can get tickets on the gate.

Police: I haven't heard there are Police ON the gate but they will probably be stopping people driving to the fest (like they usually do).

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Posts :  24
Posted : Aug 5, 2013 13:41
Anyone inside yet?

Started Topics :  20
Posts :  247
Posted : Aug 5, 2013 14:51
The police examine almost all the cars, backpacks and so on 8 km far from the entrance. 7 foreigner guys are already busted using drugs. The organisers didn't get the permission to hold the festival _at the moment_ but they will protest against it in legal way. There are tousands of people down there.

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