O.Z.O.R.A. Festival 2013
IsraTrance Junior Member
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Posted : Feb 7, 2013 02:46
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Posted : Feb 19, 2013 20:57
O.Z.O.R.A. Festival
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Posted : Feb 20, 2013 13:31
Fellow Ozorians!
O.Z.O.R.A. Festival and Pumpui proudly present the O.Z.O.R.A. Festival 2012 Official Movie!
We hope all of you enjoy the 2012 film, which is a special mixture of a roadmovie, a documentary report film and a video spot. Besides reliving the memories, we trust that you will get to know our favourite gathering from other – so far unseen – aspects too!
Enjoy the film!
One Love! |
O.Z.O.R.A. Festival
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Posted : Mar 9, 2013 10:20
Raja Ram explains: The new album Museum of Consciousness is a giant palace of many rooms
In the studio of Simon Posford, he and Raja Ram are almost fully finished the works of a brand new Shpongle album to debut in OZORA this August. After the legendary ceremony in 2010 Shpongle is once again opening the festival with a world premier concert f the new material called Museum of Consciousness.
Somewhere miles-deep hidden in the English countryside, far away from the cities but close to nature and its wonders, there is a house with a Ganesh statue in its garden. Deep in the forest full of very old tall trees where birds are singing and deers are running around: it is where the Shpongle Magic emerges from.
Magic in hyperspace Ð the music making process
Of course inside the house technology took over with synthesizers and electronics but there's room for a big fireplace as well where Simon and Raja likes to relax, talk and generally prepare for music making while they are working on an album. "There, in the quiet times of the night, we create Shpongle... or actually it creates us." - says Raja Ram.
Most of the times it all starts with a visual idea from Raja. With images he explains to Simon so that he can literally translate them into sounds, making them alive in music. Sometimes they call their friends, virtuoso classical musicians, to come down to the studio for recording but most of the times it's just them: Raja Ram, Simon Posford, their vast imagination and tireless creativity, enthusiasm, love and humility for music. Their
Raja Ram: "Slowly it emerges out of the sound shell, revealing herself: the goddess of love and sound. Slowly we gather the electrons and protons... the music is then channeled into us. Si works the banks of controls, green and red lights flickering, and like building a house we start from the bottom up, layer upon layer. The last one had over a 100 layers of sounds. And then we see a light, a way to get to the sacred refuge of where we are searching for. "The sound" is the place, it just emerges like the rebirth of a snake skin or a butterfly coming out of its chrysalis. Magic in hyperspace occurs, and a new part comes alive, the never ending fabric, of our compositions..."
Enter the museum Ð the new material
MUSEUM OF CONSCIOUSNESS is the fifth full-length album of Shpongle at legendary Twisted Records in London. It comes to light almost four years after the last one which makes sceneÕs anticipation really high. The Shpongle concert at Ozora this summer will not only serve as the opening ceremony of the festival but also the official world premiere of the new album. About the concept behind the new installment, Raja Ram explains: "The new album "Museum of Consciousness" is a giant palace of many rooms: some glittering and mysterious, others darker and weirder, satiated with psychedelic experience. We can bend the notes and contort them and unify them, and make a sound sculpture that will be revealed when one enters the Museum...of sound and colour."
Besides the two notorious Shponglers we should also shed some light on the live musicians that all add extra flavor to the sonic masterpieces and together make the live show a truly special experience. As Raja Ram likes to put it, they are all geniuses in their own right. Several of the Shpongle live band members are coming from the classical music world, like Hare OM the opera singer or Harry Escott the cello player. The drummer, Joe Russou, who also plays for Younger Brother sometimes, works with top bands in the USÕs indie rock and jazz fusion scene. Pete Callard the guitarist is another virtuoso who, also coming from America, already worked with such huge rock legends as Lionel Ritchie, the Queen or the Bee Gees, just to name a few. And of course there is no show without Raja Ram's flute playing, Michelle AdamsonÕs vocals or the dance performers, and sometimes we can even see Simon coming forward to play some on keyboards.
Ozora 2013, the Zenith
Here at the Ozora headquarters weÕre getting the chills already just thinking about the Shpongle concert that awaits us this year. While counting the days until the opening ceremony can finally begin, prepare yourself with this message from Raja Ram to Ozorians:
"Ozora will be the high point of our lives...yes ever. If you feel it, the valley, the stage, the crystal third-eye of the's mind blowing. With the possibility to talk and hug (maybe) anyone thereÉwowÉ there is nothing like it on the globe as festivals go. And this year, 2013 will be the ZENITH. For the force is with us, we can feel the power, like the rushing of iron fillings to a magnet, the pull and magic of Ozora 2013 will be massive. New album, new musicians and acts, and the fun machine turned up to full! Shpongle is an experience, mind altering, perhaps life altering. And we are going to travel into another dimension, to another realm, all together. Our lives have
been leading up to this event...the mothership is preparing for take off...see you there... Ð RajaRam, London 27th Feb 2013Ó |
O.Z.O.R.A. Festival
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Posted : Apr 10, 2013 12:09
In October we started our first online edition of the Ozorian Prophet with a joyful report titled Art Revolution in the Magic Valley. We told you about the 2012 reception, the happenings, evolution and successes of the Labyrinth, the Exhibition Area and of course, the Magic Garden with great joy and not a little pride.
The Magic Garden was undoubtedly one of the most dynamically evolving parts of the O.Z.O.R.A. Festival, which has been ãa limitless source of possibilitiesÓ for years self-expression and self-development, traditional healing and relaxation techniques, sciences and arts that are connected to them. Through them we can learn a lot about ourselves and about our relationship with the environment.Ç ãAnd they carry more than half a thousand peopleÕs heart and soul and hold the trace of their work.Ó
Considering all the enthusiastic and constructive comments, every Ozorian who comes to visit the Magic Garden in 2013 to chill, relax, recharge, learn, create and of course have fun can expect lots of novelties and refinement besides the familiar programs and locations.
As one innovation: this year programs will start in the early morning, first of all with collective meditation, yoga, culture of movement, etc.
There will be more focus on circus/acrobat performances and workshops, as well as a more colorful palette of theatre, dance and puppetry productions.
And perhaps one of the most exciting and probably the most fruitful attempts will be uniting and harmonizing the work of the Magic GardenÕs healers and the Haven, which made its debut last year.
And we hope to fill the evergrowing and evolving organic structures with an even wider variety of lectures and naturally, Dragon Nest concerts... but letÕs not rush ahead of time, because we will fill you in with details while in progress here on the pages of the Ozorian Prophet and webpage.
Hot Topic: The Artcamp organized for the first time last year at the Magic Garden will open its gates again this year.
The O.Z.O.R.A. FestivalÕs Magic Garden welcomes artists or groups of creators to plan and build installations in the fields and the natural surrounding of the Ozorian valley for the Festival audience.
Installations, land art that is brought to life, operated, cared for while interacting with the visitors during the festival.
From the Open call for participation Ð Artcamp of the Magic Garden at the O.Z.O.R.A. Festival 2013:
ãRequirements of the artwork/installation (one or more of the following):
Ð it has to be implemented by hand with at-hand (local) materials,
Ð it has to involve its audience to fulfill an interactive role,
Ð the artwork should appear as a performative element during the festival,
Ð it should operate as an orientation point during the festival and act as a landmark,
Ð artists should consider how their work functions at night in the dark.
The artwork has to be built on the spot in the Artcamp between 21 July and 4 August, 2013.Ó
Further info and the official Open call for participation Ð Artcamp of the Magic Garden at the O.Z.O.R.A. Festival 2013 will be available on the O.Z.O.R.A. Festival website next week. (Application deadline: 31th of May 2013.) Stay tuned!
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Posted : Apr 21, 2013 04:33
no words about Polizeirazzia this year.Does anybody can tell something about this? |
O.Z.O.R.A. Festival
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Posted : Apr 30, 2013 14:29
Dear All! We are doing everything possible to have a smoothgoing festival, for us all! At the moment everything looks good, we have a lot of positive news and feedback. See you on the trancefloor! |
IsraTrance Full Member
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Posted : May 3, 2013 00:02
On 2013-04-21 04:33, zolden wrote:
no words about Polizeirazzia this year.Does anybody can tell something about this?
I think anyone who was there and got afraid was just paranoid(or a big drug dealer, with the rights of being paranoid ). If you were there for the festival, you had nothing to worry about at all, People are just so paranoid. So if i were you i wouldn't care at all about the cops.
Ozora still lie unbeaten, in terms of festival experience. Awesome vibe!.
  . |
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Posted : May 3, 2013 12:32
On 2013-05-03 00:02, Grevinsky wrote:
I think anyone who was there and got afraid was just paranoid(or a big drug dealer, with the rights of being paranoid ). If you were there for the festival, you had nothing to worry about at all, People are just so paranoid. So if i were you i wouldn't care at all about the cops.
Ozora still lie unbeaten, in terms of festival experience. Awesome vibe!.
***true true...second that ! |
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Posted : May 7, 2013 09:08
that suicide bomber of mauxuam does it again and now faces the hate and the vomit of the Ozora's morons...with bravo Celli in pole position..
btw. who is not paranoid about another police action this year is in denial...and one thing for sure...this year drugs will be very expensive (due to higher risk investment).
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Posted : May 12, 2013 21:51
I wouldn't be surprised if there were police again this year, but let's look at things objectively:
1) People say there were "500 cops" or whatever, I saw maybe 100 the whole day, definitely not 500. Look at any of the videos or photos and you will see just small groups of them.
2) They hardly arrested or harassed anybody, if you look up their official report you can see they arrested very few people and ended up charging even less. I didn't see them actually do anything to anyone all day and I was around them a lot without a single cop even looking twice at me.
3) Ozora is a large festival of 20k+ people over a huge site, to even begin to try to police that fully would probably take much more money and resources than they have. It doesn't seem worth their while either?
4) The only reason they came was because of Hungarian right wing news channel forced them into it. I would imagine that Ozora makes enough money that they can sort something out in rural Eastern Europe. The fact they can still hold the festival and announced the date for 2013 so fast makes me think they are pretty satisfied it won't be a huge problem. Reminder that they spent maybe 8 hours out of the whole festival there (daytime Thursday) when the festival is 6 days.
Even if the cops do come again I'm not worried. It didn't spoil the atmosphere or stop the party while they were there and everything was the same as before after they left, minus the signs and really overt selling. I would be surprised even if prices did go up this year as so many people go and it will still be a very competitive environment for sales.
Looking forward to Ozora 2012, it's gonna be a blast
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Posted : May 13, 2013 22:26
hey freaks !
This year is my first time in OZora and Europe.
I will be on amsterdam, whats the best way to go to budapeste from amsterdam, from best i mean cheaper !!!
Thanksss |
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Posted : May 15, 2013 18:40
And I'm going this year!!! |
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Posted : May 17, 2013 15:14
O.Z.O.R.A. Festival
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Posted : Jun 6, 2013 00:58
Tune in!
Every summer we are coming together from all corners of the world in our favorite playground in Ozora to meet and share love, listen to magical sounds and resonate together in a cosmic unity with the global psychedelic tribe. For more than a week we embrace the perfection of being One, filling up with experiences of celebrating Life and bring back home a slice of happiness with us to cherish through the coming year. But we are all connected every day, and with the help of modern day technology we created our meeting point in cyberspace, a year long Festival ON AIR for all of us to join while waiting for the real one.
Here at radiOzora you can listen to carefully selected psychedelic tunes on two channels every minute of every day: one for the trance dance experience and one for chilling on meditative waves... |