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O.Z.O.R.A. Festival 2013


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Posted : Nov 14, 2012 01:13

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Posted : Nov 14, 2012 12:05

On 2012-10-02 13:10, Adigroovy wrote:
apparently the moment you open your mouth and say what u really think, you become a hater anti--- blabla. if you do not listen to people who make you what you have become today you are finnished....

This.           Fire Walk With Me
O.Z.O.R.A. Festival

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Posts :  64
Posted : Dec 18, 2012 20:06
This year brought recycling to the festival grounds for the first time. It was a super new important addition to our shared experience and living.
All of the garbage was collected and selected thanks to you who helped take care of our mother earth and especially the recycling crew; 20 people altogether, who stayed on site long after the festival ended. We are proud to say that all of the garbage was successfully selected and transported away.
A large amount of plastic and glass material, bottles have been put aside to be used next year in various projects, decoration and for the Art Camp installations and creations.
It is very important for us to make O.Z.O.R.A. a more and more ecologically friendly place.
Our ecological footprint this year can be measured in 300 cubic meters of garbage and about 580 000 liters of water used per day (which includes the water used for sprinkling, watering and cooling against the unusually big heat and dust).
There is still a long way to go but the goal is set and clear. Our plan is to make sure that next year recycling has an even bigger role with selective garbage collection points, recycling possibilities. - citation from the Ozorian Prophet
O.Z.O.R.A. Festival

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Posts :  64
Posted : Dec 18, 2012 20:18

O.Z.O.R.A. Festival

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Posted : Dec 25, 2012 12:49

O.Z.O.R.A. Festival

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Posts :  64
Posted : Dec 27, 2012 16:18
Goa Trance legend Raja Ram shares with us his thoughts about the future of the Trance
Let’s Trance
Let’s Trance into the future… and make this world and living into a better and more positive place through dance/love and friendship…
TRANCE is alive and kicking… and will be with us in some form or another till the end of time… What a BLAST… let’s go… and keep on going… let the discoveries and wonders reveal themselves to find a better more joyous and exalted place…
We Came in Peace for all Mankind… as the samples say…
Thanks to the Ozora crew and all those who come… this is it… it may get better… but this is where it is right now… and I for one amongst many thousands will be there… rocking it… see you on the dancefloor… and lets travel at least a thousand smiles per hour… as ever…

December 2012 in Somerset

Raja Ram

Read full article in Ozorian Prophet online:

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Posted : Jan 3, 2013 11:14
It´s one of my biggest to be at Ozora one time... 
O.Z.O.R.A. Festival

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Posts :  64
Posted : Jan 8, 2013 23:46
Check our soundcloud set:

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Posts :  36
Posted : Jan 10, 2013 01:38
It's high time I did my annual ritual. Here's my Ozora 2012 review....

An Incredible Ozora 2012!!!

All the critiques were answered! The new organizing crew put in so much love and effort into this edition. The people who showed up ensured that the Ozora vibe was still very much intact. And together we created unforgettable moments and fascinating memories!!!

The festival site looked a lot drier and dustier than it did in 2011. As I walked past the entrance, I started meeting people randomly who were just happy to smile, say a hello and they made me feel welcome almost immediately. I spotted the amazing campsite set up by my friends. We were across the Pumpui which looked a lot big than it did in 2011 and the party was very much on. I walked up to the Ozora food counter. Just like in 2011, amazing food @ a great price! The staff were super courteous and very helpful. I went up to the safe lock. I noticed that the prices for the locker was reduced to 1 euro/day. Plus Daniella did a great job at the safe lock. She was always very helpful and nothing was too much trouble. She rocks! I also noticed that the shuttle bus counter had laptops and that made the bus reservation process a lot faster.

As we started walking around the festival, I noticed a sea of improvements/changes. The magic garden is now incredible. Designed so beautifully. I also loved the variety of program there. We also appreciate the Chai counter that distributed the Ozorian Prophet. New shower areas are an important addition that ensured a more convenient camping experience. This time I hardly waited for a shower. It was perfect for the number of attendees. The music at the Pumpui was a lot more Psychedelic than it was in 2011. The place was packed and pumping. This is one of things that makes Ozora stand apart...There is a party going on at ALL times.

As the pre-party started, we were spell bound by the deco at the chill out. I have never seen something like this. Spectacular job! Great idea of having an official pre party experience. The line up for the pre party was amazing too!

Like always, the dance floor is the epicenter of Ozora. HiLight Tribe - the perfect opening act! They opened the festival with a bang! The line up this year was the best ever. So much diversity. Awesome sets by Ajja, Nuky, Avalon, Sonic Species, Laughing Buddha, Beardy Weirdy, Hopi & Nigel. Great idea of having full on artists play through the afternoon on the final day as opposed to having an afternoon full of Proggy (Ozora 2011). And what can we all say about Tristan closing Ozora. Incredible! Ozora has the best dance floor. The vibe was superb. Even when the police showed up, we were danced our asses off. Some of the dancers even invited the police to come shake a leg! Hahaha. Quick thinking by Ozora crew to extend the Liquid Ace set. Great energy from everybody.
PS:- We liked that the bar by the dance floor sold some food as well. Very convenient to take a break from dancing and go grab a bite.

Here are few a improvements I would like to suggest

1. More water points by the dance floor. I know it's important to sell more beer but sometimes all we need is water. If not anything, have a water counter selling water by the big bottles (like the one opposite to Pumpui). I appreciate that you gave the vendors separate water access points. That's a very significant step.

2. The art gallery by the Magic Garden was nice but there was a DJ playing music which spoiled the peace and serenity of the space and also of the large relaxation tent beside it.

3. Longer sets for each artist especially Forest/Dark/Twilight artists to allow them to create a journey (Though I am not a fan of dark music). It will also be nice to incorporate a twilight set during late afternoons so that day time trancers could experience a change in the tempo. Imagine Ajja playing an evening set. PS:- Arjuna deserves to play at the main stage.

4. Please control the vendor food prices. Yes. You might marginally have to decrease the rent but its a small hit to your total revenues while lower food prices is a BIG advantage for a festival attendee.

5. I love the fruit counter run by the family. Very reasonable prices. However, I would like a counter serving fresh fruit juices (other than Orange juice) and fresh fruit salad as well.

6. The DJ console should belong to the artist alone and nobody else (unless the artists themselves want to bring in their better halves). Many a times I saw stage/artist managers hovering around.

7. More buses to ply people back to railway station after the festival. People waiting were constantly being harassed by local taxi drivers.

All in all, it was a great time! Thank you so much! See you this summer!

Big Love. V

O.Z.O.R.A. Festival

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Posts :  64
Posted : Jan 21, 2013 22:08
Dear Liberation26!
Thank you very much for your summary, we have also read the previous one from last year.
It is always very nice to read a full objective overview, Thank you again for your nice words and the fact that you have appreciated and noticed the changes.
We agree in basically in all of your points and we really need people like you who are objective and helping with your valuable feedback
ItÕs absolutely our intention to discuss your mentioned points and we will do everything we can to do our best...

One Love
Ozora Team

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Posts :  16
Posted : Jan 24, 2013 03:04
counting days

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Posted : Jan 30, 2013 16:49
Hi everyone, i`m going from Brasil to ozora, but i`m totally lost with prices do you guys think that with 400 EU, i cant eat and drink ? How much is the avarage cost per day whti food and drinks ?
I already go to universo parallelo, there i know that R$ 100 per day its ok, but have no ideia on europe. Actually i'm going to ozora>lost theory>transylvania calling. If someone can help me whit prices thank you. Ps.: sorry about the bad english, i learned it watching to films lol.
IsraTrance Full Member

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Posted : Jan 30, 2013 23:00
400 eu for the whole week ? thats more than enough i think i spent less than 300 including everything (food/drinks/treats etc.)

Started Topics :  6
Posts :  199
Posted : Feb 2, 2013 20:49
I spent about 600 last year but tbh not much of that was on food & drink

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Posted : Feb 4, 2013 17:31
yes, 400 for the role festival...thats a good news for me, will be easier than i think go to ozora this year !
tkssssss !!
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