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O.Z.O.R.A. Festival 2013

O.Z.O.R.A. Festival

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Posted : Jun 6, 2013 01:02
O.Z.O.R.A. Festival - One Day In Israel - by Groove Attack


Peaking Goddess Collective - (Peak Rec / Switzerland) - Full Live Show

Ajja (Peak Records / Switzerland) - Live

Flooting Grooves - (Peak Rec / South Africa ) - Live

Florian Seriot (Toires | Ex ASIA 2001 - France) - Dj Retro Set

Wegha (Ozora Festival / Hungary)

Justin Chaos (Zero 1 Music / UK)

Dr Space (Ozora Festival / Hungary)

Ace Ventura (Iboga Records)

Symbolic & Vertical Mode (Iboga Records / HOMmega)

D-Addiction & Freedom Fighters (Nano Records / HOMmega)

Space Cat (Fineplay Records) - Special Retro Set

Outsiders (Alchemy Records)

Na-Ti & D-WaUw (Zenon Records / LMX / LostTheory)

Light Child & Authentic (Merkaba Music / LMX )

Taninim Stream & Hanoman (Northern Tribe)

*●..~~~~~~☯☾ ~*~ ☽☯ ~~~~~~..●*

IsraTrance Junior Member

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Posted : Jun 10, 2013 12:52
I hope the flooding in Budapest won't have any detrimental effect to the site.


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Posted : Jun 11, 2013 14:36
Hi everyone!
For me it will be the first time in a trance festival and I'm really looking forward to that. My only concern is that I will be on my own and even though i saw lots of videos about it i still fear that it will be hard (ex: where do i keep my stuff? where can i buy something to drink and eat? what do I have to bring with me? ecc...).
It would be very nice if someone of you guys could reply to this and give some advices.

Thank you!!

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Posts :  10
Posted : Jun 11, 2013 22:21
Hey NessunoSF, this will be my first Ozora, but trande festival I already get I think I can help.

where do i keep my stuff?
You should bring a tent with you, your clothes and worthless items you can leave within themselves, your valuables itens you can rent a looker room (i think ozora have it)

where can i buy something to drink and eat?
this is not a problem, a lot food and drink are sold at the festival, i'm not sure, but i think you can bring from outside is allowed on Ozora.

what do I have to bring with me?
Peace, camping tend, warm clothing, sun block. Thas it

Started Topics :  6
Posts :  199
Posted : Jun 12, 2013 01:43
Ozora does have lockers you can rent for 1 or 2 euro per day (i forget which) but really you don't need to bring all your valuable shit and technology and stuff with you.

You can bring your own food or there is literally about a million places to buy food.

It's worth bringing stuff to wash with and toilet paper too although you can buy stuff at the mini market like that.

Started Topics :  6
Posts :  199
Posted : Jun 12, 2013 01:45
Also you can probably find some friends at the airport/on the bus before you even get to the festival as long as you're open and friendly, people will help you out if you're alone and it's your first time as long as you talk to them :3

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Posted : Jun 12, 2013 10:11
Thank you guys for the precious advices.
Hope to see you there!!!

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Posted : Jul 5, 2013 09:29:41
I will be driving down to ozora from south UK in a camper van. It sleeps 2 easily and i would love to experience Ozora with somebody else. All you need to do is contribute to the fuel.
I will then be driving back to Sweden so you could fly from there or any airport on way back.

If anybody is interested then please let me know

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Posted : Jul 10, 2013 13:18
I am also new to ozora and I will also be driving to ozora by myself, for the sake of adventure. I'm driving from Bucharest Romania, and if there's anyone from romania who wants to join me, let me know before 3'rd of august 2013.
I don't know anything besides wanting to get there.. so if anybody wants to join, let me know .

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Posts :  433
Posted : Jul 16, 2013 17:47

On 2013-07-15 16:31, latac wrote:
Hello, can anyone tell me what do the new laws in affect from 1.7.2013 mean for the festival goers in Hungary?
Is anyone here from Hungary, what is the current situation over there?
Let's say a person has like 1-5g of cannabis or 5 ecstasy pills or something similar?

taken from the sun festie israpage - but as ozora is in hungary to...hmmm
          - we bring you the taste of india -

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Posted : Jul 18, 2013 20:37
don't worry, go there, smile and enjoy.

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Posted : Jul 21, 2013 09:11
I have a few questions.

Is there an ATM or any supermarket in Ozora that accepts VISA? Might be a stupid question, but you never know, and it'd be great to know in advance so I can make the appropriate arrangements.

I'm also wondering about prices of food at the festival, I'm rather short on cash, but I'll have a budget of a little over 2000 HUF/day, and I'd like to get some 3000~3500 kcal each day. Is that possible?

Also, when I was checking how far it was to the town (in case I'll have to buy food in stores), I found that there's a long and a short route, but google complains if I select the short one (link to map for that route: Would I get in trouble if I travelled that route by foot?

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Posted : Jul 21, 2013 09:14
Messed up the link, here's the right one:
IsraTrance Junior Member

Started Topics :  12
Posts :  608
Posted : Jul 23, 2013 19:09
I'm driving from Budapest after Ozora on the morning of the 14th to Lost theory and was looking for some people to share the cost of car hire and petrol.. I'll be returning to Budapest on the 20th in the morning. The cost if four people should be about 80euro pp return which is way easier and cheaper than public transport. Please contact me on antonkrige(at)           difficile est non saturam scribere

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Posts :  6
Posted : Jul 25, 2013 11:05
is anyone going to freedom festival in Portugal after ozora?i am looking for a lift if possible
love'n light to all!!!
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