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New enemy?

IsraTrance Full Member

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Posted : Mar 27, 2006 17:50

from the other hand, i can understand why bottles of water and alcohol were taken away,

I don't see how u can understand this...
they may not let ppl in with this, but take it away? that's beyound rudeness my friend.

And i was just emphasisng on the water issue...


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Posted : Mar 27, 2006 18:28
Very sad to hear about it. Hope the injured will be healed soon, and the people who are responsible will be arrested.           Everyone in the world is doing something without me

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Posted : Mar 27, 2006 22:37
Yalla, my opinion:
Bringing alcohol/water to a party- Nobody should take the water or alcohol from people who come to the party IMO. further more they shouldn't even be searched at all!!
This scene isn't about the bar or making money, so you should let people decide if they want to buy at your bar or bring their own stuff from home. If you wanna make extra money then do some attractions that people can't bring from home- chai shop, small light food shop etc. counting on people to drink at your bar cuz its burning hot outside and they can die from dehydration is totaly wrong!
I was never searched at any party (except by the police for drugs), and if someone will wanna search me i will prefer to turn back and give up the party. (nature partys only of course). nature is all about feeling free, and being search totaly ruins that.
About the party organizers- Apparently making parties in israel is a profitable business, if it wasn't then there weren't so many party organizers.
Many people (like the ones on this ad) know which partys to go to and which partys not to, but there are many innocent/young/unexperienced people on this forum who don't know that, and are influenced by the promising words of party promoters on this forum, i guess experience can change that. another way to change it is to write on this forum the truth and regulations about every one of the party organizers in israel, do they allow to bring drinks inside the party, how do they sell the tickets (presale/on the spot), which security company they use, what are the prices at the bar etc. but if we do that you can expect a lot of shit to happen on this forum so its a hard decision to make.
This matter can't be solved without saying bad things about certain party organizers, unless we (the party goers) will be brave enough to demand things to go in a certain way and boycott partys of organizers who don't apply with our demands (sounds quite harsh ah? ), thats the only way things can change IMO, people should stop kissing the promoters asses and treat them like saints (just look at party promotions section) and start criticizing and saying what they really think about the party organizers. last time i did that i was attacked by a few people but still i proved my point and raised questions about that certain production. you should do the same, thats the only way things will ever change.

IsraTrance Team

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Posted : Mar 27, 2006 23:17

On 2006-03-27 22:37, Ben-G wrote:
I was never searched at any party (except by the police for drugs), and if someone will wanna search me i will prefer to turn back and give up the party. (nature partys only of course). nature is all about feeling free, and being search totaly ruins that.

Right on spot!!!!

Few years ago there were very few orgenizers that use to take water and drinks at the entrance...

then all the others saw the ppl still pay and thought..why not?if ppl dont care why should we?

and today most party orgenizers do the same...

same goes to the outrages prices parties cost this wasnt like this few years ago..but if ppl why not?

The only way to stop this is to stop supporting this org's..

if your car is searched just say thank you make a u turn and go to another party..same goes to prices security violence and other shit...

make sure to make your friends know not to go to this parties...write in the forum and warn ppl from this parties...

i think thats the only way to stop this shit!!           Always agressive never progressive.
IsraTrance Junior Member

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Posted : Mar 27, 2006 23:23
they may not let ppl in with this, but take it away? that's beyound rudeness

what the difference beetwin not letting people with bavrages and take it away?

in israel of today do u really think it's possible to keep all the bavrages together and at the end everyone comes to the pile of bavrages and choose what he left there?
well it doesnt work this way, imo most ppl will take stuff that dont belong to them.
to summ it all up : i agree that taking away bevrages from people is practicly stilling!! but, if the crowd want this phenomana to stop it have one option only: stop going to money parties.
crowd that wanna respect the orginaizer, should bring a logical amount of bavrages to his party.           Bottom Line Presents
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Posted : Mar 27, 2006 23:36

On 2006-03-27 23:23, huga_generation wrote:
if the crowd want this phenomana to stop it have one option only: stop going to money parties.
crowd that wanna respect the orginaizer, should bring a logical amount of bavrages to his party.

The problem is that in israel people choose to adapt the bad things and not the good things, that also goes for party organizers, like oran said- when they see other organizers do that and people still come they think to themselves "why not?"
So a lot of the partys today are money partys, that whole concept must be changed IMO.
About the drinks issue- The crowd will choose how much they wanna bring, I don't think that if someone chooses not to buy at the bar at all it shows of disrespect to the organizer, if they pay for the ticket and come with a good vibe its much better for the organizer. bar issues shouldn't be considered as a part of the party IMO.

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Posted : Mar 27, 2006 23:59
Let's not forget that the grounds that those nature parties take place at are not the org. property.
If i want to go somewhere with anything in my bag/baggage i surely don't need the authorization of some goons in the entrance.           Everyone in the world is doing something without me

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Posted : Mar 28, 2006 00:30

On 2006-03-27 23:59, Pavel wrote:
Let's not forget that the grounds that those nature parties take place at are not the org. property.
If i want to go somewhere with anything in my bag/baggage i surely don't need the authorization of some goons in the entrance.

Imagine that you go to the beach, with a bag with some water, beers, fruit and stuff, and then as you're about to go from the parking to the beach some guys stop you and search you, then when they find the food they ask you: "don't you think it's rude to bring food to the beach? how do you expect the restaurants here to survive?!"

Could be such a weird world if everybody would act like our party organizers...
IsraTrance Team

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Posted : Mar 28, 2006 00:36
Ben-G, WORD!!!

water and alcohol that people bring to parties is their own thing. you want people to buy drinks from you? make your prices reasonable (not 10 NIS for 0.5L of water) and then people will stop running to their tent all the time to drink and will buy drinks from you.

this is one of the strongest forms of violence i can think about.

we do search cars at the entrance to our parties only to stop Nitrox baloons and any weapons in the cars. no alcohol/water/whatever ever been taken from people, so we make a little less money at the bar but our reputation and concience is clear and that's worth more then anyone can count....           Kinetic Honda GmbH, Worldwide Supliers of Quality noise.
Progression Sessions of the 3rd Empire!
IsraTrance Senior Member

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Posted : Mar 28, 2006 11:09
my 2 Shekels:

Water mustn't be taken from ppl. It's one of the very basic rights. What next? Payment for using air in the party area? About alcohol I can understand. Its legitimate that the party organizes wont to earn from the bar.

About the security and the selection of ppl:

Like Riton said:


Im the kind of person with a very rare condition...
Everytime i hear trance and i dance, im forced to smile. All the time, every beat of every track. And not that fake smile, that big wow this is the best time of my life smile. And it's not the drugs, if you're wondering.
I just have to, regardless of the subgenre, dark, progressive, anything. I just smile...
And anything besides that at a party just appauls me.
Hope i contributed.

Yes. I can say same things about me . We all love to be surrounded with good vibes and the true trance ppl without any arsim and wachsim. But its against P.L.U.R.E Isn't it? We need to be in a certain crowd so its like Tihur Etni. (I don't know how to say in English).
I'm not blaming ppl. But that's how the things are. we say p.l.u.r but its not really true.
ppl say in isratrance that they were not allowed to enter a party cause they are Russians? I'm a Russian; maybe I don't look like one, but I never had problems to enter a party and neither my Friends who looks like pure Russians.
About the violent security: I don't know. I saw last week violence from them - but i really can't judge if it was like easy finger on the trigger or not.
Any way if the security ppl are wrong, the party organizers should know it cause its bad 4 their reputation.

So far I only saw outdoor79 that did something to fix problems.
Hope to see more party organizers that had problems, post here.

          -=The Meaning Of Life Is To Give Life A Meaning=
IsraTrance Senior Member

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Posted : Mar 28, 2006 11:32
boris and ben-G and nathen you are totally rigth.
i admit i was wrong thet i give up to decision of the uther farthner (sa'ar) that's his intrest is all wrong.. i don't to stuff like this, and don't like do it to me..

i had never do this things before (take ppl's drinks) and i won't let this happend again..
BUT, and there is a big BUT..
like asi said, there are ppl who bring HUGE count of drinks, and thet a little rude!
in my opinion the bar in that situation is testeless, there in resone to make one..
to calculation: in the entrence - a lot of "free" tickets (hinamim problem)
in the bar (weste of time)
i see no resone why org not lose all there moeny on earth.. it not about earning it, it about losing it BIG time!
and oran is rigth, party prod must be more friendlly to theire ppl, ofcourse not violente and no wather tacking!

with peace& love only

           Never give up on your love ..
nature raves forever!!!

always fly@lapland.airlines
when gazolin is so high, choose the natural way to fly.. LapLand's gooses ruells air..

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Posts :  195
Posted : Mar 28, 2006 15:17

On 2006-03-28 00:36, Dr. Borris wrote:
we do search cars at the entrance to our parties only to stop Nitrox baloons and any weapons in the cars. no alcohol/water/whatever ever been taken from people, so we make a little less money at the bar but our reputation and concience is clear and that's worth more then anyone can count....

Tzahi, look at what Borris wrote there, I think it's the smartest thing to do, and i don't think the 3rd empire lose money because of this...
If you give your crowd their freedom to bring whatever they want, even if that means big amounts of drinks sometimes, they will appreciate you more, you shouldn't count on the bar to cover your expenses. If you have a problem with too many free tickets then don't give away so many, or charge the close friends with a symbolic price (20-30NIS), if they really are your friends they will pay you this small price.
When people will feel good at your partys they will come again, and they will bring more friends, and you will build a good reputation, and your crowd will go bigger and you will make more money eventually... I just hope you'll remember not to be greedy when you will have a big name and good reputation
IsraTrance Junior Member

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Posted : Mar 28, 2006 16:46
Sheesh guys!

When i read this topic i thought it was crazy. Here in South Africa, we think of Israel as the heart of world trance. but from the sound of things your parties are BAD...

Let me tell you guys how it works in SA: People bring everything and anything they want to parties. cooler boxes full of drinks, alcohol, water, food and anything else they want. Whats more, anyone can set up a stall (shop) and sell food or drinks (not alcohol) or clothes or anything else and they pay just a small charge for electricity (0 - 100 NIS).

Tickets cost a lot (100 - 200 NIS) and everyone pays to get in and once you are in you are free to do what you want. Its great. Theres a bar where you can get an ice cool drink if you like.

(its basically the opposite of a nightclub)

My suggestion to organisers in Israel is: write on your flyer "Everyone is welcome to bring as much food, drink and water as they want to this party"

People will read it and think 'Cool! i'm gonna go to this party with all my friends and have a great time!'

Soon other organisers will have to do the same. Also, it means people dont need to be 'experienced' and know which are the good parties and which are the bad ones. It will say it on the advertisement for all to read and know.

what do you think?

Started Topics :  4
Posts :  195
Posted : Mar 28, 2006 17:27

On 2006-03-28 16:46, RatInAKage wrote:
When i read this topic i thought it was crazy. Here in South Africa, we think of Israel as the heart of world trance. but from the sound of things your parties are BAD...

We have many israeli artists, very talented people, and trance is a big part of israel, but you are right about our partys.. most of them are bad comparing to other partys around the world.
The problem in israel is that its not easy to make a living here and nothing is free, so we have many greedy people who see the partys as a business opportunity and thats how they behave... In the past few years the trance community has grown here and it becomes less underground and also the police isn't like it used to be and they let most of the partys take place. so there is more crowd, more party organizers, more partys, but like others in this ad already said- in israel when 1 party organizer sees that the crowd still goes to partys where you can't even bring water, then he will do the same to increase his income... pure greed.
It's a shame that it is like this, but thats the way the israeli people are, the crowd is stupid enough to go along with this shit instead of raising their voice. it's like people are grateful for having partys at all. the crowd is a lot about ego and social-status, and they wanna be at the right partys to be seen, i think half of the crowd don't even go for the music.
Sorry to burst your bubble but only a very small precent of the partys here are really good partys..

by the way- most of the people aren't even aware of this "food and drinks" issue at all, so i don't know if advertizing on the flyer that you can bring whatever you want will help in any way.
Nomolos(Zenon Rec.)
IsraTrance Junior Member

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Posted : Mar 28, 2006 18:48
to sum all this up.....

if its good-GO!

its shit-DONT!

fuck greedy people!

fuck dumb ass party goers that cant see anything beyond being part of a "scene" and are willing to be treated like shit for it!

i have some friends that bitch about a certian party org' in Israel for making commercial parties for non trancers BUT the same Org' is the most friendly most proffesional around and ALLWAYS takes maximum care of its devoted crowed!(entrance not too much,u can bring in whatever u want and the prices inside are allso very fare) and that is the reason 1000+ people are a usual thing for them.....WATCH,LEARN and APPRICIATE!!!!

Cheers.           "....or is it???"
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