Middle East Conflict Affecting Psychedelic Trance Scene
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Posted : Aug 14, 2014 18:04
On 2014-08-14 16:47, faxinadu wrote:
lets face it, britain is a has been. an island with zero resources left that has leeched everything it has from the rest of the world by conquest, and now has been reduced to a resourceless island with way too many people and no political voice left. what a future leeching the little you can still leech until you decay like your grey cities and your rising islam into 1984esqe semi anarchy.
all that is left for british people is to point our what other countries are doing wrong, you are a pathetic society with nothing left to offer the world except judgment.
I beg to differ...we have great music, both pop and underground, from Damon Albarn or Jamie XX to...Max Cooper...Process...etc.
Not to mention our beautiful landscapes, cool vibrant cities like Brighton and London and parts of Bristol and quite good surf...
I frikkin' love the UK, having been all over the world, I'm sure Israel is ace too... |
IsraTrance Full Member
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Posted : Aug 14, 2014 18:06
I told you I'm not sure. You also don't know
However, all those guys are psyco and criminals and they have a lot of money that need to come from someone behind it.
This is not the topic here I can repeat it thousand times that I condemn isis and they are murderers. Still this is offtopic. This topic is about Isreal and Palestina conflict.
.. I heard great things about Brighton. Never've been to UK so far but sure it is ace in music and a country with many open minded great spirits.Need to visit it someday. |
Faxi Nadu / Elmooht
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Posted : Aug 14, 2014 18:21
IsraTrance Full Member
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Posted : Aug 14, 2014 19:18
IsraTrance Junior Member
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Posted : Aug 14, 2014 20:31
I dont know which is worse;
trying to party with these judgemental shadows or
being a racist "nationalist" that would rather live with birds of a feather. like me ;-)
still really,
thunder kills more people than hamas with all that billions and tax funding as has been claimed. seems retarded
the "rainbow nation" is an illusion.
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Posted : Aug 14, 2014 21:22
On 2014-08-14 16:56, faxinadu wrote:
if you must know why i didn't go, it is to spend some loving time and a nice dinner with my wife to undo all the emotional damage you guys are making me feel.
Mate, you are doing the damage to yourself... no one is against you, just almost everyone except for Ory and maybe Anyer is against the things your government does... you swear and hurl insults on a nonstop basis instead of simply looking where this anger comes from... not once have I insulted you nor your intelligence. And the falafel was excellent...
  Upavas - Here And Now (Sangoma Rec.) new EP out Oct.29th, get it here: |
IsraTrance Senior Member
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Posted : Aug 15, 2014 00:34
all of you are a bunch of have no clue about the shit you are spurting out>>>thanks for the free content bitchs...i dwell on your hatred for each other>>>>DISCO DISCO
  When death comes to your doorstep, make sure you are alive |
IsraTrance Full Member
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Posted : Aug 15, 2014 02:38
On 2014-08-14 18:21, faxinadu wrote:
On 2014-08-14 18:01, stonedolphin wrote:
Yes this thing with the Mossad is too much for me too, LOL !!
I'm quitting this discussion, it is just too much
Atleast Edward Snowden has stated in July that bagdadi was formed by Mossad.
- we will see in future. |
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Posted : Aug 15, 2014 03:22
On 2014-08-14 06:42, Aluxe wrote:
wow I am really shocked to see that a psy hate group like the "israel trance united" even exists and more so to see that some well know artists actually support it. Serioulsy WTF. Since when does radical nationalism have anything to do with the psy trance scene which in its true essence is about love, unity and respect? I think these guys really lost the plot.
And Faxi you are sounding like a fanatic. You are calling people fags, idiots, "enemies for life", etc just because they disagree with your government? really??? Seriously who in the world does not disagree with their governments, but specially in the psy trance and counter culture scenes. I thought that was one of the things that we all agreed on here, that our governments are shit!
dude wtf, this scene is about love. Where you drop your nationalism, erase your borders and we dance all together in unity.
You know I am not afraid of Muslims OR Jewish people. I am afraid of psycopathic leaders, politician criminal war mongers and the people that support them. Open your mind, open your heart. Forget your flags and your borders. There will never be peace under those flags.
The world is my country. All people are my sisters and brothers. We are all one big family.
i'm still appalled by the fact that we have a discussion here on a psytrance forum with people supporting nationalism and defending the killing of people.
will people never realize that gods, states, borders and hierarchies never solve any problems but create and perpetuate them? |
IsraTrance Full Member
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Posted : Aug 15, 2014 08:38
You know my Dad always told me it was bad form to discuss politics with friends and this entire thread proves his point. Music and personal political views should not matter. Whilst I may not agree with how certain ppl see this world if thy make good music I'll still listen to it. Maybe even buy it.
Faxi and his friends should be able to choose to believe in whatever world they like and support this without your judgement just as he should withold judging others.
My parents are extremely right wing and I'm very much on the left. This is why I never discuss politics with them as it usually ends up with us not talking to each other for long period after fighting.
This thread and what that facebook group is doing is only hurting this scene globally and internally. Sadly it has turned me from wanting to ever visit Israel and experience the scene there which has been a long dream, but the radical right views expressed publicly do not suit me.
As for the conflict in Gaza, well it really isn't simple. If the world was so black and white all these problems would be solved quickly, but these issues are often in the grey area and cannot be resolved like many try to.
So I do think this thread should be locked. I think even deleted. It has only served to hurt many and make many look like fools.
For me this music and scene has always been about forgetting who we are, what beliefs we home and uniting in a world of fun and child-like joy. Let's keep it this way. Leave the politics and belief systems at the gate.
  Cuntus Maximus. |
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Posted : Aug 15, 2014 10:30
Now that most of the people understood WHY POLITICS ARE NOT ALLOWED IN THIS FORUM this thread can get locked and serve as an example as to why guidelines exist in this place.
As you can all see it has absolutely nothing to do with limitation of freedom of speech as some users claimed but to prevent users from fighting and insulting each other about political issues in a forum that is dedicated to music. Most of the posts here wouldnt be allowed even in a political internet forum based on the innapropriate language used.
I have received several complains in my inbox about people asking me to lock this thread, plus two users that wish to be removed from this forum because they cant believe that they are part of an internet community that allows such extreme discussions to take place under such circumstances.
And the funniest of all, i received a request by the main problematic user of this discussion to delete his account in order to prevent him from reposting in this thread and protect him from exposing himself more than he has already done.
Some people cant handle freedom of speech and cant even control themselves as it seems, i wish them good luck because are really going to need it in their personal life.
  Toodaloo Motherfuckers!!!!! |