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Middle East Conflict Affecting Psychedelic Trance Scene

IsraTrance Full Member

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Posted : Aug 14, 2014 16:49
man you constantly produce a painful impression. Your woman are hotter and all that stuff? COme 'on its very subjective and a bit awkard to believe in I am 'better' and all other of this bullshit. How was that nazi demo you wanted to participate ?
Stop that awkward insults. 
Colin OOOD
OOOD/Voice of Cod

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Posted : Aug 14, 2014 16:51
Keep slinging those insults, let's see where that will lead you.

And once again, I'm not berating the place or morality of the people (although it needs to be said that if a politician of any other Western country said what Ayelet Shaked said, she'd be expelled from office - except perhaps in Gaza where the extremists also form most of the government), just the actions of the government and the IDF with respect to the occupation. I understand you like the country and prefer it there, and obviously I can't possibly have a problem with that, but if you're gonna defend the IDF's action in Gaza and then use terms like 'better' without qualifying it (which you subsequently did) then you can expect to be pulled up on it.
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Faxi Nadu / Elmooht

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Posted : Aug 14, 2014 16:52
maybe you also don't know how to read, i clearly state its MY SUBJECTIVE VIEW. happy dick?           
The Way Back
Colin OOOD
OOOD/Voice of Cod

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Posted : Aug 14, 2014 16:53
Yes, my dick is happy, thanks           Mastering - ::
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Faxi Nadu / Elmooht

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Posted : Aug 14, 2014 16:53
<3 ayelet shaked. i'll vote for her again just for you guys. after all, how did upavas put it she is a "rising star" hahaha i'm sure she would love to be called that. no one here has given her quite a compliment like upavas has.

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Faxi Nadu / Elmooht

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Posted : Aug 14, 2014 16:56
if you must know why i didn't go, it is to spend some loving time and a nice dinner with my wife to undo all the emotional damage you guys are making me feel.           
The Way Back
Faxi Nadu / Elmooht

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Posted : Aug 14, 2014 16:59
the land i live on was bought with money from the palestinian who owned it, it is in the west bank. so in your view because it is in that area, it is occupied? no matter than this land was bought with money legally right? i am an occupier by your logic           
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Faxi Nadu / Elmooht

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Posted : Aug 14, 2014 17:01
i wonder if we started a topic about kurdistan would it get 26 pages and dozens of comments from colin?

38 million kurds without a country as vagabonds in the lands they live in, everyone around them killing them, do you find it uninteresting?

i have never met a group of hypocritical and one sided minds like you guys here, with colin taking the cake home.

russia just declared openly they are forming a milita in ukraine, doesn't bother you? not a subject for 25 pages?          
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Colin OOOD
OOOD/Voice of Cod

Started Topics :  95
Posts :  5380
Posted : Aug 14, 2014 17:04
I don't know, were the previous occupants evicted from the land against their will in order for you to live there? Do you live in a settlement deemed illegal by the international law forbidding the removal of the population of conquered or occupied territory for the purposes of colonisation by the victors? Who had to suffer - or who suffers now - for you to live where you do?

No-one? FANTASTIC.           Mastering - ::
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Colin OOOD
OOOD/Voice of Cod

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Posted : Aug 14, 2014 17:06
Oh sorry I forgot we're not allowed to talk about the bad behaviour of Israel until we've also talked about the bad behaviour of every other country. Notwithstanding that we're not allowed to criticise any country if we don't live there.

My bad.           Mastering - ::
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Faxi Nadu / Elmooht

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Posted : Aug 14, 2014 17:07
prior to world war 2, britain was a large empire ruling huge swaths of the world controlling a huge population. the resources of the british army were double and even triple that of germany. the entire war germany has never actually inaded britain, the actual fighting on the ground occured just on germany territory. after the way, HUNDREDS OF THOUSANDS of germans were relocation from prussia westward and from west of the rhine eastward.

britain should apologise to the nazis for world war 2           
The Way Back
Faxi Nadu / Elmooht

Started Topics :  282
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Posted : Aug 14, 2014 17:09
also you killed millions of germans man, in cold blood, bombing them and stuff, civilians, women and children man how could you?!!??!?!?! fucking churchill the ultra nationalists saxonist normanist christian omg           
The Way Back
Faxi Nadu / Elmooht

Started Topics :  282
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Posted : Aug 14, 2014 17:12
and colin who payed the price for you to live where you do? tea slaves in sri lanka enriching the empire? gold and diamonds from south africa? TONS of wealth stolen from indiands from the american colonies? maybe the aboriginals in australia? maybe all th oil in north africa and iraq while you controlled there? maybe BOTH the jews and arabs of israel who you divided and conquered and caused all the problems you today judge? you caused it, and now you judge the people of these lands for trying to solve your mess in a way not to your liking? who payed for you to sit in britain and drink tea and smoke pot and make tunes?

you want the abstract truth colin? the abstract truth is it is all YOUR fault. british society is the last that should have any say in critisizing any other society, you guys are passe, had your chance to ruin the world and did your damage, now drink your dole money beer and leave the world alone.

tired of this shit, poser          
The Way Back
Colin OOOD
OOOD/Voice of Cod

Started Topics :  95
Posts :  5380
Posted : Aug 14, 2014 17:15
Are you accusing me of personal responsibility for the historical actions of the country I live in (many of which I find abhorrent), just like I haven't been doing to you?

Are you suggesting that the historical actions of one country (which probably include war crimes committed in the course of its defense against fascism) justify or excuse the historical and current actions of Israel (which possibly include war crimes committed in the course of its defence against resistance from those it oppresses)?
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Colin OOOD
OOOD/Voice of Cod

Started Topics :  95
Posts :  5380
Posted : Aug 14, 2014 17:17
Or are you just flinging mud at the wall in the hope that some of it will stick?           Mastering - ::
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