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mauxuam should be banned from psy parties

IsraTrance Full Member

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Posted : May 9, 2013 17:28

On 2013-05-09 16:57, aje wrote:

On 2013-05-09 07:41, Yidam wrote:

On 2013-05-08 12:11, aje wrote:
I never heard of Mauxuam, but he has 54 Facebook likes, that`s not a whole lot...given that level of popularity I think 1000 Euros plus travel expenses is a pretty good deal. Heres why:

Lets start with his Shpongle Analogy. Shpongle has 280.000 Facebook fans. Using Facebook as a proxy for popularity, i.e. ability to pull in people to a festival, the following equation results:

54/280.000: 0,00019

That means Mauxuam has 0,00019 times the marketing value of Shpongle. Which seems like a fair assumption, given that as a 15 year veteran of this scene I have never heard of him and Shpongle is probably as big as it gets. Multiplying that number by Shpongles 25.000 €, Mauxuams true market value should be

€ 25.000 * 0,00019 = €4,82

So, Mauxuam should have been satisfied by being served two free beers (at the cost of which they are being sold at Ozora) while playing his set. Because that is his true market worth.

As a business consultant, I am appaled at his gross overpayment. The owner of Ozora should investigate if Josko, who is his friend, might be guilty of nepotism and should be relieved of his duties. At least thats what any rational business would do

It is quite probable that Shpongle has bought some of their facebook fans.

anyway, it's shameful to see someone correlate facebook fans with the the value of a musician.

Nope, you totally misunderstood me. Im talking about market value, which decides how much you get paid. And popularity determines market value, because Im sure a whole lot of people went to Ozora for Shpongle, but only a handful if any for Mauxuam...

Artisitic value is a totally different beast, thats in the eye of the beholder (I personally am not a big Shpongle fanboy, for example). But, many beholders think Shpongle has a lot of artisitic value, thats why they have so many fans. And why in the world would Shpongle need to buy fans on FB? I was actaully surprised how few they had, given how popular they got in the whole US jam band scene which is huuuuuuuuuuuuge...

THat being said, id much rather see a good underground DJ with great taste in music than a big popular act, but fact of the matter for organizers is big popular acts sell tickets, thats why they get more money!

I get what you say aje but getting paid based on how many tickets you'll sell for the organiser is not what the scene is about, imo.

Unfortunately that's how the music industry works so I agree with your reality check, it's just a shame you punched those numbers up like that without even knowing what the artist is about. That's about it man.

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Posted : May 9, 2013 21:08
the "scene" has emerged from a total underground thingy with labels run by rich kids that did not opt for money but for fun and the vision in mind, to a regular commercial business like all music scenes.

the things he says might be not so far off reality, but then again he sounds like a little kids whos toys were taken from him..

get real. stop whining.

"I've always been a believer in musical repetition to draw in the listener and make the music hypnotic. Another thing I believe in is repetition." Alan Parsons
IsraTrance Full Member

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Posted : May 9, 2013 22:02

On 2013-05-09 17:28, Yidam wrote:

I get what you say aje but getting paid based on how many tickets you'll sell for the organiser is not what the scene is about, imo.

Unfortunately that's how the music industry works so I agree with your reality check, it's just a shame you punched those numbers up like that without even knowing what the artist is about. That's about it man.

Its not a shame. Organizers punch those very same numbers up like I did, everything else would be an illusion. After all a big festival is a business and they are laying down a lot of money in advance, so they wanna be sure people show up...

The fact that that they did pay him way above his market value shows that they truely do care about his artistic value, and that they do (or now did) like him a lot and care "what he is all about".

I guess now he cut the tree that he sat on, I would be surprised if he made $1000 plus flight at any other festival...
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Beat Agency
IsraTrance Full Member

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Posted : May 9, 2013 22:12
The whole Festival Circuit is all about who knows who and who the Festival Boss like musically. That is evident looking at the last 10+ years lineup. Same artist and music year after year. That's a fact!

It's another debate if people get more musically "narrowminded" listening to the same artists year after year with no new music to educate them on the big Commercial ferstivals (which I consider very NON psy).

Thank god for the underground that is still alive and kicking

IsraTrance Full Member

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Posted : May 9, 2013 22:32

On 2013-05-09 22:12, Beat Agency wrote:
The whole Festival Circuit is all about who knows who and who the Festival Boss like musically. That is evident looking at the last 10+ years lineup. Same artist and music year after year. That's a fact!

It's another debate if people get more musically "narrowminded" listening to the same artists year after year with no new music to educate them on the big Commercial ferstivals (which I consider very NON psy).

Thank god for the underground that is still alive and kicking

Spot on  

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Posts :  143
Posted : May 9, 2013 23:17
I don't see a problem with the "festival boss" deciding who plays at his or her event based on whether he or she likes them. That is precisely what I would do and what I would expect anyone else to do, otherwise your heart and soul is not truly into it...right?

It's the same as writing a piece of music or painting a picture or any other act of creativity, ie.: if the creator is not happy with the creation then how can anyone else be expected to be?
Beat Agency
IsraTrance Full Member

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Posted : May 10, 2013 00:33

On 2013-05-09 23:17, randulon wrote:
I don't see a problem with the "festival boss" deciding who plays at his or her event based on whether he or she likes them. That is precisely what I would do and what I would expect anyone else to do, otherwise your heart and soul is not truly into it...right?

It's the same as writing a piece of music or painting a picture or any other act of creativity, ie.: if the creator is not happy with the creation then how can anyone else be expected to be?

"The problem" is that the lineups become very one-way-directed. A real good Festival is where the music is for everyone (not just one or two peoples taste) and look for the future too.

Let's take a Commercial festival like Roskilde in Denmark (Yes its not electronic - well some is). They would not survive a year if the booked the same Main-stage artists year after year. They would stagnate and lose what makes them great. Just as IMO most big Commercial so-called psy-festivals across Europe has stagnated and lost every attraction - again IMO.

IsraTrance Full Member

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Posted : May 10, 2013 07:54

On 2013-05-09 22:12, Beat Agency wrote:
The whole Festival Circuit is all about who knows who and who the Festival Boss like musically. That is evident looking at the last 10+ years lineup. Same artist and music year after year. That's a fact!

It's another debate if people get more musically "narrowminded" listening to the same artists year after year with no new music to educate them on the big Commercial ferstivals (which I consider very NON psy).

Thank god for the underground that is still alive and kicking

The lack of DJ's also reforces the loop of playing the same music again and again by the same live acts.

By the way, I am from Mexico City and Shpongle is quite well known between fans of electronic music.           "The dedication to repetition — the search for nirvana in a single held tone or an endlessly cycling rhythm — is one of electronic music's noblest gestures."
IsraTrance Full Member

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Posted : May 10, 2013 08:01
Also, no artist on this scene has real "marketing", popularity has grown out of taste of the public. It isn't like there are radio stations or videos playing all the time promoting the music.

And you see that the taste is also quite diverse, I dont understand how some dark psy is popular at all.

Also, commercial? nobody sales records, merch or sell their image to products. The little money in it is in the festivals and the majority of it goes to the artist in their booking fees, yeah for sure organizers profit but I dont believe they get as much as the whole line up.

You have to put this scene in perspective with others-           "The dedication to repetition — the search for nirvana in a single held tone or an endlessly cycling rhythm — is one of electronic music's noblest gestures."

Started Topics :  6
Posts :  143
Posted : May 10, 2013 11:18
The reason psy festivals are stagnating, if indeed they are, is because the music is stagnating. New producers generally grew up having psy trance as their main musical influence, so it would seem, as opposed to the older ones who had more diverse influences and whose music therefore has more originality and is, or was, sourced from a much larger gene pool. I don't think, apart from a few sub genres, much has changed in psy trance since around 2000. The music sounds exactly the same, all that changes is the key and perhaps the BPM by a fraction...

As for commercial...when does something become "commercial"? This, along with "genius", has to be one of the most overused and consequently meaningless words in this scene.

Was Maux being a commercial sellout for charging €1000 for his performance at Ozora?

Are Ozora commercial sell outs because they put on a band that are quite well regarded on the lineup? IE: Shpongle...(personally I have no interest in their new music or live show but LOTS of people do...).
Lost & Found
Lost & Found

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Posted : May 10, 2013 17:23
Well, its pretty damn obvious that the guy who started this topic is Mauxuam himself.

Why would anybody say that he "should be banned at parties"?

He has referred to himself as a "suicide bomber" on his blog, and his rant called "hips" of nature also probably refers to the name psyhipster.

And if you search the name psyhipster in the festival section his only other post is this:

"greg hunter and mauxuam 12h set in the chill-out has been canceled.

Freqs of Nature has no budget (NONE) for chill-out but got plenty of hipsteric art.

welcome to the psy-hipster party of the season. "

Nice try troll.


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Posted : May 10, 2013 20:01

On 2013-05-09 13:53, Colin OOOD wrote:

On 2013-05-09 09:12, Yidam wrote:
...if the most popular city is listed as "Mexico City, Distrito Federal, Mexico" there is a very high probability of the likes being bought.

This is the most popular city for our FB fans but we have never paid for likes. I guess we're just really popular in Mexico!

Great post btw.

Assuming that you have never played a live act in Mexico ( or have you?) that should tell us something about marketing value for festivals in connection to Facebook fan page likes. I personally don't read much into the numbers on Facebook but I am greatful for each and every of the 156 likes on my page... As to marketing value or not, one never knows what potential a future release could have, or did anyone predict Psys Gangnam style video success???           Upavas - Here And Now (Sangoma Rec.) new EP out Oct.29th, get it here:
dick hardman
IsraTrance Junior Member

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Posted : May 10, 2013 20:40
IsraTrance Full Member

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Posted : May 10, 2013 23:53

On 2013-05-10 17:23, Lost & Found wrote:
Nice try troll.

maybe the whole point of this topic was to raise a discussion about the state of this scene?
in any case this has been a interesting conversation...
          "no one ever sweats on a plug-in" -moby

Started Topics :  5
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Posted : May 11, 2013 01:26
^ Good point, Everything happens for a reason.
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