Goodbye Chaos Unlimited!
Evil Fucker
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Posted : Sep 8, 2006 10:38
SO nobody in here talks about how the morning full on toped with cheeze with female singing no psychedelic sounds at all and cheezy remixes of some dildo pop star in the music and they sound all like Astrix, GMS IM. etc etc etc ARE NOT INFECTING THE SCENE AND THE SALES !!!!!!!!!!!???????
NOBODY !!?? |
Dennis the menace
DevilsDennis Sparris McHilton
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Posted : Sep 8, 2006 10:44
On 2006-09-08 10:38, Evil Fucker wrote:
SO nobody in here talks about how the morning full on toped with cheeze with female singing no psychedelic sounds at all and cheezy remixes of some dildo pop star in the music and they sound all like Astrix, GMS IM. etc etc etc ARE NOT INFECTING THE SCENE AND THE SALES !!!!!!!!!!!???????
Dude, astrix gms and blah blah blah is selling good becouse its commercial custom made music, its made to sell, nothing else.. Thats the difference
Tsabeat/Sattel Battle
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Posted : Sep 8, 2006 18:46
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Posted : Sep 8, 2006 19:05
On 2006-09-08 18:46, tsabeat wrote:
but still infected the scene
thats why i think detox is so wrong after realese those "made-to-sell" formula trax , if atleast he was realy realesing new intresting artists ...
word! |
Evil Fucker
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Posted : Sep 8, 2006 19:06
On 2006-09-08 18:46, tsabeat wrote:
but still infected the scene
thats why i think detox is so wrong after realese those "made-to-sell" formula trax , if atleast he was realy realesing new intresting artists ...
| well thats what i mean infested the scene "made-to-sell" formula trax ...MAke space for more underground sound the music has been infected Enough ! now we are back into more underground sound that why it's bodering some peolpe !
Morning music can be more psychedelic you know ! |
Tsabeat/Sattel Battle
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Posted : Sep 9, 2006 04:05
IsraTrance Full Member
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Posted : Sep 9, 2006 05:54
On 2006-09-08 06:34, piXan wrote:
you all guys talk about the cd consumer as mindless stupid zombies!! me and all people i know really know what to expects from labels and artists. This whole thread is insulting for the most important aspect of the psy music business. no its not the artists or the labels. its the consumer, and all these comments about the inability from them to dsitinguish the music they are after its just too much. makes me wanna dl from p2p!
then go download from a p2p like most of the people that know about the labels and what to expect.. but without NEW CONSUMERS the scene will not GROW.. and WHO are the new consumerS?? well, people that go see Infected Mushroom or Astral Projection.. THAT is where psytrance starts for EVERYONE (or almost).. Even I started out discovering psytrance thanks to IM and Astral and when i didn't know the music i used to ask people or go to stores asking for psytrance music... Yeah, i was a little uneducated at the time, like everyone at some point in there lives.
(now refer to my previous post to understand the rest of the story)
Man, some times i wounder if its even worth writing..
and yeah, about that full-on with singing voices n shit... Well, that's not hurting the scene, that SELLING the scene and bringing in more new listenrs than we can imagine. (not really my cup of tea either, but at least it has a global positive effect, i think)..
  "VA - REWIRED" OUT NOW !! (techtrance invasion) ---> <------- Jester Records's Internet Radio channel |
IsraTrance Full Member
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Posted : Sep 9, 2006 08:15
so i see many of u guys are annoyed by some gnarly comments made to detox. well i think u either forget or didnt read the opening post on this thread by him.
Detox wrote:
On 31 of August Chaos Unlimited will officially stop existing.
Cosmophillia closed its doors just some time ago and now the biggest online shop in UK and one of the major online shops in the psy trance scene follows the same path.
Good work kids you finnally achieved to destroy this once wonderful scene.
Keep producing 160bpm 'music',establishing joke labels to release yours and your friends music and trying to get some bookings through them and signing killarrrrgh artists for free and flooding the market with crappy releases.
Fucking idiots... "
So many of u people this is his right to speak out?
thats just plain insult! |
IsraTrance Full Member
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Posted : Sep 9, 2006 08:21
certain female "artist" from israel, that plays well produced crap ( you all know who im talking about) its far more utterly disgusting that any dark fast bpm music.
ill stay away from this part of the forum and stick to the music creation section , where there is actually something productive being written, by "kids with a crappy pc" . no more whining, and make some music! |
Evil Fucker
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Posted : Sep 9, 2006 10:53
Yeah so lets not just trying to put the blame on young kids with pcs producing 160 bpm's ... if so some are being well bloody better productive then some crappy copy paste cheezy female singing music ! and all the crappy scene you have in Athens full of EGOED tripped promoters !!!!
Or shall we open a fresh topic about cheezy commercial SHIITE hows it's destroying our music industry !!!?? then F.... SHUT UP ! and if you are so good enough GO and Make the Music YourSelf !!
IsraTrance Junior Member
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Posted : Sep 12, 2006 21:32
I think the initial post is a plain fascist statement.
I believe in freedom.
People can produce whatever music at whatever bpm they like.
I dont need someone else doing quality control for me.
PSYTOUR-night oracle recs
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Posted : Sep 13, 2006 12:51
On 2006-08-25 17:36, DETOX wrote:
On 31 of August Chaos Unlimited will officially stop existing.
Cosmophillia closed its doors just some time ago and now the biggest online shop in UK and one of the major online shops in the psy trance scene follows the same path.
Good work kids you finnally achieved to destroy this once wonderful scene.
Keep producing 160bpm 'music',establishing joke labels to release yours and your friends music and trying to get some bookings through them and signing killarrrrgh artists for free and flooding the market with crappy releases.
Fucking idiots...
i think mp3 tracks made the bigger bad at all labels,shops,ditributors,artists.
not the bpm's but the mp3's..
cause we respect everybody.even if he/she likes 90bpms or 190bpms. music and taste is free and personal for everyone.
u DETOX... u r not the judge. u just have your label with the music that feels nice for glad for u! but no need to say ''fucking idiots'' the people that listen,produce,release diferent music from you... u show no respect man! its sad to hear this words from someone that owns a label.even if the label is other style from yours...
  *Night Oracle Records
*Vertigo Records/Indigo Recs
*Femina Mandragora/Rhakti Dei |
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Posted : Sep 14, 2006 00:15
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Posted : Sep 14, 2006 02:50
im going in for the final kill now, suck on it!
Theese lyrics written by a very ass kickin NY band called "Sworn enemy" the lyrics are taken from their latest album called "The Beginning Of The End"
What I really hate is music like yours
Makes me wanna smash your head through a door
Kill yourself go die
It'd be a better place in my eyes
Must be some kind of sick joke
Fact you exist makes me wanna choke
We hate your music we hate you too
We got our reasons for what we do
You can not hide you stupid fucks
We really think your music sucks
Where did you come from, go back
You should be hung up like meat from a rack
I can't believe what has become
To a scene that I once loved
We hate your music we hate you too
We got our reasons for what we do
You can not hide you stupid fucks
We really think your music sucks
I'm burned out I tried my best
Bit I gotta get this off my chest
These clonned wannabes fashion disasters
The best way to describe brings me laughter
We hate your music we hate you too
We hate your music we hate you too
We hate
Destroy everything! So new life can begin!  Demand recognition for the Armenian genocide 1915 |
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Posted : Sep 14, 2006 14:02
Iam very sorry to hear about this--Chaos Unlimited--- i was buying from them back in 97-98.......Indead very good pl,who loved this scene....RIP
about detox:hes got the point clear...i dont want to fight with noone here but hes right alot of pl didnt read carefully what he want to say only let their feelings get infront...