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17 - 19.08.07 Psychedelic Wonderland OA between Hamburg and Berlin
(1, 2)
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3799 |
Dimitri Zara Aug 4, 2007 |
option for booking in december
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755 |
kukan-dub-lagan/ItaiTaiko Jul 30, 2007 |
darkpsy in hamburg on the 14.07.07
8 |
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1352 |
Khaos Sektor Jul 30, 2007 |
Hoffman Europe tour for October
2 |
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1110 |
deebug Jul 29, 2007 |
14-15/08 - Nova's Incident VI open air - Vielsalm, Belgium (close to Aachen!!)
1 |
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1088 |
Dacru Records Jul 25, 2007 |
Crying Orc / Technical Hitch - Coming To Europe
2 |
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1484 |
Digressio_Traviato Jul 24, 2007 |
15.09.2007 **KLANGSEHEN V** - Butan / Wuppertal
2 |
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1158 |
Audiomatic Jul 23, 2007 |
28.09.2007 # Benefit Ride # U60311 FFM / Germany
3 |
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1194 |
Vertikal Records Jul 23, 2007 |
need help---> for full moon pestival!!
9 |
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1157 |
yos.v. Jul 17, 2007 |
5 |
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1354 |
Dacru Records Jul 17, 2007 |
OOOD LIVE & DJs @ Fusion Festival
6 |
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2158 |
Colin OOOD Jul 16, 2007 |
Khaos Sektor ( searching for booking in germany )
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679 |
Khaos Sektor Jul 16, 2007 |
Deco Artist NEIL GIBSON in europe this summer!!
4 |
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1245 |
the-hq Jul 10, 2007 |
Help - Germany August
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1062 |
nyama Jul 9, 2007 |
..::["Freak Fusion" - Mind Funk Music Labelparty - Ruigoord [near Amsterdam] [14-07-2007]
(1, 2, 3)
44 |
0 |
4178 |
Mind Funk Jul 9, 2007 |
2 Fullmoon Tickets to sell...
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839 |
nyama Jul 2, 2007 |
08.06.2007 Movida - Soultribe Label Night - Glashütte / Cologne
7 |
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1163 |
to the german organizers: Why don´t you book some finish artists?
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1179 |
Freeparty with Psychoz live (Geomagnetic Recs/ Macedonia) in Hamburg 23.06.2007
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15 |
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2282 |
stick Jun 27, 2007 |
REQUEST,,,,,Best German Female dj !!!
(1, 2, 3, 4)
51 |
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8825 |
klopfgeister Jun 26, 2007 |
Psychoz visit Nürnberg 22.06.07
2 |
0 |
1142 | Jun 25, 2007 |
0 |
0 |
606 |
Ananda604 Jun 24, 2007 |
...::: TWISTED TRIP :::...
4 |
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1500 |
chesmo Jun 21, 2007 |
22.06.07 - 24.06.07 / Winterberg, DE > Spiraldream-Theatre Psychedelic Open-Air & Indoor Fest
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1076 |
Shawnodese Jun 21, 2007 |
Megalopsy/Frantic Noise in Germany Summer 2007
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1187 |
miazu Jun 20, 2007 |
16.6.2007 Ariane & Goa Gil - Open Air
(1, 2, 3, 4)
52 |
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6401 |
xfalabella Jun 20, 2007 |
..::[Sonic Storm - Mind Funk Music Labelparty - Berlin [26-05-2007]
(1, 2, 3)
30 |
0 |
3593 |
[Ada-superwoman] Jun 18, 2007 |
Skunk Of Satan Coming to Europe mid july - september 2007
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563 |
Hikurinc Jun 15, 2007 |
good one...
1 |
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624 |
the-hq Jun 14, 2007 |
psy trance in july
1 |
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943 |
kazuku Jun 8, 2007 |
Psychoz 15 june-5 july @ Germany
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0 |
651 | Jun 7, 2007 |
23.06.2007 / s.h.e.e.p. all night long @ NATRAJ TEMPLE
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1089 |
s.h.e.e.p. Jun 7, 2007 |
[08- 11.06.2007] DIMENSIONS OA FESTIVAL by beatfreakz, MeckPomm
3 |
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1210 |
Aschratte Jun 6, 2007 |
Forensic Cortex in Germany 20.07.2007... would you like deco installation?
4 |
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1142 |
~Cortex~ Jun 4, 2007 |
so what is the best event to attend to ??
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1208 |
d.j k-pax Jun 2, 2007 |
LAMAT : booking : Europe : July-September 2007
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652 |
AP Records May 29, 2007 |
VuuV not VooV
11 |
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2189 |
kazuku May 29, 2007 |
TALKING ABOUT TOTAL FREEDOM world tour/22 and 24 May 2007HAMBURG(psy-trance,workshops,films)
1 |
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1073 |
Void Network May 27, 2007 |
13 |
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1700 |
Earth Soundz May 22, 2007 |
18th May 2007 - Aachen, Germany - Per Anhalter ins All 5 with Protonica live
1 |
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999 |
21.06.07- Day of the Music w/ D-Nox | Bazook'Kafé (Sélestat)
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484 |
KakoOlalaJwal May 13, 2007 |
What's the Best Outdoor festival in June??
6 |
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1028 |
Solstice May 11, 2007 |
1 |
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770 |
ZAIDAN May 11, 2007 |
psy goddess need assistance for psy circus June 1st!!!
1 |
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1054 |
Shawnodese May 9, 2007 |
26.05.2007 // °^°PINKE PUNKTE - progressive Grooves°^°
6 |
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1748 |
ondrej May 9, 2007 |
Suncontrolspecies European Album Tour
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495 |
drooid May 9, 2007 |
Darker Sound for Hamburg?!?
(1, 2)
20 |
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2702 |
cha-os May 4, 2007 |
Your nr.1 Festival in Germany
5 |
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1232 |
kazuku Apr 30, 2007 |
Benza in Europe
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501 |
benza Apr 30, 2007 |
5th May 2007 - Düsseldorf, Germany - TRAUMFÄNGER INDOOR CLOSING with Orgon Flow live!
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758 |
badajalash Apr 30, 2007 |