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For Producers, established and up and coming....


Started Topics :  4
Posts :  18
Posted : Sep 2, 2006 00:04
I also make some tunes and i know what that_damn_guy is talking about and I agree about the stinginess of local producers.

It's not about copying producer's x sound, it's about not knowing what the fuck you're doing (technically) and getting someone to tell you or show you a thing or two. I know cuz i have my own personal producer x.

A producer that knowingly copies other peoples sound is bound to get nowhere. not helping people in fear that they'll copy your sound is just weak. if your sound is anything special it'll be impossible to immitate.

          spank me

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Posts :  67
Posted : Sep 29, 2006 13:06
im sorry, have not read the whole thread but i have to says this: WHERE IS I137's MUSIC? timecode makes generic, HAHAHA what a joke. yes they make full on (90% of artists are making full on.) man if they sit behind their pc and their soul tells them to make full on and they love it, why not? i think u can only diss someone's tunes if u can make better. so where are ur tunes I137, have u released anything, have u even played at a party, or even better can u even fuk'n mix or make a decent song?
IsraTrance Full Member

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Posted : Sep 29, 2006 17:51

On 2006-09-29 13:06, =consection= wrote:
im sorry, have not read the whole thread but i have to says this: WHERE IS I137's MUSIC? timecode makes generic, HAHAHA what a joke. yes they make full on (90% of artists are making full on.) man if they sit behind their pc and their soul tells them to make full on and they love it, why not? i think u can only diss someone's tunes if u can make better. so where are ur tunes I137, have u released anything, have u even played at a party, or even better can u even fuk'n mix or make a decent song?

er hi =consection=

maybe you should have read the first post for starters.

secondly i am entitled to my opnion about anything...thats called freedom to think openly and just because it is different to most peoples....doesnt mean i am wrong , nor right for that matter....its is an opinion which generate discussion and thought,...unlike the lemmings who go ...fuck cool i agree with everyone else.

thirdly....about me personally...

if you would like to here some shit i pulled together last year..

i dont have time to produce or play anywhere because i have been working on getting a mechanical engineerng degree for the last 5 years....

IsraTrance Full Member

Started Topics :  55
Posts :  817
Posted : Sep 29, 2006 22:47
just too add to the previous post....

as far as timecode go, and all the artists...there are one or two tunes which i think are really sick and awesome... however on the whole, the music just sounds stagnated,,,same, bass, beats, leads...and not much psychedilca...

i must add again.... just for all those who would like to attack me in future posts about what a tard i am.... THIS IS MY OPINION

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Posts :  3
Posted : Sep 30, 2006 12:02
Yo I337 - Duuud, you sound like an insanely jealous bitch!! You seem to have a huge problem with Timecode in specific!! - whats the deal man. All those guys are travelling the world, doing well for themselves and promoting SA trance to the world, and guess what - people really like it!! Yet u cant vere from your monotoned posts of negative slander!!

You say that everyone sounds alike or tries to emulate them, well they were the first ones in SA to actually get off their arses and create what is today a world renowned label in Timecode - many local labels and artists have stemmed, grown and benefitted from the work they layed down.

And where is your music - we are all waiting to hear what you deem worthy. If you were any kind of artist at all you would not be running your mouth off the way you do.
IsraTrance Full Member

Started Topics :  55
Posts :  817
Posted : Sep 30, 2006 12:42

On 2006-09-30 12:02, xtort wrote:
Yo I337 - Duuud, you sound like an insanely jealous bitch!! You seem to have a huge problem with Timecode in specific!! - whats the deal man. All those guys are travelling the world, doing well for themselves and promoting SA trance to the world, and guess what - people really like it!! Yet u cant vere from your monotoned posts of negative slander!!

You say that everyone sounds alike or tries to emulate them, well they were the first ones in SA to actually get off their arses and create what is today a world renowned label in Timecode - many local labels and artists have stemmed, grown and benefitted from the work they layed down.

And where is your music - we are all waiting to hear what you deem worthy. If you were any kind of artist at all you would not be running your mouth off the way you do.

OK..seriously now...are you people retarded!

lets get something straight!

1. I have respect for all the timecode guys and for what they have done...i think it is really amazing the way they got SA on the map and they are doubt about that! argument (now read carefully) stems from the fact that through the last couple of years IN MY OPINION they havnt evolved much and have gone to be less psychedelic (the debate to what is psychedelic is, is a long one)...

3.i am not jealous of anyone. i have good education. i have a good job lined up for next year, i have an awesome girlfriend, i have a part share in a R300 000 recording studio, I have made my choices in life as to what i have done up to now with my life...and i am why the fuck should i be jealous of the timecode boys, or any trance artist for that matter???

4. if you read above ...instead of being a would have seen a link..i will give it again

there is some music of mine which i made last year

4.1 its not masterpieces by any means
4.2 the majority of those track (1&3) were made in one day because i dont have time to produce, because i am still studying, and for the last 5 years i have had to study mechanical and acoustical engineering, to get my degree... so i have had to make sacrifices...i dont sit at hom ein front of my computer all day smoking weed and making tunes...i really wish i could , but i cant, because at this point in my life i have differing priorities....

however my differing priorites have allowed me to buy a virus ti, a fucking ace computer, etc some of us take the long way around...

so to summarize...

1. Stop wetting your panties when someone says something critical about something else (i dont see infected mushroom crying...)

2. Everyone here is entitled to their OWN opinion and everyone else should respect the fact one is entitled to ones own opinion even if you dont respect the opinion that someone is entitled to.


Any Questions?
IsraTrance Full Member

Started Topics :  55
Posts :  817
Posted : Sep 30, 2006 12:49

On 2006-09-30 12:02, xtort wrote:
Yo I337 - If you were any kind of artist at all you would not be running your mouth off the way you do.

why cant i be critical of other artists? is there a rule book somewhere which i didnt get to read?

Started Topics :  3
Posts :  67
Posted : Oct 2, 2006 09:38
ok I137. yes u are entitled to ur own opinion, but why come on to a public forum and diss them??? u say u have no time to make tunes but u post a awful lot of shit on this site. take that time and make some decent tunes cause I THINK THEY SUCK! no power, no new ideas, just lots of CHEESE!

Started Topics :  3
Posts :  67
Posted : Oct 2, 2006 09:41
oh i see its I337. sorry man dont wanna get ur nick wrong, just now u start digging into me!
IsraTrance Full Member

Started Topics :  55
Posts :  817
Posted : Oct 2, 2006 09:50

On 2006-10-02 09:38, =consection= wrote:
ok I137. yes u are entitled to ur own opinion, but why come on to a public forum and diss them??? u say u have no time to make tunes but u post a awful lot of shit on this site. take that time and make some decent tunes cause I THINK THEY SUCK! no power, no new ideas, just lots of CHEESE!

why i am not suprised by your response?

but then again, even if it was half decent you would have to eat your words, which you wouldnt do...

but dont worry mate , i think those track are crap as well worries there.

The time i spend on this is hardly enough time to make tunes....i just type fast. And since i WORK alot on a computer at the moment, i am entitled to post on this forum for 5 min, which is hardly going to be enough chance to make a tune. is a thought,... i know what is on myspace is quite cheesy, but its ups there for a reason, and that my own personal little project... and quite frankly i couldnt give two shits what you think or anyone else thinks should worry you then with what you have said, that i have had so many people personally message me, telling me how much they like my style (whatever the fuck that style may be

as far as coming on a punlic forum goes and say what i say... how about you mate? you are very off topic here attacking me personally about what i have said...obviously i hit a nerve and you feel the need to defend someone else? i would rather have shift, or one of those more readily involved defend they have done in the past... are you a representative?

So just to summarize:

1. i am not shattered or heart broken about what you said abuot my tunes....i couldnt give two shits...i know this tunes are not good, but i know what i am capable of , so i am not worried

2. give this a rest now and go play nintendo, i promise i wont say anything bad anymore about timecode, so i dont hurt your feelings!

IsraTrance Full Member

Started Topics :  55
Posts :  817
Posted : Oct 2, 2006 15:45

On 2006-10-02 09:41, =consection= wrote:
oh i see its I337. sorry man dont wanna get ur nick wrong, just now u start digging into me!

no no, its l337 with a L not a still got it wrong...what the fuck is wrong with you <---humour btw, just in case you were not sure

Started Topics :  3
Posts :  67
Posted : Oct 4, 2006 09:46
ok last post by me on this. no im not a representative nor do i even listen to their music. i dont have 1 of their cds in my collection(including the mp3s;))i just think is wrong to have a out look like that. like xtort said they are the pioneers in sa, enough said!
IsraTrance Junior Member

Started Topics :  12
Posts :  608
Posted : Oct 5, 2006 17:29
l337 admitted they were pioneers, and quite clearly and extensively laid out his reasons for publically putting timecode's producers down. It really should be clear by now what his opinions are. I initially had a problem with the crass way in which he attacked their music, but he has explained himself, and followed up on your request by posting his music.. so I think, consection et al, that it is time to allow him the constitutionally-given privilege of speaking his mind. Especially when he has sufficiently reduced his opinion to the fair 'they haven't evolved much'. Is that so wrong to say? I can say the same for some of my favourite producers too.. So try and not be offended on Timecode's behalf.

de gustibus non disputandum est - concerning taste there can be no dispute.
          difficile est non saturam scribere

Started Topics :  15
Posts :  321
Posted : Oct 5, 2006 18:44

On 2006-10-02 09:38, =consection= wrote:
ok I137. yes u are entitled to ur own opinion, but why come on to a public forum and diss them??? u say u have no time to make tunes but u post a awful lot of shit on this site. take that time and make some decent tunes cause I THINK THEY SUCK! no power, no new ideas, just lots of CHEESE!

shiiiiit, after reading all the skazi and chemcal crew topics , i thought this public forum is really just all about dissing artists hehehehe

now it's timecode's turn ! you guys suck !!! LOL
IsraTrance Junior Member

Started Topics :  12
Posts :  608
Posted : Oct 5, 2006 19:40
Yeah its true.. every forum i read is filled with comments about who people don't like, and why.. instead of vice versa... its strange...

although i'm guilty for my comments about dark psy.. but i was jaded in europe this summer when i was forced off the dancefloor almost every night at boom, and some nights at full moon... and i love night time music.

what were we talking about again?

oh ya.. psytrance is the shit.           difficile est non saturam scribere
Trance Forum » » Forum  South Africa - For Producers, established and up and coming....
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