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Football World Cup SouthAfrica2010


Started Topics :  150
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Posted : Jul 7, 2010 23:26
Nah, there was a penalty kick that was not given to the Germans, and a free kick close to the penalty area neither. That referee sucked imo ! Ramos should have been given the red card after all the fouls he made...
Another big loss was Mueller who did not play (very unfortunate), he had to sit this one out!           Upavas - Here And Now (Sangoma Rec.) new EP out Oct.29th, get it here:
IsraTrance Junior Member

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Posted : Jul 7, 2010 23:35
Spain simply put the germans to sleep with that pass traffic, didnt allow them to play at all... It could have easily been 2-3 if they werent so generous with their last touches.
Congratz to Spain, they deserved it and will win the cup.
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Posted : Jul 7, 2010 23:35

IsraTrance Full Member

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Posted : Jul 7, 2010 23:48
the Spanish has luck on this day..they have lost even against swiss,thy did not one single great match on the whole world cup ,and they have no big potential anymore,torres is asleep and plays like a girl and they have had only luck because germany has had a bad day.

It was also an penalty not given and we even got not our best players on the field.But I give it to them,they have luckily won

IsraTrance Junior Member

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Posted : Jul 8, 2010 01:24

On 2010-07-07 23:48, TimeTraveller wrote:
the Spanish has luck on this day..they have lost even against swiss,thy did not one single great match on the whole world cup ,and they have no big potential anymore,torres is asleep and plays like a girl and they have had only luck because germany has had a bad day.

It was also an penalty not given and we even got not our best players on the field.But I give it to them,they have luckily won

dude, germany didnt play football at this game.. they have decided to play the entire game at the array 10-0.. it was disgusting. The spanish dominated the game, and it was well deserved!

now, on sunday the dream might come true!


Started Topics :  193
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Posted : Jul 8, 2010 02:05
At least I got one of the finalists correct...

Full support to La Furia!!!
They dominated the game today, proving to everyone that Germany is not that much.

We have a winner!
IsraTrance Full Member

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Posted : Jul 8, 2010 04:47
I agree they were better today.But I doubt that Germany is not that much after 4:1 against England,and 4:0 against Argentina.
Nobody has ever won so hight against England in any worldcup so far,and Argentina was one favourite for title of this worldcup as well.
..that is also why I can understand all this anti Germany emotions.When it comes to soccer here.
..still it was not a good play by Spain not precisely enough ,they dominated only this game,and could not make enough to make it clear.
The panalty was also not given etc.. a clear victory is something else This was pure luck.

IsraTrance Full Member

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Posted : Jul 8, 2010 10:29
If there is a team who could compete with spain in passing the ball over and over again is Holland, since they invented thay style of play.

And Holland know there is a way to counter that style of play, like Gus Hiddink showed last Euro with Russia.

So, probably we will se a very tactical game, which will be defined with long shots or an error.
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IsraTrance Team

Started Topics :  51
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Posted : Jul 8, 2010 14:36
very sorry for Germany... boring game..Germans asleep and Spain finally woke up..
Hope that Holland takes the cup and punishes Spain ;-)

Pay attention that european football is better than south-america's. The main problem imho is that south-america's players are not playing good team game.
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IsraTrance Junior Member

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Posted : Jul 8, 2010 15:20
hehe as i had already said, Spain in the finals, I really hope Holland gets the cup finally. But is gonna be hard, Spain has the best players, since some years now.

it's also good that final is between two teams who plays technical and offensive football. the boring deffensive italian-mourihno style is not working anymore, at least not on country level.           to use your head you have to go out of your mind
IsraTrance Full Member

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Posted : Jul 8, 2010 19:17

uff, what a surprise! it was like all german players would've been substituted with slugs. spain missed a couple of obvious goals so their game wasn't top notch either. the ref was a pussy. still it's great to see two "virgin" teams in the final. both teams want to be their nation's 1st world champions.
the bronze game will be also interesting as uruguay is in good form and germany certainly want to go out in style after last night's disastrous performance.           "no one ever sweats on a plug-in" -moby

Started Topics :  150
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Posted : Jul 8, 2010 22:28

Full support to La Furia!!!
They dominated the game today, proving to everyone that Germany is not that much.

Still a heck of a lot more than your Brazilian failure...
          Upavas - Here And Now (Sangoma Rec.) new EP out Oct.29th, get it here:

Started Topics :  193
Posts :  3858
Posted : Jul 8, 2010 22:32
Really? Are yout that disapointed / surprised with your team's loss?
Cause I'm not. (with both, actually)

And you still have 8 more years to get close to us.
Considering that Germany wins both upcomming World Cups. Witch is not a real image.

Either way, here's a little something to make you seatle down a bit.

Oh Larissa...

Started Topics :  150
Posts :  3315
Posted : Jul 9, 2010 02:48
Nice pic indeed ;-)


Honestly, you are forgetting that this was a very young German Team, I would not be surprised in the least to see them get the copa next year.

I was definitely disappointed and very surprised that they did not win, given that they just did not play the offensive way they had in most prior matches. Which is why they lost... they should have played the way they did in the last 20 minutes against Spain for the whole 90 minutes, they would have made it...

The fact that Mueller did not play hurta lot. He was the goal guaranteer for the Germans...

Getting close to Brazil ... well, depends on how you look at it, when you take all the world cups together I would say Germany is right up there with Brazil, alone due to the fact that they never not got into the knock out rounds, something that cannot be said for Brazil.

          Upavas - Here And Now (Sangoma Rec.) new EP out Oct.29th, get it here:
IsraTrance Full Member

Started Topics :  80
Posts :  3207
Posted : Jul 9, 2010 04:52
For me it was truely the one and only team of action and goals in this wc.They celebrated football on the field like no other.There was never a win like by a lucky goal or sth.

I became fan by this style of this football and this multi culti spirit of this team.
It's the first time I'm really a fan of Germany in football tbh.
This team rocks the socks & the cultures in the country are one thru football ,it is killa.
I hope it stays a bit longer like this.

..and hey.. while the other go slowly for old-age pension,our team collected only their first expiriences .
The future looks good.And the past or the now looks better like to the most other football contries too It is ok.I can understand the funny comments here.

ps.. damn ..I cannot see any pics in isratrance apart of the avatars.
-- I was not even really suprised Spain lost against Switzerland they actually played the whole worldcup a boring football until they met the Germans - who were really almost sleeping at this game .
So they had their lucky goal from a very standard situation.What a luck to them.

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