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Doof Records Festival Israel 2007!!!

Optimistic Suicide
IsraTrance Junior Member

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Posted : Apr 8, 2007 13:18
Well well well where can I start dear family and friends!
was great seeing you all after a year had a really good time in there!
About the Decoration:
Wha wha wee wha haha
Someone brought some serious stuff compering 2 the past few years!
Everything looked more professional and more convenient except for the part that it was really hard finding a garbage can and there was a lot of mess but I trust you 2 make it all go away like ....
We got there only afternoon and I saw many new lovely faces and a new DANCEFLOOR woiwoiwoiwoiwo finally
It was fun shaking ass at the late afternoon with some friendlly smiling faces !
After that I heard BLT at the main dancefloor and MAN you opend up with my favorite track EVER (at that moment the sky was really pink) !
After that I only heard some tracks from the lovely Paul AKA Zebra N - man we love you keep on going!
Was lovely and you still owe me a dance !
Went 2 sleep for a while and missed lots of music and fun but I was there when Double R.E.L played and boy ohh boy all I can say 2 you both is you made there double bubble with lots of trouble !!!
Was amazing live really didn't dig this way for 2 long time so thanks beloved people!
After that heard some From Azax wich was professional and well aware of his work 2 kick some asses!
And of course after all that the man of the hour went up... Olli Wisdom !!!
Man I grew on your tunes and it was an honor meeting you and cut safi
Was a delightfull set from what I had the chance 2 hear from you and man you still and will have it!
Really sad I missed UV & ZIRKIN sets but someone must get the dog for a walk
Thank you all the Doof family from holland 2 israel I love you all

Btw some videos coming soon


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Posted : Apr 8, 2007 21:42
double bubble

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Posted : Apr 9, 2007 16:29
I don't understand why they didn't have a couple of kids keeping the place clean. The Kinneret smelt like sewage and the beach looked like a plastic recycling center.

The security guys did a hell of a job keeping the place freeloaders free. It was pretty clear you wouldn't wanna mess with these guys.

The music was quite good. U-Recken was awesome.

All in all it didn't feel like a festival to me. More like 3 parties in a row with a whole bunch of nothing in between them.
IsraTrance Senior Member

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Posted : Apr 9, 2007 17:56

definatly not easy to come beck to reality after festival like that..
my mind still mixes with voices of ppl having fun, and zirikin on the set..

what can we say.. it's not metter who u r..
if cooming to dig in the doof.. you must have a lot of mental power.. couse i been there 2 days only and i felt brocken..

it's all about doofers..
not part of reality..
music, ppl, vibs..
great tradicion..

p.s.:videos and photos are on there way up..           Never give up on your love ..
nature raves forever!!!

always fly@lapland.airlines
when gazolin is so high, choose the natural way to fly.. LapLand's gooses ruells air..
IsraTrance Junior Member

Started Topics :  12
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Posted : Apr 9, 2007 18:01
Amazing experience

I am totally broken. 3 patries - diggin diggin and more diggin. Wow.

For me the highlights - U Reckens amazing set to close the first night.

Double R.E.L. and the Azax --------- That was the top of the top. NO words. -- Too bad my camera wasnt working davka on that night

By the third night, I was broken, but i kept on jammin to Huda G and Zombi - killer set. And of course the man himself - Zirkin

Thanks to all you doofers.

Pics and Videos to follow

See ya next year
IsraTrance Junior Member

Started Topics :  25
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Posted : Apr 9, 2007 18:43

On 2007-04-09 17:56, outdoor79 wrote:

definatly not easy to come beck to reality after festival like that..
my mind still mixes with voices of ppl having fun, and zirikin on the set..

what can we say.. it's not metter who u r..
if cooming to dig in the doof.. you must have a lot of mental power.. couse i been there 2 days only and i felt brocken..

it's all about doofers..
not part of reality..
music, ppl, vibs..
great tradicion..

p.s.:videos and photos are on there way up..

your totally right man- its all about who you are..

came on the second night with no tickets available snicked in (sowwy for that- but there were no tickets). at sunrise i was totally phucked already amazed by how many people i know where there and gotten quite scarred about it- too many...
i couldnt get the music and i only heard sirens going up and down and kinda lost myself with it..
by 12 the music stopped which i think is really stupid- man, i needed the music so bad and there was only chillout till the then i was totally wasted and dwelled away from there sad i didnt get to listen to zirkin

what can i say more, big party lots of smiling and beutiful faces but not my cup of tea..maybe it was the vitamins maybe the closed place maybe nuddin

walaaaak booooom
IsraTrance Junior Member

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Posted : Apr 9, 2007 19:26
wooooowwwwwwwww just come back and what can i say...i was there from the start didnt sleep for 4 days the best music i ever hear.oli wisdom electrospone zirkin entropy wowwwwwwwww i need to recover tnx to all the doofers for the best time in my life
atory anzo

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Posted : Apr 9, 2007 19:43
Does anyone know how many doofers were at the party? was it 2000? i cant really tell....
IsraTrance Senior Member

Started Topics :  233
Posts :  1172
Posted : Apr 9, 2007 19:52

On 2007-04-09 19:43, atory anzo wrote:
Does anyone know how many doofers were at the party? was it 2000? i cant really tell....

about 6,000-6,500 ppl in the prime times..
the first day and the last one was litlle less (3-3,500)            Never give up on your love ..
nature raves forever!!!

always fly@lapland.airlines
when gazolin is so high, choose the natural way to fly.. LapLand's gooses ruells air..
atory anzo

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Posted : Apr 9, 2007 19:53

On 2007-04-09 16:29, nonhuman wrote:
I don't understand why they didn't have a couple of kids keeping the place clean. The Kinneret smelt like sewage and the beach looked like a plastic recycling center.

The security guys did a hell of a job keeping the place freeloaders free. It was pretty clear you wouldn't wanna mess with these guys.

The music was quite good. U-Recken was awesome.

All in all it didn't feel like a festival to me. More like 3 parties in a row with a whole bunch of nothing in between them.

Why cant ppl clean after themselves??? Its very easy!
atory anzo

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Posts :  5
Posted : Apr 9, 2007 20:05
6000??!!! Do u know that as a fact? like as in how many tickets were sold? coz 6000 sounds too much, Anyhow - I think the Doof was too packed, like each time i had to pee, i had to walk around till i got a clear spot.... wasnt easy at all.
P.s fuk that kiosk outside the place who robbed us for 15 shekels for a bottle of juice (for the arak), And all the other crazy price$!!!
IsraTrance Junior Member

Started Topics :  37
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Posted : Apr 9, 2007 20:06
still dead tired, all i can say right now is thank you for a perfect vication!!!
more later, now sleep           Bottom Line Presents
The new minimal techno haifa line
saturday night. The 14/03/09
IsraTrance Junior Member

Started Topics :  17
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Posted : Apr 9, 2007 20:06
i forget to writh jahboo killer night set

Started Topics :  4
Posts :  49
Posted : Apr 9, 2007 20:43
best 4 days of my life!!!!!!
can't move but it was sooooooooooo worth it!!!!
          Ever stop to think, and forget to start again?

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Posted : Apr 9, 2007 21:16
hiii dooferssssssssssssss!!!!!!!!!
its my 3rd time have this festivalllllllllll
evry year its better i need more 4 dayes to sleep
what a killers djsssssssss only doof can make it
thay rock my mind like i love
spchaly the 2nd night when zebra n playd-good vibes
aftrer him was cactus - killerrrrrr no marcy set
and electrip after him i fill like iam dad man:)
dubel areal was carsyyyy
entropy was totaly powerfull//like i love:)
full power doof festival ///////go on make us fly
nowwwww i and go to sleep
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