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Doof Festival

IsraTrance Junior Member

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Posted : Apr 15, 2004 10:32

I, myself, had a friend (didn't know he was there 'till I talked to him) at a nearby beach and he was surprised that we were the people that made the loud music...
By he likes Trance so it's ok...
          Addicted to Power Sound of utter insanity!
Doof Records
Doof Records

Started Topics :  36
Posts :  77
Posted : Apr 15, 2004 18:46
Hello to you all, we just recovered from the DOOF event, thank you all for coming and being there.

A few things from the inside:
MUSIC - there are different kinds of music that belong to the category of "psychedelic trance" and it is a matter of taste. We in the DOOF like our distinguished style and since it was a DOOF FESTIVAL, the music that was being played, was our choice. We are very happy with the line up and the dj's sets and so are the people that are following our parties for all these years (even if their voice is not heard on isratrance…)
PROBLEMS - there were a lot of noise complaints from all around the "Kineret" area, although the festival was legal. The city council stepped in and put lots of political pressure on the police and on us in order to stop the music, we on our side tried very hard to keep the music going as long as we could.
POLICE - it might sound bizarre to you, but the police was helping in the process and during the event. They helped us keeping the peace & order inside the festival, and also keeping unwelcome guests outside of the festival territory. They stood beside us when the complaints about the music started coming. We discovered that there are good people in the police. It is the job of the police to look for drugs and they could have been much worse than they were, (all the people caught were back in the party within an hour) Remember that drugs are still illegal in Israel and we expect our crowd to understand this and act appropriately.
MONEY - there was no intention of selling tickets at the entrance. However, we needed to sell more than 1000 tickets to cover the expenses (you can make the calculations yourself...) So please make sure next time to get your tickets in advance since it is cheaper and easier for all of us.
PEOPLE - first of all: "THANK YOU ALL for making the festival what it was." We saw so many smiles, and sweet and powerful energy flowing on the dance floor, in the camping and inside the water... You gave us the power to think about a next festival. Beautiful people.

we know that there is lots to learn for next time and suggestions are welcome. please contact us directly with ideas and comments to
Doof Records
Doof Records

Started Topics :  36
Posts :  77
Posted : Apr 15, 2004 18:46

On 2004-04-15 08:18, Trancender wrote:

I came to the ultimate conclusion that people will no longer be allowed in the future to enter the 5 beaches next to the Dugit while we're having our Fest!

Also - Evacuating the settlements near the beach. They have so much nerve interfering with out Fest!!! (some poeple... eyyhh)

Peace and Love

definitely going to start working on that trancender.
and btw, can we put our hands on those photos?
IsraTrance Team

Started Topics :  51
Posts :  861
Posted : Apr 15, 2004 19:27
well, just to add again, we all knew what kind of music would be at Your fest. but we all came because we knew WHO organizes and WHAT is organized
also 2nd day music was very good imho!
thumbs up and looking forward to hearing from You more!:)           I may rise, but I won't shine ...

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Posted : Apr 15, 2004 21:04
it was an amazing event.. felt like beeing in a different country for 3 days. beutifull music on the second day , happy people .. smiles everywhere you look. great energies good people.. amazing water .. can you ask for more.. ?
the only question asked.. when is it happaning again? and can you make it longer the next time?
thank you doof people.. its been a pleasure as always.. we love you

Started Topics :  7
Posts :  127
Posted : Apr 16, 2004 00:06

I normally would just look at other ppl's posts - but this was something else for me...

I know Doof and their parties for quite a while now, so I knew what was the music going to be like. I won't talk about the trance, 'cause I didn't came there for that.

Being me and being pasimistic, I know I expected even less, but the two HUGE surprises there for me where :

1 The crowd - a bunch of sooooo maaaany bueatifull ppl, that only Doof could have gathered...

2 Peacking Goddess Collective (if I remember corectly...) - 3-4 Hours of live electronic music, starting with the very chilled and easy-listening, through dub, peacking up groov and funk as they make their musical trip towards down bit house, yet not even slightly repitativ or boring but creative and building up to almost, nearly, very wise trance. These guys know their music, the live guitar, flute and vocals did an excellent job on my ears, and for once there I really felt "at home"

I thank you Isratrance - for having me...
I thank you Doof - for doing this, for doing it so well and so well orgenized (all mentioned abouve), such great crowd, and spciel thanx to Barkash - who made this possible for me. Big Huge thumbs up for you guys. Its been a pleasure, and the one party I have slept most of, but will stay in my spirit longer...

IsraTrance Team

Started Topics :  45
Posts :  1581
Posted : Apr 16, 2004 00:34

A few things from the inside:
MUSIC - there are different kinds of music that belong to the category of "psychedelic trance" and it is a matter of taste.

I agree, but alot of the people (including alot of people from what u call "Doof croud") that i spoke to at the event complaind about the first night+day maybee some mory diversity could have helped it. maybee some more prog or tech trance. a slower buildup towards the peak. max's mixing was just terrible (it was the talk of the day at the event, 95% of the people i spoke to complaind about his set the most, probably the worst set of the event). and paul just went too high too early. but then you guys know about buildup, your own set (Zirkin+Troy) was a lestion in how to maintain a long set on a set level with a good turnaround from night to day. but the most important thing that was missing was diversity throughout the dance hours, most of the artists played the same type of psy trance exactly, it might be good for a party, but a festival needs more variation.

Otherwise, it's two thumbs up and more then that, Excelent production.

and Shahar Zirkin will have his hands on my photos once he is back from Sinay.
          Kinetic Honda GmbH, Worldwide Supliers of Quality noise.
Progression Sessions of the 3rd Empire!
IsraTrance Full Member

Started Topics :  184
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Posted : Apr 16, 2004 09:29
Dr. Borris, about diversity, don't expect Doof to have progressive or tech trance. Doof's crowd have been faithful to them for years, going almost only to their parties blindly. This crowd loves this twisted psychedelic music. Doof made this festival and gave especially a chance to their artists to perform. Doof's artists don't play progressve or tech trance. Those who complained about the lack of diversity wasn't Doof's crowd, but more ppl like you, who don't like full on. You liked Gabi's set because it was the "fluffiest" full on as you called it (no offence Gabi, I liked very much your set). But again, Doof pulled off this festival in order to let the audience get more acquainted with this kind of music and to bring their tribe from abroad to Israel (there were many Dutch people in the crowd). Most of you knew it would be like that. About Max, well, it happens. No dj can play "the best set of his life" every time. Sometimes you also play "one of the worse" (sorry Max). So the first night wasn't that good. But the second night was a total killer. Seems like you're stuck only on complaining about the first night and are completely forgetting about the second.           Majority is never right!

"Without music, life is meaningless."
-Friedrich Nietzsche
IsraTrance Full Member

Started Topics :  184
Posts :  2273
Posted : Apr 16, 2004 09:31
And yes, big big thumbs to Shahar (the poor guy needs to sleep a whole month now to compensate for the lack of sleep - hope u're having fun in Sinay), Barkash and UV.

          Majority is never right!

"Without music, life is meaningless."
-Friedrich Nietzsche
IsraTrance Junior Member

Started Topics :  21
Posts :  112
Posted : Apr 16, 2004 10:53
Agree with RaverGirl!

There's a diferrence between playing at a party than playing "on your own" (equipment).

I had a similar experience once.
Give him a break... the main thing is the music.
Is it not true ?

Also - every D.J has a personal taste... he brings to the crowd his kinda music, and he needs to read the crowd.
          Addicted to Power Sound of utter insanity!
IsraTrance Team

Started Topics :  45
Posts :  1581
Posted : Apr 16, 2004 18:48
I don't want to turn this topic into one of those "prog VS full-on" topics.

I'll only say two things.
Max's set was something that a pro DJ (especially one that gets paid so much per gig) should be ashamed of. not only was the track sellection bad but the mixes were not existent at all, the entire set was full of train wrecks. there could be NO EXCUSES for such a set.

I didn't say about Gabi's set to be the flufiest, nor do i think it was the best at the fest. the best was probably Zirkin+Troy. I too can enjoy full on, when it comes at the right time and in the right dosage. and alot of the constant doofers complained about the music as well. i don't think that Azax Syndrome or Max or Gabi or Even the Bionics crew are classic Doof music. and even shahar Z. surprised me with what he played. it was mush diffrent form what i heard on Doof CD's.

Trancender, yes it's all about the music, and Max's music Sucked BIGTIME!!! no excuse to that if u call yourself a DJ.           Kinetic Honda GmbH, Worldwide Supliers of Quality noise.
Progression Sessions of the 3rd Empire!
IsraTrance Full Member

Started Topics :  184
Posts :  2273
Posted : Apr 16, 2004 20:24
Enough Borris enough.... All these complaints start to sound pathetic           Majority is never right!

"Without music, life is meaningless."
-Friedrich Nietzsche
IsraTrance Full Member

Started Topics :  67
Posts :  469
Posted : Apr 16, 2004 20:47
so we´ve heard about this one all the way over here. Big BOM to the doof family, although i can disagree about the exclusivity you gave the doof guys for such an event, we already managed to make a 3 day festival some years ago, its all about faith anyway.
But to the point, I can understand the doof guys for having a strong stand about the music issue, and i believe the answer is somewhere in between to combine some more kinds of trance genres, and even though the doof ppl are horrified from progressive music, maybe even some progressive.

Raver girl: chill out why are you so agressive towards boris? his critisism and the other ppl were honest and meant no bad. I saw the friendliest comments about music from ppl who dislike it and everyone was overwhelmed from the atmosphere completely that they could bear the music and some actually danced like crazy to it (all in the posts), so i think the ppl criticising (except shanti), did it because they were happy with what they saw, and want more, but need more diversity.

And even if they decide not to include progressive music, it doesnt really matter if other less hated genres could be included, cause it is after all a festival and as someone said before festival needs diversity.

shanti: i can actually picture you wining and moaning all day long seems like your kind of event!!

Doof ppl: BIG RESPECT for making this happen, it seems like the ppl had the times of their lives in the event, i know how fucked up it is to deal with authorities especially in this area.
Hope you will find the power to make another one, this is every underground orgenisers dream: to bring ppl from outside israel to us


          DJ NADI EarPeaks music Group (Domo/Tupan/Gat music)

Started Topics :  112
Posts :  877
Posted : Apr 17, 2004 00:02
nadi - we missed u at the kitoorim circle. no escape next time


Aerospace – Re Entry EP on
david kebab

Started Topics :  56
Posts :  181
Posted : Apr 17, 2004 14:19

one important thing
borris has the rite to bitch as much has he wants!
i was not in the event, but hell all he said suprisingly reasonable stuff, and nothing melice.

go boris go !!!
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